Dude closing in on 40lbs lost; ready to lift/tone

Hey MFPals,
I've reached my stage 2 goal by losing more than 36 lbs before Thanksgiving! :happy: Now that I'm almost ready to go into a deliberate plateau for a couple of months (see profile for details), I think this'd be the perfect time to start a lifting/toning regiment. I've seen tons of posts about lifting for women, but I'm looking specifically for advice for us dudes.
Let me share my preferences/parameters and then you can fire away with appropriate advice.:smile:
• I work out Tu and Th at work gym. For strength training, they have mostly machines (a full assortment) and a few free weights in the form of weighted balls and a dumbbell rack.
• At home (M-W-F) the only thing I have for strength training is 2 adjustable dumbbells and a Total Gym that I put together a couple of years ago and NEVER used. :blushing: I have VERY limited space at home, so big things like barbells or a bench are out of the question. :noway: Ooh,I do have a 3-3.5' exercise ball though. :smile:
• FYI: My weight loss thus far has been cardio from day one via treadmill (work and home), calorie deficit for the past 2-3 months, and occasional Wii fitness games. :wink:
• Generally I'm looking to tighten-up to avoid being "skinny-fat". I'm not looking to bulk or be a power lifter or body builder type. I'd like to increase arm size and decrease/slim/tone everywhere else, especially my thighs because I'm tired of buying pants 1-2 sizes larger in waist to fit my thighs properly. Any articles on how to properly measure progress in inches would be very helpful!

Small print time! A few disclaimers :tongue: :
• Please no "you should've been lifting the whole time" posts. :mad: I need "where to go from here" advice, not "woulda, shoulda, coulda" :yawn:
• Please no religious wars over free weights versus machines, or cardio versus strength training :angry: I will continue cardio and use the equipment that's available to me.
• What I have access to at home and work is essentially the be-all-to-end all, so please no "go buy this that and the other" UNLESS it's small and can be put on a shelf or in a drawer (e.g. bands, etc).
• Please no "get a membership at..." cuz it ain't gon' happen! :explode: I know me and if it's inconvenient or out of my way, I won't be consistent with it.
• If you refer me to a book, it should be available at the library OR VERY cheap via Kindle. I have an Android phone and tablet, so low-cost or free apps are definitely in play as well.

OK gang! Let me have'm! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    umm lifting for dudes is the same as lifting for chicks. it's not like we lift with our fallopian tubes ya know :laugh: we have hamstrings, quads, biceps, etc same as you

    strong lifts 5*5 and starting strength are excellent places to start since both are compound lifting programs

    i just re read your post, you might want to look up bodyweight type stuff if you arent willing to get equipment like a squat rack, oly bar, weight plates and benches
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    umm lifting for dudes is the same as lifting for chicks. it's not like we lift with our fallopian tubes ya know :laugh: we have hamstrings, quads, biceps, etc same as you

    Yeah, but:
    1) I think you stuff your ovaries in your arms </LovingSarcasm> :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    2) Your arms look better than mine. I just took a pic, see?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^^ the only program that is really titled for women even though its appropriate for guys that is thrown a lot around here is NROL4W. Basically, the lifting programs are the same. We lift the same as guys - just (sometimes) less weight,

    For the times at the gym, look into Starting Strength or Stronglifts. There are groups on here that is for peeps that work out at home - you should try searching as you may get better advice from that group.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    umm lifting for dudes is the same as lifting for chicks. it's not like we lift with our fallopian tubes ya know :laugh: we have hamstrings, quads, biceps, etc same as you

    Yeah, but:
    1) I think you stuff your ovaries in your arms </LovingSarcasm> :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    2) Your arms look better than mine. I just took a pic, see?

    :laugh: i was just thinking about that looney tunes skit when i saw THIS guy's bicep


    check these out (they dont use a lot of equipment)

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    :laugh: i was just thinking about that looney tunes skit when i saw THIS guy's bicep


    check these out (they dont use a lot of equipment)


  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member

    :laugh: i was just thinking about that looney tunes skit when i saw THIS guy's bicep

    OK, first of all, DATNAZTEE! :noway:

    Now that's EXACTLY what I'm looking for at home! :flowerforyou: #LYMI
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Cheap book for exercising at home:
  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    I can't speak to machines, as I've never used one. Heavy compound lifts will give you the best bang for your buck. Every heavy barbell lift has a dumbell variation. Since you have access to dumbells at work, and I assume a bench also(?), then you might consider an upper/lower split on those days, supplemented with bodyweight, band, and light dumbell work at home on the other days. If you are looking for a specific routine, you might try searching at bodybuilding.com. They have an assortment of routines in the database that may fit the bill.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    a heavy kettlebell for home maybe?

    small and cheap as you dont need fancy brand ones and can do large exercise ranges. lots of free youtube workouts on line. plus google body weight strength training, again no cost needed. Finally TRX look good but never tried it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Tried to walk away from this train wreck but couldn't stay away. I'm not sure what you want to hear. In the "small print" section of this novella you put a list of things we're not allowed to say that clearly indicates that you've read our responses to posts like yours so you already know what the advice is going to be. And if you've already decided you aren't willing to take that advice, no matter how successful it's been for everyone in the world, why bother crafting this elaborate wall of text? Just do what you're gonna do.

    I mean, congrats on losing the 40lbs. I'm being sincere, as I've been where you've been and I know that doing what you did took lots of dedicated hard work. But if you want to move on to Phase 2, that's gonna require doing Phase 2 *kitten*. And listening to knowledgeable people giving you Phase 2 advice. If you don't wish to do what's required that's fine. Just don't expect the same results as the people that are willing to put the work in. Also, those people are busy. If you don't want to listen to their advice, don't ask them for it. They have other *kitten* to do.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Tried to walk away from this train wreck but couldn't stay away. I'm not sure what you want to hear. In the "small print" section of this novella you put a list of things we're not allowed to say that clearly indicates that you've read our responses to posts like yours so you already know what the advice is going to be. And if you've already decided you aren't willing to take that advice, no matter how successful it's been for everyone in the world, why bother crafting this elaborate wall of text? Just do what you're gonna do.

    I mean, congrats on losing the 40lbs. I'm being sincere, as I've been where you've been and I know that doing what you did took lots of dedicated hard work. But if you want to move on to Phase 2, that's gonna require doing Phase 2 *kitten*. And listening to knowledgeable people giving you Phase 2 advice. If you don't wish to do what's required that's fine. Just don't expect the same results as the people that are willing to put the work in. Also, those people are busy. If you don't want to listen to their advice, don't ask them for it. They have other *kitten* to do.

    Dude, that awfully harsh. You could've merely walked away and went on to a post of your liking, but instead you took the time to post this non-helpful reply rather doing the 'other *kitten*' that you referred to. If you read the responses before your post, you'd see that I got very helpful advice that fits within my guidelines. Are you going to tell my that their advice is invalid? If so, prove it. If not, just walk away and shake your head. :grumble: </soapbox>
  • phatycake
    I don't have time to ready your whole post, sorry!

    Have you thought about body beast or P90X?
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member

    it took my brain a few seconds too long to register that photo...i thought it was something pornographic.

    i can't give you any advice that somebody else already has or already will so i just want to say congrats on your progress so far and good luck with lifting!
  • rickkaniuga
    I enjoyed the Power of 10 plan when I was using it. Very machine focused, so if you don't have access to barbells, this might be the one for you. I did it years ago, and remember getting good results quickly. The changes will be more cosmetic than lifting free weights, but it sounds like that is your main concern. The book has gotten pretty cheap, $10 on amazon.

  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    I definitely suggest some body weight exercises for your at home days.
    Some of these require pull-up bars or rings, but you can just as easily do (most of) them on a door or tree branch. :)
    Also, get creative! Make up your own circuits with various exercises so you can do something different every day!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Dude, that awfully harsh. You could've merely walked away and went on to a post of your liking, but instead you took the time to post this non-helpful reply rather doing the 'other *kitten*' that you referred to. If you read the responses before your post, you'd see that I got very helpful advice that fits within my guidelines. Are you going to tell my that their advice is invalid? If so, prove it. If not, just walk away and shake your head. :grumble: </soapbox>

    Dear OP,

    What you don't seem to understand is a post like mine is what help looks like. Harsh? Maybe. The truth? Damn straight. You can do what you *want* to do or you can do what you *have* to do. Next time don't ask for Phase 2 advice is you refuse to commit to Phase 2 work.


    All of us here working on Phase 3
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I enjoyed the Power of 10 plan when I was using it. Very machine focused, so if you don't have access to barbells, this might be the one for you. I did it years ago, and remember getting good results quickly. The changes will be more cosmetic than lifting free weights, but it sounds like that is your main concern. The book has gotten pretty cheap, $10 on amazon.

    Sounds promising; I'll check my local library. Thanks.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    OP what are your end goals or do you have any yet?

    are your goals cosmetic or fitness related or a combination of both?

    i personally dont think dav's advice was harsh, because it's very valid depending on what your larger goals are.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    heavy weights=big muscle