1200 calories a day.



  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I'm at 1240 per day, which is what MFP set for me based on my height, weight, and weight loss goal (1 pound per week). You are welcome to friend request me and check out my diary every day. I try to focus on a good use of those 1240 calories, rather than trying to figure out how I can eat all the goodies I want (fat free of course) and squeeze in some good stuff with the spare calories. That's what I did with weight watchers and I lost all the weight I wanted. Only I learned nothing about proper nutrition and the weight all came back. But I'm not rigid. I'm going to enjoy life. If I want cake, I'm gonna have cake. But I'm finding by tracking everything and scoping out nutrition info BEFORE I eat something, I'm far more judicious in my food selections.

    Also, you can exercise and earn more calories. My doc said never go below 1200 per day, so I generally always "eat back" my exercise calories.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    1200 calorie allowance is probably due to having too aggressive of a weekly weight loss goal.
    Try setting your goal to lose 1 pound a week, that changes your daily allowance to 1700, which is much more realistic.

    My goal is one pound loss per week. And MFP set my calories at 1240 per day. I think it depends on what your starting weight is. Not sure though.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I do 1200 a day and you can peek at mine all you want :)
  • The 1200 calorie a day guidelines are set along with an individuals fitness and activity levels in mind. Therefore, there are differentials in people's plans which is what makes the site so "individual". Stick with your prescribed plan and modify it according to your individual needs, successes or struggles. Although I did just sign up here today I hold a degree in Dietetics & Nutritional counseling. Everyone needs support even me. :)
  • I am at 1250, but rarely break 1000. Feel free to add me.
  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm set up for 1200 a day but for some reason i very rarely make it to the full count:( even when i feel i've eaten more than that in a day i'm always just below.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    also at the 1200 or about. Not the healthiest but I purposely kept my meals the same just changed my snacks.
  • Eating below your BMR is very unhealthy and setting yourself up for failure.

    Amen to that!
  • I have extremely high cholesterol and the nutritionist put me on a 1500-1700 calorie, but it only registers 1200cal is there anyway I can change it to how many calories I am allowed to eat each day?
  • lucyplaysviolin
    lucyplaysviolin Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on 1200 too :-) always seem to go over at the moment since I'm too busy to go to the gym this week (uni deadline!) but I find that on the days I work out I net under or at 1200 calories. I've lost 10lbs on weight watchers but I'm converting to this cos I find it much easier :-)
  • lucyplaysviolin
    lucyplaysviolin Posts: 3 Member
    Surfside8 - if you go to 'edit profile', in 'preferences' there's a bit that says 'net calorie goal', you can change it from there :-)
  • im supposed to have 1200 calories a day for my height and weight but i always eat under 1200 calories and by the end of the day i usually have around 100 or under calories left to eat :)

    WOW! Just wow.
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    I'm on 1300, but I aim for less, my food diary is on open view to friends :)
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    is anyone on the same goal of 1200 a day like me. could do to buddy up with you and take a peak at your diary for ideas

    Hi, I've been doing 1200 calories for a while now. Yesterday I increased my calories to 1300 but it's still not too much more. My diary is open so you could always check it out. I try to eat healthy but recently have been a little less strict than usual because otherwise it feels too much like a diet!

    I increased mine the same recently too.
    & I agree, I try not to be to "diety" with my food choices.
    It just makes it too hard to stick to! (for me anyway)
    At the end of the day weight loss is just calories in vs calories out,
    of course we should all make good choices for our health,
    but I'm slowly just trying to change my habits for the long term.
  • I just started today, I am at 1200 also, feel free to add me.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I am at 1300 a day. Some days I come way under and some days I do go slightly over. It all evens out for me. I received the thumbs up from my doctor with the daily allotment I am doing.

    Feel free to add me. I log every sip and bite. : )
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    i do three days at 1200, feel free to check mine out!
  • 504Crystal
    504Crystal Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 1200 a day as well. I'm working harder on loging in everyday
  • Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day anyway because unless you work nights, you don't need a mass amount of energy after dinner. A serving of lean protein and veggies for dinner could equal 250 cal and then you wouldn't go over your day's count. Also, some studies show that having protein a few hours before bed can help you sleep better.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I do 1200 calories a day + what I burn exercising. It was still hard for me to lose until I started eating half my body weight in protein. It takes a lot of planning to do that, and stay within the calories, but I have started to see a change. I try to keep my meals around 300 calories each. Also, I almost always log my food before I eat it to make sure I don't blow it.