over 100 lbs to lose looking for similar stats

looking for people that have 100 or more pounds to lose.
i need to be inspired by you!
i have used this site in the past, but have been away for too long.
i am back and i'm hoping to make some new friends and learn what you use to succeed.

i just got the turbo jam plan in the mail - have any of you tried this?

anyway, whether you've lost lots or have lots to lose, please feel free to add me.


  • Feel free to add me! I have been off the wagon, too..but I'm back full force now! I still have 100 pounds to lose. I use the Insanity program. So far it has been great! Good luck to you!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi! I have about 87 to go to reach my ultimate goal. WHEN I do, I plan to stay here and still log so that I am on the straight and narrow for good. :)
    FITNLUVINIT Posts: 119 Member
    looking for people that have 100 or more pounds to lose.
    i need to be inspired by you!
    i have used this site in the past, but have been away for too long.
    i am back and i'm hoping to make some new friends and learn what you use to succeed.

    i just got the turbo jam plan in the mail - have any of you tried this?

    anyway, whether you've lost lots or have lots to lose, please feel free to add me.

    Feel free to add me I started out having to lose 104lbs. and I only have 45lbs left, been doing MFP since March 2012. You can see some of my before and after pictures on my page under my picture.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Hi there! I want to lose a total of about 120-130lbs. I've lost 45lbs already and I have between 75-85lbs left to lose. You all are welcome to add me! =)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    We're already pals but I will be losing >100 lbs when it's all said & done. My best advice is not to focus on the total amount you're trying to lose because it easily becomes overwhelming. What I've done is take it in 2-5 lb chunks so that it seems doable. For example, I started at 316 so my first goal was to lose 5 lbs. I did it! Then at 311, I worked on losing 2 more pounds to get into a new decade. Did that too! 3 more pounds got me to 306 (10 lbs lost!), another 5 was 15 lbs lost, then 2 more got me to a new century.

    It hasn't been a linear process, so I find that attaching dates to those goals is not motivating to me personally. Sometimes I lost 2 lbs a week, sometimes I lost 2 lbs in 3 months. But I didn't let that discourage me, because every pound lost gave me more & more confidence that I really CAN take control of my weight & improve my health.

    If you haven't already, start a regular exercise program. It doesn't matter as much what you do as how consistent you are with it. As I got stronger I naturally felt more confident about my fitness & was motivated to challenge myself with fitness goals. Over time they became even more important than my weight loss goals because they are more predictable.

    Two & a half years ago my exercise program was walking 3 times a week as far as I could before back pain forced me to turn back, & initially those were 15-minute walks. Within a week 15 turned into 20 turned into 30 turned into a gym membership turned into regular strength training with the cardio...

    ...a week & a half ago I ran my very first half-marathon straight through without walking, 86 lbs lighter. Not only that, I recovered quickly due to my dedicated training & was nearly good as new the next day. It was amazing.

    And YOU are amazing for being here, so set that next goal & SMASH IT!!!
  • Add me I have 150 to lose and this time I'm going to make it. I have to I can't stand being fat anymore. Hope you add me I can use all the support you have to offer!! Thanks
  • 51lbs gone, 96 to go. Welcome to add me!
  • Feel free to add me! I have much more than 100lbs to lose and could use some friends who know what it's like!
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    We're already pals but I will be losing >100 lbs when it's all said & done. My best advice is not to focus on the total amount you're trying to lose because it easily becomes overwhelming. What I've done is take it in 2-5 lb chunks so that it seems doable. For example, I started at 316 so my first goal was to lose 5 lbs. I did it! Then at 311, I worked on losing 2 more pounds to get into a new decade. Did that too! 3 more pounds got me to 306 (10 lbs lost!), another 5 was 15 lbs lost, then 2 more got me to a new century.

    It hasn't been a linear process, so I find that attaching dates to those goals is not motivating to me personally. Sometimes I lost 2 lbs a week, sometimes I lost 2 lbs in 3 months. But I didn't let that discourage me, because every pound lost gave me more & more confidence that I really CAN take control of my weight & improve my health.

    If you haven't already, start a regular exercise program. It doesn't matter as much what you do as how consistent you are with it. As I got stronger I naturally felt more confident about my fitness & was motivated to challenge myself with fitness goals. Over time they became even more important than my weight loss goals because they are more predictable.

    Two & a half years ago my exercise program was walking 3 times a week as far as I could before back pain forced me to turn back, & initially those were 15-minute walks. Within a week 15 turned into 20 turned into 30 turned into a gym membership turned into regular strength training with the cardio...

    ...a week & a half ago I ran my very first half-marathon straight through without walking, 86 lbs lighter. Not only that, I recovered quickly due to my dedicated training & was nearly good as new the next day. It was amazing.

    And YOU are amazing for being here, so set that next goal & SMASH IT!!!

    thanks for the AMAZING message.
    i really appreciate your advice so much!!
  • brutalrage
    brutalrage Posts: 34 Member
    I am aiming for just over a 100 lbs to loose and I am half way there already. This site has help a lot with that.

    Your more then welcome to add me if you want. Need more people to keep my honest and driven to keep the goal.
  • As you can see from my ticker, I have ALOT to lose.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I have 180 lbs to lose total. I am 25% of the way there. Anyone who logs in daily can feel free to add me. I'm very dedicated.
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    thanks everyone for reaching out.
    i really need all the help i can get.
    wishing you all well on your weight loss journeys.
  • I too need to lose100+ pounds. Feel free to add me. Would love to have support of others who are on the same journey. :)
  • ME! I am new on my journey and also have 100+ pounds to lose. 100 pounds to get to my pre-kids weight and an extra 20 just because. ;)

  • How come my ticker doesnt show like everyone elses??
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    When I began WeightWatchers in 2006, I had over 100 pounds to lose. I've lost 90 pounds since then and managed to keep it off. I'm about 60 pounds away from my goal.

    I do have progress pics from when I lost an even 100 pounds.


    I've seen the occasional MFP member who has totally transformed their lifestyle so quickly that they succeed in the weight-loss part of the program in about 2 years. Mine has been a longer journey, but I am still happy that I have stuck with it. If I hadn't continued to make effort, I would not be 90 pounds lighter today, I'd probably be heavier than I was in 2006.
  • Hi I'm Lisa and I'm new to this site - been using the moblie tracker for a few weeks now but never wrote anything in the community. I originally started at 450lbs (when my first son was born) - had gastric bypass surgery and lost 200lbs by the time my second son was born. Now just had my 3rd son 15wks ago. Totally proud of myself that I only gained 16lbs thru his pregnancy (started at 257lbs) - I'm now down to 238.4lbs. I'm really tired of being fat. Have been my whole life (current weight is what I was at in jr high school - sad I know). Want to get down to about 150lbs though I"m not obsessed with the "scale number" anymore - just really want to get healthy and to have clothes fit perfectly. Would love to meet new people to help build a strong support system. Currently working at a caloric intake of 1280 cals/day and going to the gym every day doing strengh and cardio. This Friday I start a 4 wk session with a personal trainer - hoping to learn more on how to get the fat melting and the muscle building. Please feel free to add me - Can use all the help I can get and would be more than happy to encourage someone else.
  • I just started a PSMF plan. I have 100+ to lose. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • I'm looking to lose at least 100 lbs too.