Whats everyones guilty pleasure?



  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Anything that puts me over my limit. Otherwise, I don't feel guilty.
  • GabbyP93
    GabbyP93 Posts: 37 Member
    Snickers, Cookies n Cream ice cream, Hot Fries.. GENERAL TSO CHICKENNNN!
  • positivepineapple
    positivepineapple Posts: 87 Member
    Picking my nose
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    Pizza and cake
  • KFC & sushi
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    CARBS anything starchy and saucy and Chocolate ... women are a pleasure but i dont feel guilty :P
  • Antipasto platters with CHEESE! Honestly, I could eat cheese for every meal... A favourite of mine is to make a nice antipasto platter with cheese, turkish and lavosh breads, salami, chorizo, olives, dips, sun-dried tomatoes... the list goes on! Oh, and don't forget the wine!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    If it fits your macros, nothing should be a guilty pleasure.
  • itsDapps
    itsDapps Posts: 11 Member
    If it fits your macros, nothing should be a guilty pleasure.

    exactly fit it in your macros and your be cool
  • starspeckled
    starspeckled Posts: 313 Member
    Kraft Mac N Cheese - the shaped kind (I don't know, is it really possible to not eat the whole box?)
    Mexican food... Mostly the shredded beef taco salad from my favorite place around here... Have to estimate a solid 800 cals
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    White wine, Red wine, Rose wine, oh and did I mention wine? :drinker:
  • Booze, any booze.. I'm not prejudice..
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    Diet Coke, chocolate, and cake (any kind-I'm not fussy lol) I miss chocolate and cake-SIGH!
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Red wine and cheese.
  • basschmitz
    basschmitz Posts: 10 Member
    Ice cream. Give me a tub and I will eat the whole thing. Nothing goes back in the freezer.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Mine is Pepsi. I have switched to Diet Pepsi but am not enjoying it. People tell me after a while I will not notice the difference.

    My other craving is bakery goods. Damn....

    No worries, you'll get used to it. After a while you won't be able to stand the regular stuff anymore. Trust me. :)

    Mine was pepsi, a whole 2lt bottle every day. Switched to diet and now dont really like either!
  • it used to be choc cake, carrot cake, ginger cake... as you can see.. cake generally. plus chocolate, ice cream, biscuits... basically, anything sweet.
    Now i opt for 2slices of wholemeal bread, 1tbsp of reduced fat peanut butter & 1tbsp of strawbwerry fluff.... mmmm.. its 300ish calories (like a mars bar) but much more healthier, much more filling and still gives me that sugar kick I need. Its great with a cuppa tea or a glass of milk & makes a great quick, on the go breakfast.
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    Goodness, I'm sure not gonna mention my actual guilty pleasures on a websites with minors etc! :P

    As to foods, a really rich hot chocolate with coconut milk and 100% cocoa powder and cream... yum. Nothing very guilty, though. :)
    I'd eat all the ice cream in the world, too, if I let myself. Sigh.
  • Calderon46
    Calderon46 Posts: 116 Member
    I have so many I don't know what to write. Bailey's Irish Cream, and cheesecake, Yummy Yum Yum!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Icing. I only make it once a month because I LOVE it and I know it's mostly just margarine and sugar but I DON'T CARE! It tastes fantastic. And as I have a major sweet tooth it always hits the spot.