30 Day shred Challenge



  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Welcome Fivefatscats !!!!!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i shredded today so far i ate good today but my family just ordered pizza. ahahah
  • i did day 6 level 2 today. I was so burnt out with level 1 i was starting to dislike it (not that it was getting easy i just didnt like it) so i did level 2 and only had to rest like 2-3 times for 5 secs. It was still hard but i hated jumping jacks in level 1. So hope this doesnt mess up the challenge but i couldnt do 4 more days of it.

    I also did 15 mins on the elliptical :) I better start seeing results soon, ive never worked out this much like i have these last 10 days! Its starting to get to be a craving, i think about it alot, so thats a huge plus. yay!!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    I cant stand the jumping jacks too! Plus I dont think I could do 10 days of the same level would defiently get boring.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    This may be lame but I only have the level 2 shred dvd. I am working this weekend but managed to escape to the gym next door and get in a 45min run and some weightlifting.

    I have been on a plateau for two weeks and have decided to up my daily calories ( I added weight training one day a week and a kickboxing class one day a week and am thinking maybe the extra exercise plus a little muscle building are responsible for my weight gain/no loss plateau)

    I had MFP set for 2lbs/week but changed it to 1lb/week so now my daily calories are up to 1570!!! I ate just over that yesterday :ohwell: and am back only one pound away from my all time low 179.6 that I hit two weeks ago before going back up to 183 for the last two weeks!!

    So tomorrow I am going to try the shred for the first time!!!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    I was suppose to shred today but my hubbie is off :( I did some house cleaning today so i was completly lazy.
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    nope never to late just send your info weigh in on thursday.
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    i feel sooooo bad i have not done any workouts since last wednesday! :blushing: hoping to get back on track tomorrow..maybe tonight if my headache goes away. I have lost weight since our last weigh in no idea how but i did!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    took my measurements this morning and well so far i have lost an inch but weighed the same. i know weigh in is not til thursday but i jsut thought i give it a shot. so shredding tonight. good luck.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Dont feel bad I only did it twice not even close to the amount I was going to do. And thats great on inches lost those can be better sometimes then actual weight loss.

    Happy weigh in everyone tomorrow. Dont forget to send me your #'s
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Well, Shredding friends, I am going to have to unfortunately bow out of the this challenge. Went to the dr. yesterday and was told I need to lay off any exercises that put heavy, unnecessary strain on my knees. So, goodbye to the 30 Day Shred for me for awhile.

    But, keep it up ladies!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    So I did the first level 2 workout and it wasn't that bad. I will probably have to put a little more oomph into the double jump rope jumping but other than that I think I stuck with it pretty well. Exercising for only 20 minutes didn't feel like enough so I did 20 minutes on the treadmill plus 5 one-minute sprints - that got the heart rate going!!

    I worked today and was too busy from 1pm-6:30 to eat so I 'saved' alot of calories today - and had a pretty well balanced dinner, although more food than I would have eaten if I had had my other mini meals.

    I am feeling very optimistic for the weigh-in tomorrow!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    I have gotte some of your weight ins dont forget!!!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Well I'm not sure what to report. My morning weight was 182.2 but since I weigh my self several times a day . . . my post kickboxing class workout was back down to teh 180.8 that I can't seem to get by.

    I guess I should go with the morning weights since I listed my start weight at 183.

    So lets log a 182.2 for me this week!

    Hang in there galz!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member

    Way to go tnewcom with the biggest loss this week!!!!!!!

    Sorry took long to post but I was waiting for others and still have not received from a couple of you. Please make sure to email me your updates.
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    WTG everyone!!!
  • Keep up the great work girls and great job tnewcom!!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    So hows everyone doing? So far I have not done the shred video im going to make a real effort to do it today. I was starting to feel better just with the two times I did the video.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Boy did I have a 'loose' weekend!!! I am really up today (185.8) but hopefully that is just a number and after four days of strict healthful lifestyle I'll be back on track.
    We had company for dinner last night and everything went great except that I overdid it with dessert. Knowing that one of our guests was a Reese's peanut butter cup fan I made this sinful peanut butter cup bar thing - fortunately I sent half of it home with them but not before I indulged . . . bad!

    Hey - what's done is done, and we have to be able to be less rigid on some days and then recover or this will never be the true healthy lifestyle change we are after . . .

    Am I right, or am I justifying my overeating . . .:ohwell: :smile:
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