Anybody who has gone off sugar completely ???



  • emyishardcore
    emyishardcore Posts: 352 Member
    All I have to say is that I use organic honey and no sugar and I'm fine.
  • Wonkermann
    there is hope.

    I studied art, and i make my living partly from drawings & photoshop and i also have my own little business making cakes. one job leaves me looking at the human body and manipulating it, the other leaves me surrounded by sweet foods all day! no wonder i have body image issues!

    i was one of those people who couldn't be in the same house as chocolate without eating it. the only chocolate that my brain accepted as off-limits was the chocolate i used for work. i remember devouring a whole tin of Cadbury's Roses because i would just pick them off one by one. i couldn't stop. i remember buying chocolate for someone's birthday, and then eating them all and having to buy another box.

    i used to go on a diet and tell myself i had to quit chocolate, but of course any diet built on never eating chocolate again is doomed to failure because you will eat chocolate again in your life. i had to learn moderation. in the beginning of my diet i was eating 1750 calories a day. a typical breakfast would include some oats and a mars bar.

    it was a high sugar diet, but i was staying within my calories/carbs & fat so i lost weight. after a while the anxiety of "you can never eat chocolate again" went away, because i realised that i could have the chocolate and be thin, i just couldnt devour vast quantities of it in one go.

    i also started to realise that if i had chocolate with a meal i would be hungry again in a couple of hours. soon i started making better choices. i could still have the chocolate if the craving got really bad, but if i wasnt craving it i would just go with a high protein option to stay fuller for longer.

    after 3-4 weeks, chocolate stopped "talking" to me. these days i can have a few bars in a drawer somewhere and not even think of them. im now 17 weeks into my diet and i have no anxiety surrounding chocolate. if i do eat some, i don't feel guilty either.

    so, maybe there is hope.
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    @wonkermann Gosh ! that is such a great story! thank you for sharing it here . . .:blushing: Very inspiring :flowerforyou:
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    So many problems with this post and this thread. The sugary nature or not of honey is the least of your worries. Please search the forum for "in place of a road map 2.0" and start feeding your body.
    Well I've got me a squirty bottle of honey :bigsmile:
    So I'm gonna experiment . . .
    and keep u guys posted . . .
    See right now Im on a sorta plateau so if substituting sugar with honey cud help I'm game . . .
    also any tips on going sugar free

    If you are at a plateau - why not look at how many calories in total you are consuming and not try to pin it on one specific food?

    bcos im doin about 1000 cals/day so i cant go lower than that> The idea is to improve the quality of the calories I take in
    so substituting empty calories with more wholesome ones (something like that)
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    My doctor recommended a low glycemic diet for my anxiety; one great side effect has been the weight loss.Sugar is in everything and is disguised as fructose, high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, sugar, glucose, etc etc. One thing I do has been using less artificial sweetener to wean myself off of that and replacing it with agave nectar, which is low glycemic, less sweet and doesn't take as much. I have also been eating fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth! Its been working with great results.
    I don't use honey often, but maple syrup, molasses and honey are better for you than any artificial sugars or sugar. However, its all in moderation you know? And I bake my own "sweets" (last week was pumpkin granola) so that helps.
    A good website for you to check out if you don't already is ; they have sweet recipes on there. Prevention Sugar Solution is also a good book to check out low glycemic recipes. I used that and read about it and it was EXTREMELY beneficial!
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    :drinker: @rlwinton thanks thats great . . .
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    My doctor recommended a low glycemic diet for my anxiety; one great side effect has been the weight loss.Sugar is in everything and is disguised as fructose, high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, sugar, glucose, etc etc. One thing I do has been using less artificial sweetener to wean myself off of that and replacing it with agave nectar, which is low glycemic, less sweet and doesn't take as much. I have also been eating fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth! Its been working with great results.
    I don't use honey often, but maple syrup, molasses and honey are better for you than any artificial sugars or sugar. However, its all in moderation you know? And I bake my own "sweets" (last week was pumpkin granola) so that helps.
    A good website for you to check out if you don't already is ; they have sweet recipes on there. Prevention Sugar Solution is also a good book to check out low glycemic recipes. I used that and read about it and it was EXTREMELY beneficial!

    Wait, so you're saying sugar is disguised as "fructose" and "sugar"? I am very surprised.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    One word...TRUVIA! This stuff is even has the crunchy texture of sugar. I literally consume zero added sugar now. Add it to my oatmeal, coffee, Greek yogurt, etc.

    Still a processed food, developed and owned by Coca Cola and Cargill.... Since I vote for healthy food with my dollars, I won't be buying that!

    Just use stevia, then!
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Wait, so you're saying sugar is disguised as "fructose" and "sugar"? I am very surprised.

    LOL I am master of the obvious at times.....
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    All this sweet talking has put me off sweets completely . . .:sick:

    especially the posts where people kept telling me
    " Sugar= Calorie" and "Sugar is sugar" LOLs :bigsmile:

    I am a sweet tooth junkie miraculously . . I went a whole day without it . . almost :drinker:
    So maybe this post did do the trick :tongue:
  • punkybrewster88
    punkybrewster88 Posts: 11 Member
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    I am trying to go completely off sugar. I have been doing low-carb, so I have cut out everything with sugar except sometimes a spoonful of peanut butter or something with natural sugars. I do not crave sweet stuff anymore but am addicted to diet soda. That is my next break! Eeeeeeekkk!!
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    Wow way to go . . . on your dedication!
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I don't know if anyone said this yet, but if you're going to use honey you should buy local honey. It will help with your allergies, if you have any. Honey also won't spoil, so you don't have to feel bad about buying a big glass jar of it from your farmer's market! :flowerforyou:

    I love using honey in my coffee & tea. Tastes so much better than just sugar!

    I do think your title is a bit misleading though about going off sugar completely... Carry on!
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    yup I agree . . . I didn't think the title through . . I was trying to say i was gonna go off sugar completely and shift to using honey instead :tongue:
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I've gone off sugar completely and feel much better. The only sweetener that I occasionally use in a natural stevia.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i tried but for me im happy with it being a treat at least
  • elisha8685
    Although limiting your sugars is a fantastic idea as us Americans eat way to much of it. Going completely off sugar is a very bad idea. Your brain needs sugar to function and cutting out sugars force your body to convert some fats to sugar (the whole adkins crap). Discipline is a better goal than diet manipulation.

    On the other hand, converting to honey while cooking etc is a fantastic idea. The more natural you can make your diet, the healthier it will be for your body. Another thing I do is when I get a sugar craving, I fulfill it with a natural fruit instead of a sugar beverage or something like that. Fruits generally maximize good sugar taste with less calories. They also have all of the good things that come with eating naturally, like the anti-oxidants and fibers.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I don't eat sugar at all, I don't even eat fruit really. The only time I get sugar is when I have a few pieces of 85% dark chocolate. I feel fantastic, and the weightloss speaks for itself. In my opinion I think sugar is the number one bad thing for you. Over time, your taste buds change (I've been doing this for a year) and sweet things are super sweet, and normal stuff that didn't taste sweet before starts to taste sweet, like some vegetables. Now I drink my coffee black because even adding cream taste too sweet to me. But again, I don't have any research to back it up, just my experience and opinions. Good luck! Sugar is the hardest habit to kick!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    There are small amounts of sugars in practically all plant-based foods, including even leafy green vegetables. So unless you're switching to a strictly carnivorous diet, more than likely you're getting more sugar than you may realize.