1200 calories a day.



  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    1720 cals a day, losing 1lb a week. Yep, I'm in. By the way, I run 15k a week, walk approx 10 -15k steps a day, including my runs. I haven't even started lifting yet, but 1lb a week on average for 17 weeks, I'll take that. I don't eat clean, far from it. I work in fast food and get fed at work, so 6 days out of 8, I eat fast food. I'm losing bf too, so skinny fat isn't something I'm going to be. I'm looking into serious body recomp after Xmas, I'll probably start bodyweight training again, or even venture into lifting weights. I'm not starving myself on 1200. And I'm not overweight either, I'm 5' 3" and 136lbs. MFP wants me to eat 1200 for 1lb weight loss, but I can eat 1700 and still net 1lb a week weight loss. Why not try it, rather than mocking. You were willing to try 1200.

    well you run a lot, and walk around 3x more than me (and plenty of other people here) per day, so you're probably averaging the same net calories as someone eating 1200.
    I don't think you can compare your progress and calories with other 1200 cal eaters because you're activity level is allowing you to eat more.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    And to those who are concerned with this being sustainable for life, I do not intend to eat at a calorie deficit once I hit my goal weight. When I get closer to my goal, I will start to slowly increase my calories up to 1700 or so til I am at maintenance level, and I will stay there and maintain, quite happily. That is how it works.

    This is why a lot people gain their weight back. Maybe not you. Maybe you. Who knows? I only know that many people who cut their calories so low are the ones that, when they reach goal, will rebound back to previous weight - usually adding a few more pounds on top. Have you never heard of this??? It's the story of my life and millions of others. But, as you say, this is the 1200 cals a day thread. So - you guys have at it!
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    MFP says I should eat 1200 and when I first started on here I made the mistake of trying to stick to that and was seriously hungry. Everything came together for me when I realised 1200 was my allowance without doing any exercise. Now I always try to work at least 300 calories worth of exercise into my day and I get by just fine. I'll be starting at a gym on 1st December and believe me I'll be taking full advantage of even more exercise calories :smile: I know I've broken my yoyo dieting habit forever by learning the importance of portion control and exercise and I feel great.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Ok Dear, looking at your diary, you are 20 yrs old, and in the past week you had 5 days you ate below 500 calories and 2 binge days where you ate pizza and fried stuff. That is not a healthy diet. That is called an Eating Disorder.
    I would offer to help you to learn how to eat healthier, but since I am not a professional dietician, doctor, or psychiatrist, I will simply suggest you see your doctor for a referral to someone who can help you.

    Therapists help people with EDs with cyclical dieting.
    It helps break them from the mental blocks that create the ED in the first place.
    Not that she has an ED but just saying.
    So she eats low on one day then replenishes all her nutrients and EFAs the next.
    Pro body builders and fitness models do this as well.

    You are continuing to show that you know nothing about diet and fitness.
    For the rest of you who apparently did NOT read my posts completely. I have RUN my numbers. My calorie level matches up with losing 1-2 pounds per week, which is VERY healthy. I eat very healthy foods 90% of the time, with the occasional treat when I want it. I CANNOT lift heavy, as I have disabling spine and knee injuries. BTW, the knees are trashed in part from when I was leg pressing 360 and doing walking lunges with 125 on my shoulders so I could impress the big boys in the gym. I was 30 then, working a very physical job 40 hrs a week, and spending another 10 hours in the gym. Yes, I could lose weight on 2000 calories at that time. BUT that is NOT my situation now.

    So what you are saying is you have other factors that stop you from being able to eat more?
    Then dont chime in on topics where you shouldnt!
    Most people on here are more active and some are TOO active.
    I just give them an easier softer way of dieting!
    My problem with Dan, and so many of the rest of you is that you have decided what works for you, at your age, your weight, your physical condition, should work for everyone else. It doesn't matter what the number is that any of us eat. YOU can not determine the magic number for anyone else but yourself

    I'll notify the hundreds that ive helped that they were just lucky.
    In case you missed the sarcasm when I pointed out how quickly Dan lost his weight- I was NOT attacking him for losing 40 pounds in 3-4 months. That is completely fine and healthy in my opinion.

    Your sarcasm was lost with your first attack.
    What I was pointing out is that he preaches how horrible it is for other people to lose at that rate. I started with 73 pounds to get me just below the 'overweight' BMI. I could go another 10-20 below that and still be quite healthy. I have lost 23 pounds in just under 3 months, and have another 50 or more to lose. Dan and several of the rest of you have proclaimed that I will ruin my health, lose all my muscle, get weak, and look ugly skinny-fat when I reach goal, because I am doing it all wrong!

    Using ancient methods like BMI will continue to confuse and befuddle you.
    And example is Johnny is 225lbs with 50% body fat at 5'5" and 30 years old. He is obese III.
    Mike is 225lbs with 8% body fat at 5'5" he is obese III.

    You continue to show that you know nothing of what you are talking about.
    I am not hungry, so therefore this is not HANGRY, but simply a bit ANGRY and insulted.

    Who insulted you?
    I came in offering to help.
    Who were you helping by telling me to buzz off in the beginning?
    Who have you helped today?
    Who have you helped over the past week?
    The past month?
    The past year?

    Did you know that beforeI wrote the road map I was doing individual numbers that took about 30 mins each?
    I would spend about an hour or 2 a day doing numbers for members.
    When I get the PMs and the e-mails about their successes it reminds me why i'm changing my profession.
    It reminds me that all in all i'm a day maker and will continue to help as many people as I can when I can.
    My macros are great. I eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. And if it makes you feel better, I even had a Raspberry Zinger last night!

    Awesome! What about phytonutrients, micronutrients etc....
    Are you getting all your potassium and calcium?
    Do you eat enough protein, carbs and fat to fulfill your hormonal needs so your estrogen doesnt tank and testosterone rise?
    where is your fat gains?
    Stomach or hips and thighs? <----most important question BTW.....
    Why are so many of you threatened by people who simply do not need or want as many calories as you do?

    Youll probably notice that the high calorie people dont make forum threads like "who else is eating 1200 cals?" "Eating 1200 and not losing" "1200 cals...whats your meals look like"

    This is because we are happy and dont need a support group to pull us along.
    Why do you feel like you have to 'save the world' with your infinite wisdom you have gained from reading internet articles or muscle magazines, or worse, listening to some guy who spouts all of his uneducated wisdom he found on the internet as the gospel, and have raised him up to sainthood status?

    I swear as soon as some of you see a thread with 1200 in the title you start foaming at the mouth, "OMG someone is doing it WRONG and I must SAVE THEM from certain death and destruction because I am so smart that I know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE!"

    Because over the past 600 days i've been here I have encountered more people who claim this as the best way to do it and almost all their accounts are deactivated.
    Most of the women eating 1200 only workout too much and are actually hurting themselves.
    If you saw a man standing in the street hammering a 9inch nail into his forehead youd stop him right?
    Good Lord, do you not realize that there is an epidemic of obesity in this country?? And they sure as heck didn't get that way from eating 1200 calories a day.
    I would never assume to tell anyone that they need to eat like I eat. Especially not someone 30 years younger or older than me.
    You eat what is right for you, and I will eat what is right for me, OK?

    This is why i'm going back to school at 38 to get a degree in dietetics so I can eventually spread the word professionally and help people locally.
    so you are fat and have low activity.
    Go on with your bad self and forget about us day makers.
    Let us do our thing because YOU dont fit into THIS category.
    You eat little and produce little energy.
    And aside from this pissed off rant, I am a very happy person who is living a great life, with a wonderful husband, kids and a lot of good friends. I do not go to bed starving or feel like I am missing out on anything due to my diet. I enjoy my 'lifestyle' quite well.

    Your first post didnt express the abundant happiness you speak of.
    I do agree though.
    Go and make your happy lifestyle with your hubby and enjoy life!
    If and when your diet fails you my door is always welcome.
    I have people on my plans who over a year ago have had this exact conversation with.
    And to those who are concerned with this being sustainable for life, I do not intend to eat at a calorie deficit once I hit my goal weight. When I get closer to my goal, I will start to slowly increase my calories up to 1700 or so til I am at maintenance level, and I will stay there and maintain, quite happily. That is how it works.

    As long as you effect p-ratio correctly going into maintenance then great!
    Best of luck to you.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I think I burned a few calories just reading that post :drinker:
  • evanesco
    Actually I net 1700 minimum. Why? Because as you pointed out I am pretty active in my day to day life, so I fuel my body. There are people who eat 1200 and then exercise off 300 who weigh more than me. It's not logical.
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    Self education is the best. I teach college biology students and find the ones who do the best are self motivated to learn about a subject. Dan appears to me as someone motivated and has done a lot of research. He is willing to help those who start out because this is difficult. I started at 1200 on MFP because "MFP" told me so. After a couple of weeks I realized it was not right for me, but I was in the obese category and felt fine about losing weight a little faster. I came upon Dan's thread 4 weeks in and what he said made sense in biological terms. I went to his suggested websites and then from there additional resources in credible journals. Dan has been able to take a lot of the difficult material and condense it down for those people just starting out that haven't yet had the time to explore these resources on their own.

    Each individual should evaluate their own body, determine based on their knowledge what is best for their lifestyle to maintain weight loss and be healthy. This will be different for all of us. One thing in common is we are all biologically based and our bodies respond on a basic level very similarly. We need carbohydrates, proteins and fats those are the basic macromolecules that make up our cells. How our bodies deal with excess of any of these will be in part genetic and environmental. It is these two factors coming together that is hard to gauge, but it is nice to have a starting place based on years of collective data.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member

    And to those who are concerned with this being sustainable for life, I do not intend to eat at a calorie deficit once I hit my goal weight. When I get closer to my goal, I will start to slowly increase my calories up to 1700 or so til I am at maintenance level, and I will stay there and maintain, quite happily. That is how it works.

    This is why a lot people gain their weight back. Maybe not you. Maybe you. Who knows? I only know that many people who cut their calories so low are the ones that, when they reach goal, will rebound back to previous weight - usually adding a few more pounds on top. Have you never heard of this??? It's the story of my life and millions of others. But, as you say, this is the 1200 cals a day thread. So - you guys have at it!


    When I started in January, I was eating around 1200 and exercising an hour a day. Worked great for a month or two, then not only did my weight loss stall, but I had zero energy. I blamed it on constant "sleepus interruptus" from my two toddlers, but that excuse only took me so far. I stumbled across Dan's road map and, after researching the topic endlessly, I began increasing my calories slowly...about 100/week. The weight has come off steadily ever since (average of 6 pounds/month). Now that I am within 10 pounds of my goal, I have set myself to lose 1/2 pound a week and continue to stay active. I can eat 1570 calories on rest days and still lose 1/2 pound a week. You may not believe in a tried and true system, but I am yet another example that it works.

    But if you'd like to keep eating 1200 calories/day, go for it.

    And by the way...I am a recovering bulimic. People with eating disorders can learn how to eat within normal parameters, and calorie restriction is NOT the way to do it.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member


    When I started in January, I was eating around 1200 and exercising an hour a day. Worked great for a month or two, then not only did my weight loss stall, but I had zero energy. I blamed it on constant "sleepus interruptus" from my two toddlers, but that excuse only took me so far. I stumbled across Dan's road map and, after researching the topic endlessly, I began increasing my calories slowly...about 100/week. The weight has come off steadily ever since (average of 6 pounds/month). Now that I am within 10 pounds of my goal, I have set myself to lose 1/2 pound a week and continue to stay active. I can eat 1570 calories on rest days and still lose 1/2 pound a week. You may not believe in a tried and true system, but I am yet another example that it works.

    But if you'd like to keep eating 1200 calories/day, go for it.

    And by the way...I am a recovering bulimic. People with eating disorders can learn how to eat within normal parameters, and calorie restriction is NOT the way to do it.

    Wow!!! How have I missed seeing your story at some point! Your name really fits - I'd be singing too - you look AWESOME! Congratulations on your loss and keep it up! I always love the strories from road mappers on the road ahead of me! GO you!!! Jan
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Thank you, Jan!! :smile:
  • Myan1959
    Myan1959 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello newbie here, uploaded this app on my iPad and decided to come on here and see what help I can get. I am on the 1200 calorie a day which some days for me is really hard to get too. Any help so appreciated.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I'm just a firm believer that if you give fat a reason to exist beyond its hormonal state then it will.
    This happens by overeating and not effecting p-ratio with activity or under eating and burning some off then eating above TDEE for any given day without effecting p-ratio.

    Even people with EDs, metabolic disease etc can retrain their bodies to work more efficiently.

    I have 2 people do far who had such success that it brought years to my eyes.
    1 is no longer insulin dependent so we reversed diabetes and the other beat ED and is well on her way to successful weight loss.
  • FluroFaye
    Okay, I think BEFORE fighting with people like Dan, maybe you should give it a go?

    He's not trying to disrespect you...he's trying to let you know that you can eat even more and still lose weight! How is that a bad thing? 1200 cals is not a typically happy diet. Wouldn't you all like an extra 500 cals or so to have a KFC and a good breakfast one day? Or go out to a carvery? Have a pizza?

    I suggest taking a look at his page, running your numbers and just TRYING it. It does actually work and I'm better you you will enjoy your lifestyle a lot more <3

    Ok Dear, looking at your diary, you are 20 yrs old, and in the past week you had 5 days you ate below 500 calories and 2 binge days where you ate pizza and fried stuff. That is not a healthy diet. That is called an Eating Disorder.
    I would offer to help you to learn how to eat healthier, but since I am not a professional dietician, doctor, or psychiatrist, I will simply suggest you see your doctor for a referral to someone who can help you.

    For the rest of you who apparently did NOT read my posts completely. I have RUN my numbers. My calorie level matches up with losing 1-2 pounds per week, which is VERY healthy. I eat very healthy foods 90% of the time, with the occasional treat when I want it. I CANNOT lift heavy, as I have disabling spine and knee injuries. BTW, the knees are trashed in part from when I was leg pressing 360 and doing walking lunges with 125 on my shoulders so I could impress the big boys in the gym. I was 30 then, working a very physical job 40 hrs a week, and spending another 10 hours in the gym. Yes, I could lose weight on 2000 calories at that time. BUT that is NOT my situation now.

    My problem with Dan, and so many of the rest of you is that you have decided what works for you, at your age, your weight, your physical condition, should work for everyone else. It doesn't matter what the number is that any of us eat. YOU can not determine the magic number for anyone else but yourself!

    In case you missed the sarcasm when I pointed out how quickly Dan lost his weight- I was NOT attacking him for losing 40 pounds in 3-4 months. That is completely fine and healthy in my opinion.

    What I was pointing out is that he preaches how horrible it is for other people to lose at that rate. I started with 73 pounds to get me just below the 'overweight' BMI. I could go another 10-20 below that and still be quite healthy. I have lost 23 pounds in just under 3 months, and have another 50 or more to lose. Dan and several of the rest of you have proclaimed that I will ruin my health, lose all my muscle, get weak, and look ugly skinny-fat when I reach goal, because I am doing it all wrong!

    I am not hungry, so therefore this is not HANGRY, but simply a bit ANGRY and insulted.

    My macros are great. I eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. And if it makes you feel better, I even had a Raspberry Zinger last night!

    Why are so many of you threatened by people who simply do not need or want as many calories as you do?

    Why do you feel like you have to 'save the world' with your infinite wisdom you have gained from reading internet articles or muscle magazines, or worse, listening to some guy who spouts all of his uneducated wisdom he found on the internet as the gospel, and have raised him up to sainthood status?

    I swear as soon as some of you see a thread with 1200 in the title you start foaming at the mouth, "OMG someone is doing it WRONG and I must SAVE THEM from certain death and destruction because I am so smart that I know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE!"

    Good Lord, do you not realize that there is an epidemic of obesity in this country?? And they sure as heck didn't get that way from eating 1200 calories a day.

    I would never assume to tell anyone that they need to eat like I eat. Especially not someone 30 years younger or older than me.

    You eat what is right for you, and I will eat what is right for me, OK?

    And aside from this pissed off rant, I am a very happy person who is living a great life, with a wonderful husband, kids and a lot of good friends. I do not go to bed starving or feel like I am missing out on anything due to my diet. I enjoy my 'lifestyle' quite well.

    And to those who are concerned with this being sustainable for life, I do not intend to eat at a calorie deficit once I hit my goal weight. When I get closer to my goal, I will start to slowly increase my calories up to 1700 or so til I am at maintenance level, and I will stay there and maintain, quite happily. That is how it works.

    Okay, actually no. If you look at my diary properly, you will see that I eat more one day, and little on the other. It's called Johnson Up Day Down day and it's very beneficial to my health, especially my M.E. Yes, I had fish and chips and a dominos, but, by heck did I enjoy them and other than that, you will see what I make is homemade and very healthy.

    It seems like you are far more defensive than we could ever be...we're just saying that whilst it may seem to go against everything we've been 'taught' eating more than 1200 is actually very healthy and you can lose weight on it.

    Dan's not threatened at all...he's just trying to help and so am I.

    For a woman with apparently so much life experience as you have stated and are so happy, I'm very surprised that you feel the need to have quite a *****-fit. If you don't like what we're saying, don't do it...but for others on this thread, they might find it helpful and a much easier lifestyle.

    And, for you information, before you label something as an eating disorder, go through it. I used to have one when I was younger and I bloody well know what's healthy and what isn't. I would never go back to that and know exactly my personal perimeters of triggers for it.

    I'm very saddened by your attitude and I wish you good luck.
  • suckerlove
    I am at 1250 and my diary is open to friends, feel free to add me.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member


    When I started in January, I was eating around 1200 and exercising an hour a day. Worked great for a month or two, then not only did my weight loss stall, but I had zero energy. I blamed it on constant "sleepus interruptus" from my two toddlers, but that excuse only took me so far. I stumbled across Dan's road map and, after researching the topic endlessly, I began increasing my calories slowly...about 100/week. The weight has come off steadily ever since (average of 6 pounds/month). Now that I am within 10 pounds of my goal, I have set myself to lose 1/2 pound a week and continue to stay active. I can eat 1570 calories on rest days and still lose 1/2 pound a week. You may not believe in a tried and true system, but I am yet another example that it works.

    But if you'd like to keep eating 1200 calories/day, go for it.

    And by the way...I am a recovering bulimic. People with eating disorders can learn how to eat within normal parameters, and calorie restriction is NOT the way to do it.

    Wow!!! How have I missed seeing your story at some point! Your name really fits - I'd be singing too - you look AWESOME! Congratulations on your loss and keep it up! I always love the strories from road mappers on the road ahead of me! GO you!!! Jan

    Wait! Stop! Did you say you are 53 and a grandmother? No freaking way!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think I burned a few calories just reading that post :drinker:

    I'm definitely logging it.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Dan ,
    You can't save the world . However , you have saved many , including me !

    Hungry people are so mean !
    Saved me too!
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    I just started on Monday and I am set to 1200 calories. I have my profile/diary set to public so anyone who wants to take a look can. Keep in mind I *just* started so I had a hiccup or two along the way this week but feel free to message me if you want to pair up :)
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Everything is about trials and tribulations.........
    15 months ago, I would of been on here yelling " yes you can lose weight on 1200-1300 calories", because I was doing it. Worked for me. What happened after 9 months? Well I lost 74 lbs, I was skinnier!Yey! Then I Plateaued for 7-8 months hell even gained 20 lbs back....Found Dan, followed IPORM, did some research and soul searching ( haha not really) got off that damn treadmill, icked up the weights and increased my calories to 1900-2400.

    Me after 9 months on
    1200-1300 calories:

    Lost 70-ish lbs :smile:
    Lost ALOT of muscle
    some energy
    some conditioning
    Some edurance
    1-2 jumping jacks before I thought I was going to die
    1 burpee
    went from size 24 to18
    Shirts womens 4x to 2x
    Squat 35lbs
    Dead lift..what is that?
    Bench Press 25lbs
    Planks..in my dreams
    Push up...yea right, butt in the air if that counts
    Clean Squat and Press.....yea....um never

    Leg Presses 80lbs

    Me currently on 1900-2400 calories Gained 10lbs in 4 weeks! yikes!
    Working on rebuilding and gaining muscle& strength
    For once I dont feel tired and drained
    For someone my size I kick *kitten* at gym....
    30 miles non stop on my bike
    100 juming jacks in a row and I feel greaaaattttt
    10-12 burpees in a row
    size 16-14, some 12's
    womens shirts 1x-L
    Squat 245lbs
    Dead lift 225lbs
    Bench Press 135lbs
    Planks.....like a breeze
    10push ups, still working on better form
    Clean Squat and Press 95lbs
    Leg Presses 450lbs

    So you see, yes you can lose weight on 1200 calories, it worked for me for some time. You decide what your goals are. One thing I've learned is that just because you are "skinner" than me, does not mean you are stronger or healthier than me.
  • sunshinemelis
    sunshinemelis Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just signed up today and am trying to figure out how to use this site. I opted for the lose two pounds a week option and it put me at 1200 calories as well. It sounds pretty hard, but I am going to try my best. And if we exercise (which I have been really bad at lately), we get to eat more calories. But yes, if someone could tell us how to best use this website, besides tracking our own numbers, that would be great. Thanks :-).