Whats everyones guilty pleasure?



  • evolutioner
    Ice cream, cake and ice cream cakes
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Reese's peanut butter cups frozen. When you freeze them they have a little more of a bite to them and are actually addictingly delicious.

    Since christmas season has reared its head, they've finally released white chocolate candy cane hershey kisses.. :love:
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Doritos, everyone tells me, "just in moderation" lol, sorry, it's tough, I'm either all or nothing!
  • workoutgirl23
    hmmm, well my addcition is for sure chocolate in any form. and chips. i go crazy over a bag of chips. and ice cream. love it. so hard to stop.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    CHEESECAKE,!! I love cheesecake! I have chosen the right diet for this addiction! I am doing Atkins and I have found recipes for low carb cheesecake! I just have to be careful not to eat the whole thing!!!
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    McD's Mocha frappe....the small is 450 calories. Gggrrr, wish they would have never added these to the menu. I'm sure it is just awful and has no redeeming nutritional qualities.
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    rice, I thought I hated plain rice but now I miss eating it so badly. there's some unexplainable pleasure eating my meal with rice.

    and ice cream. unfortunately, there's a full bag of ice cream in the fridge.
  • bka1961
    bka1961 Posts: 16 Member
    Used to be Diet Coke!! But I'm now Day Two....Soda Free!!

    Still love my chips but love weight loss better!!!
  • Baked potatoes. Always.
  • wheldar
    Salty--olives, any kind
    Sweet--Snickers minis
    Seafood--fresh poached shrimp, drizzled with pesto butter
    Starch--Jasmine rice with a pat of butter and Old Bay Seasoning
    Veggie--celery sticks, with plain 1/2 fat cream cheese
    Fruits--mangoes and pineapple and coconut and grapes
    Spicy--homemade salsa, no chips needed,,,,just give me a spoon and stand back...
    Drink--Diet Pepsi with real lime juice
    Beef--rib eye with hardly any fat trimmed off,,,dang
    Cookie--fig bars
    Bread--Archer Farms Cinnamon or Blueberry bread, toasted with butter

    To me, a guilty pleasure needs to fit the mood...
  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    Bread and cheese.


    Jaffa Cakes.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Alcohol and Chocolate lol




    So far, I'm managing to out exercise it, but one of these days...it's gonna bite me in the butt.

    And cookies. Except that I DO NOT keep them anywhere nearby!!! I just can't be trusted with cookies, and whereas I can stop with the wine, chocolate and cheese after measured portions, I can scarf ALL the cookies and woiner why there aren't MORE of them!

  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Pizza...and ice cream : )
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    Dark Chocolate and Bacon :bigsmile:
  • jeokay20
    zac efron! ^_^
  • Angela2202
    Angela2202 Posts: 4 Member
    Cheese, chips, olives salami....anything salty or savoury is my downfall.
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    There is a really good chocolate cake I found a recipe for a couple of years ago. Between the cake and the frosting, it has one and a half cups of butter, three cups of granulated sugar, and nine (9!) cups of confectioners sugar. It also has jalapeno sauce, which you'd think would make it bad - but I can't tell you how good it is. In the words of a friend of mine that grew up in Louisiana, it's so good that your tongue gonna' come right out yer mouth and slap your face. I can try to tell myself all I want that the flavonids in the two and a half cups of cocoa have antioxidants that are good for me - but there's just no getting around the fact that if I cut the cake into little slices that are each 1/12 of the cake, each slice still has over 1,000 calories...

    But MAN it's good. :laugh:
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    Pepsi used to be my #1, but since I have been wanting to lose weight that was one of the first things I gave up havent touched it in 2 or 3 months. Exept one sip on a real bad day and didnt like the flavor. Went back to not eating right and still have lost weight though not as fast, I blame the pepsi for most of my weight gain. Wont touch the diet the sweetners make me sick.

    Cheese on just about everything, husband started me on that and cant quit. Sourcream on pizza, baked potatoes even had it in mac and cheese. But now limit the sour cream.
  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    Too many to list but my biggies are:
    Bread and butter
    Ice cream
    Potato chips

    I still eat and drink all of the above but in moderation and fit them into my daily cal limit. Ive tried the 'cut out everything considered bad for you' diet and it didnt work for me, life and living got in the way so im a bit more relaxed about my eating habits now. Funnily enough, this is the first time im seeing real results so pass that bottle of chenin blanc lol
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Chocolate and chips