5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Thank you Phyljen! I will definitely keep at it and check again in a few days to see where the scale decides to settle.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Ok, my turn.

    2/26: 146.6
    3/1: 153
    3/5: 147
    3/12: 147

    After the two high calorie days I had last week I am happy with my weigh in. Staying the same is much better than going up! :tongue:
    I am really enjoying my new (3 weeks in) Yoga DVD and went onto level two last night. I can see a change in how my tummy looks already and I think that my honey can also tell because he has been all over me acting very lovey. :bigsmile:
    I also got my measurements done today and I am so proud to say that I have lost a total of 32.5 inches in the last year! My body fat % was 34.7 (Jan of 2009) and today is at 26.0 %! I am so happy that I am firming up and getting healthy. I can feel that I am in much better shape than last year but to see it on paper really makes me smile. So I am going to share my stats with you. I never would have a year ago so this really shows how far I have come!

    Bust: 35 (down from 42)
    Abdomen: 32 (down from 39)
    Thighs x2: 46.5 (down from 51)
    BMI: 26.4 (down from 31.97)
    Weight: 147 (down from 181)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member

    I also got my measurements done today and I am so proud to say that I have lost a total of 32.5 inches in the last year! My body fat % was 34.7 (Jan of 2009) and today is at 26.0 %! I am so happy that I am firming up and getting healthy. I can feel that I am in much better shape than last year but to see it on paper really makes me smile. So I am going to share my stats with you. I never would have a year ago so this really shows how far I have come!

    Bust: 35 (down from 42)
    Abdomen: 32 (down from 39)
    Thighs x2: 46.5 (down from 51)
    BMI: 26.4 (down from 31.97)
    Weight: 147 (down from 181)

    Wow. That is awesome. I hope I can say the same thing in a year. What an inspiration.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    March 5th 207.3
    March 12th 206.4
    Yippee down just about a pound!
    End of month goal 203
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi PALS:

    Congratulations Terri and Kelsey! Losing is great isn't it. Feel so much better about everything. Waiting to hear form every one else.
    3/1 - 150.5
    3/5 - 149!
    3/12 - 147
    This week Down Two!!:laugh: Amazing.:smile: Incredible. :flowerforyou: Wonderful.:happy: I'm stoked!!:tongue: I am a believer of EAT your Exercise CALORIES! :smile: It works!:love: Don't ask me HOW? :glasses: but it does. :wink:
    I LOVE MFP and all of you! :heart: Thanks for the motivation!
    WOO HOO! Great work!!!!!:laugh: :tongue: :wink:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals I mean PALS!!!
    Yous guys are the BEST.
    I jsut got back from my Saturday morning 100 minutes jog. I feel great. but I was sure a shiny sweaty looking gal when I got finished. I love that feeling! I am starting to really look forward to my once a week jog.I just take different routes around the streets of Cairo and see things that I don't get a chance to look at when I rive around. It's nice early int he morning too before too much traffic invades the place. I am now sitting here drinking a pitcher of lemon water and eating this grapefruit. I can't believe how many seeds are in this grapefruit. I mean there must be at least 30!!! I am not kidding. I hove never seen so many seeds in one fruit.It's kind of funny. But yummy. :happy:

    So JENN I am really impressed with your inches lost! WAHOO!!!:happy: I mean that is SUPER DUPER. Some of your starting numbers are about the same as mine were. I am wondering how tall you are I am just about 5'1 so I was looking like a little square box and I am starting to get a shape that shows now. It is nice. My size 12 are quite baggy but I don't want to shop for new clothes until I go to the states this summer. I prefer the styles over there. but may have to do some alterations on some of my pants so they don't look too baggy. :laugh:

    IREED GREAT job on your loss too. What have you been up to since getting back form Disney land. That is nice that you live so close and can enjoy a drive and then lots of fun when you get there. We have a place called DREAM PARK that is like a mini Disney land... I mean really no comparison in real life but it works for us... for now. I am going to go there with my daughter and this little boy that she tutors, during the spring break. :wink:

    Today I am taking a tour of a couple famous mosques in Cairo and then going to a place called tent maker street. It is an out door market where they have all kinds of hand made applique type items for sale like pillows all the way up to large bed spreads.. plus they make tents but not the kind of tents that you camp in. More like the tents that you put up as shade covers I guess kind of compared to a canapy sort of things. Anyway.. should be fun to get out and go to the city with some ladies for a Saturday morning adventure. Then we will do lunch and call it a day. So what are you all planning to do this week end? HOPE it is a great one.
    Have fun and be healthy whatever you do. PHYLJEN:smile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Phyljen I love your posts! It is so fun to read about a friend so far away but who feels so close. :flowerforyou:

    My kids slept in a bit later than normal today, so I went to the workout room in my building this morning at 6 am. I got on the elliptical and ran for 45 mins! Yay, I feel so great. I told my honey to go and fly his RC plane once I got home so he could have his turn for personal time, he was a little crazy after watching the kids. :laugh:
    Then after he comes home we are planning to go on a family bike ride to the park! I love those rides. All four of us smile the whole time we are riding, it is so much fun.
    My goal for today is to make healthy choices and really think before I eat anything, asking myself "How will I feel in an hour? Hungry again? Happy with my choice? Guilty? that way I can help myself make the best choices.
    :drinker: Keep drinking the water today!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Phyljen, :happy: :happy: WOW 100 minute jog! That's so impressive!!! :smile: :smile: That's wonderful! Since Disneyland I have bumped up my boot camps to doubles 3 days a week, singles two times a week and still on my goal to do a net calorie burn of 1500 each weekend! (Got about 405 in this morning on my walk) Dream park sounds like fun, Disneyland can be a little overwhelming, it is a little big! Enjoy and keep up the running! Have a great weekend all!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good Morning all...I. too, really enjoy all your posts of your travels. To me, its like being there. Please keep them up. I also get inspired to exercise more when I read what activities you all do. I'm still reluctant to try running/jogging. I have heard so many pros and cons. The biggest one that bothers me is that it is hard on your knees. What do you all think? I guess it'll prove itself out after years, but my knees are no longer 'young', so I wonder if its too late.
    We just 'sprung ahead' on the time today so I'm up earlier than normal and NOT enjoying it! LOL Time for a cup of coffee. Take care,.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am being so bad. It is 58 degrees outside and the sun is out and I am watching my Minnesota Golden gophers play against Ohio State. They are down by 14 but I feel the need to watch it til the end. I did jump on the treadmill at halftime and burned 100 calories. Then tonight the gopher hockey team plays North Dakota at 7. I love playoff time, but I spend a lot of time in front of the tv this time of year! I plan to try to walk outside as soon as the basketball game is over!

    I read an interesting article in Prevention magazine this afternoon. It was about making friend s with your scale. The thing that surprised me most....

    "The more you weigh yourself, the more you lose. Out of sight out of mind simply doesn't work. In one study, daily weighers dropped twice as many pounds as weekly weighers-12 versus 6, possibly because it was a regular reminder to stay on track. Meanwhile dieters who avoided the scale altogether gained 4 pounds. And despite the common belief that focusing on weight makes women feel bad about themselves, scientists have found that tracking your weight can actually improve you mood by giving you a sense of control.

    Tip Weigh yourself daily!"

    I found this interesting
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Well I have been crazy busy this week, finding little time to check in , but i am happy to say that I am another pound and a half down. Yay. I was a little surprised because I didn't have such a great week. Now I have somehow twisted my knee so having to find exercise that won't make it worse.

    Bought myself an HRM yesterday, and it looks like I have been burning a 200-300 more calories than I thought. Does this mean I should be eating more? Eeek.

    I will have to look back to see what my starting weight was at the beginning of this challenge, but I believe i am at least half way to that 5 lbs.

    Hope ya'll are having a great Sunday. I am trying to make mine last!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    I am being so bad. It is 58 degrees outside and the sun is out and I am watching my Minnesota Golden gophers play against Ohio State. They are down by 14 but I feel the need to watch it til the end. I did jump on the treadmill at halftime and burned 100 calories. Then tonight the gopher hockey team plays North Dakota at 7. I love playoff time, but I spend a lot of time in front of the tv this time of year! I plan to try to walk outside as soon as the basketball game is over!

    I read an interesting article in Prevention magazine this afternoon. It was about making friend s with your scale. The thing that surprised me most....

    "The more you weigh yourself, the more you lose. Out of sight out of mind simply doesn't work. In one study, daily weighers dropped twice as many pounds as weekly weighers-12 versus 6, possibly because it was a regular reminder to stay on track. Meanwhile dieters who avoided the scale altogether gained 4 pounds. And despite the common belief that focusing on weight makes women feel bad about themselves, scientists have found that tracking your weight can actually improve you mood by giving you a sense of control.

    Tip Weigh yourself daily!"

    I found this interesting

    Wow, very interesting! Now I don't feel so guilty for looking everyday. LOL How has everyone been all week?
    Jenn-- I agree... Gotta drink that water. I don't know why it always such struggle. I love water and don't have a problem drinking it. I guess I just forget to.

    Take care....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    OK everyone,

    Only one more work day....one day seminar on cardiac meds Tuesday from 8 to 4...snore-fest and jab me in the ribs with a sharp stick for excitement:sad: :yawn:

    Leaving at 0'dark thirty in the am on Wednesday...destination sunshine, cocktails, no clocks and I don't care what day it is...just me and "the fam" :smokin:

    I am tired of preppin' for this trip since I started buying clothes for everyone about a month ago...My boys DO NOT like to shop...might as well poke them in the eye with sharp sticks...Oh, wait, they already do that to each other for enjoyment.

    My mom is all excited, she's been asking me if I am excited to be in Mexico...I tell her that "No, I am not excited until I get on the plane and everything is done" (We are meeting my Mom/Dad, my 2 sisters, and all the kids in the family)

    Anyway, I did promise myself that I will workout at least 4 to 5 of the days I am there...I won't weigh in this Friday...because, basically, I'm not going to know it's Friday...he, he:bigsmile:

    I come back on Wednesday and will weigh-in on that following Friday...should be anticipating a small gain...um, water retention from the flight, I'm sure:blushing:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Looks like everyone is doing good. I didn't do to good yesterday went over my calories. We had Sonic last night because we were out at the ranch tending to the horses. I went riding for a while. I weighed in on Friday and by this morning I was up by .4 lb will work on losing that plus more by Friday Good luck to all.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I love the article about weighing everyday. I do that and it helps me. I know I will go up and down a little. When I go down it is motivating. when I go up I look and see why. (usually too much sodium) I was really able to counter act my two much sodium that I had on Saturday with drinking a ton of water on Sunday and the scale went right back down and then some. It helps me stay focused.

    Hey I wish I was going to mexico. I was there last thanksgiving but my husband and I had a really bad cold the whole time we were there (got it before we left) and didn't do anything. I did loose about 5 pounds that week because I didn't eat. And it was the catalyst for me to stop smoking since I couldn't breath (bad cough) Of course I gained the weight right back when I got home.... thats why I am here now. I did stay with the stop smoking part.:smile:

    good luck to everyone this week. I know you will all do an awesome job.
  • aprildh
    aprildh Posts: 90
    It is 3/15 and I am still at 202.8. I want so bad to break the 200 mark, I still can't believe I went over the 200 mark but it seems to be a wall for me. I did have a bad week this last week, we had company for a weekend birthday party for my 2 year old and my mother-in-law stayed the week then I took her home for the weekend so nothing, eating or exercising has been normal. I plan to be back on my routine a lot better this week. Maybe this week will be the week. If all else fails I hope to be break it by the end of this month.
  • Hi my name is Tandria. I would love to join this challenge. I will weigh in on Monday 3/22
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I just caught up on all the weekend posts, and it's such a great read! Even those of us who gained are sticking with it, noticing what may have been in the way, and jumping back in. There's no way to fail if we just keep doing that.

    I am so happy about the Weighing yourself everyday thing! I felt a little shameful and sneaky about it before.

    This weekend I bought the most fabulously cool exercise machine ever made - a push lawn mower! We don't have that much grass in the city. Everyone in LA hires mow-blow-and go guys who call themselves gardeners. The noise of the machines is deafening and the smell of the fumes is sickening and I couldn't stand it anymore. So I fired the lot of them and have a new way to burn calories for free.

    My other cool weekend experience was buying Girl Scout cookies. I really want to support them, but I just don't want the cookies around the house, so I asked if I could buy a box and have them donated to a food bank, and they said yes, they had a program like that. So win, win, win - can't beat that!

    Here's to a great week for all,

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Welcome Tandria
    Hope that you will find this group as motivating as I do. I love all those that are in on this challenge. It's a great group of people from all over the world. Good luck and remember we are all for you! Phyljen:smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    It is 3/15 and I am still at 202.8. I want so bad to break the 200 mark, I still can't believe I went over the 200 mark but it seems to be a wall for me. I did have a bad week this last week, we had company for a weekend birthday party for my 2 year old and my mother-in-law stayed the week then I took her home for the weekend so nothing, eating or exercising has been normal. I plan to be back on my routine a lot better this week. Maybe this week will be the week. If all else fails I hope to be break it by the end of this month.

    If i remember correctly, you are diabetic...I think one of the keys for you to eat small freqent meals so that you maintain a level blood sugar...have you researched a diet menu or have you spoke to a diabetic educator? It may help you lose wieght more effectively
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