Completed Insanity?????



  • Fittabulous
    Fittabulous Posts: 17 Member
    I told you not to weigh yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Your body will begon to bloat as your muscles swell, and its replacing fat with lean muscle. Trust the system!! I didn't notice much results until i was a month into the program and then during my recovery week all of a sudden i noticed HUGE changes. I PROMISE you if you stick this out you will notice results!! So again, stay off the scale until I tell you otherwise, lol. Its hard but if you focus all on weight, you'll discourage yourself. Start to watch how your clothes fit, and remember not to overtrain so that you can get enough recovery for your body as well!!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    To anyone that has completed Insanity or is in the 2nd month, when did you start to lose weight? I've just finished my first week and I've actually gained 4 pounds! How much did you lose total? Can you share your experience with the program? I'm feeling a little discouraged and I'm debating on wheter I should just stick to my regular workouts at the gym?

    Thanks in advance!

    I completed the Insanity program just recently. I lost ~10lbs (from 170lb to 160lb) I didn't start losing weight until the second week when I started to eat better. It was all in the diet for me.
  • Missyelliotfan33
    Missyelliotfan33 Posts: 65 Member
    I lost six pounds when I first started is but I have kind of stalled at that and i think it is because I am getting muscle. I will be starting the second month next week.
  • hanimasood
    hanimasood Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad that I stumbled on this site by random (faith and luck also included I am sure). I have just completed my first week this Sunday and noticed a gain of about 2 lbs in my weight since my first day and at the same time I was expecting a dramatic weight loss. I was absolutely discouraged, to the point that didnt even feel like working out today. I have gained all of my encouragement back after reading the posts from all these wonderful users. After reading, I did realize that I have been feeling and looking very different than day 1. My pants have become loser, slightly but I can still feel a difference. Day 1 during the fit test, I was not able to complete the last two exercises, felt like vomiting, and almost blacked out and I just kicked *kitten* during my last insanity workout 6 days later. I am awaiting the next fit test because I can feel that I will punch that one in the face and then kick its *kitten* while its on the ground. I did not realize all these specifics (fitting of clothes, looking/feeling different, energy, stamina, strength etc.) until I read all these posts. So, from here on out I will not let the weight discourage me but I will instead be looking for other noticeable differences. I agree with a lot of comments here, eating right will get you there faster (always remember that eating right is NOT eating less), try to push yourself during each workout (dont let your mind tell you that you are tired, keep going until your body tells you that you are tired), form is better than speed (quality over quantity), and research what other people are doing or saying (just like these posts). So, last but not least, thank you all for rebuilding my courage and motivation to keep going......
  • I am starting my third week of insanity tomorrow and i have been going nuts since i gained 4 lbs and i have been so upset about until i read everyone's posts on here. i was so ready to send it back but you all changed my mind now i'm going to finish it and hope for the best =) i feel like the only time i actually lose weight is when i lift weights which i hate doing i love cardio!
  • To anyone that has completed Insanity or is in the 2nd month, when did you start to lose weight? I've just finished my first week and I've actually gained 4 pounds! How much did you lose total? Can you share your experience with the program? I'm feeling a little discouraged and I'm debating on wheter I should just stick to my regular workouts at the gym?

    Thanks in advance!

    Stick it out! I did not do the "Insanity" program. I did complete something similar and I lost 18 lbs. (this was last year). There could be all kinds of explanations to this. I am POSSATIVE that it only has every thing to do with the program causing your muscles to grow and react and muscle weighs more the fat. Keep going and I think you'll be happy in the end!
  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    Hello, I am starting week 7. In the first month I lost 8.2 lbs. (I only weigh myself once a month personal preferance) I have noticed I have more defined shoulders and my stomach is much smaller. I was in a size 14 pants (they were just slightly loose) now I am in a size 10. The first month I found I had a lot of energy now in month 2 the programs are much longer and I am finding it a bit harder to get motivated but I am determined to finish. I am posative if you continue you will see amazing results.
  • After reading this I'll probably hide my scale under my bed until my 60 days are over. I'm still waiting for my workout to come in the mail. Hopefully it arrives on Tuesday so I can start soon.
  • I'm so happy I read these postings. I just finished week five and was feeling discouraged but I will keep pushing. I haven't lost weight but have amazing endurance now. I'm a runner but wanted to ramp it up a bit. So thanks for all the encouraging words.
  • I just completed my 6th week, going into week 7. I have only lost 4lbs so far. For the past 3 weeks I have been floating around the same 2-3lb range. The scale won't budge!!!! However, I do notice a difference in my clothes, not huge, but noticeable, as well as a small noticeable difference in my pictures. But regardless of the scale I feel amazing and I am super motivated to finish this program! I know I should probably do another round but I may switch it up and do some turbo fire.

    As far as eating, I have recently started trying to follow the insanity diet guide, eating 5 meals a day. I just feel like its a LOT of calories (i'm supposed to be eating 2,100 according to the book) and I feel like its too much, but then if I don't eat all those calories, I feel like maybe I won't get the best results. Any thoughts/suggestions???
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    The stress on your body will cause you to retain will go away after your body gets use to the tough workout. I gain everytime I stop & then start exercising again. I did Insanity for about 12 weeks. I only lost 5 lbs but I took pictures and could see I had toned up alot. After that I started Tapp Out XT. Then I got bored & stopped all of it for 3 months...I gained 15lbs so Im back to square one! Dont quit! You will get stronger too!
  • jltgraham
    jltgraham Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently on Day 5 of Week 2. This is my first time doing insanity. I weigh in weekly, every sunday. So far I have lost 4 1/2 lbs. Its a long shot but I am pushing forn 40 lbs lost total by the end of my first round. I have not been using the recovery formula or shakeology and my diet is tracked via weight watchers, so I suppose you can say I am combining the two. I can feel my body getting stronger even though I do have to make a few modification every now and then. Wish you the best and stick with it, it will come!