8 hours sleep and still tired.... why?



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    None of us get enough sleep. If there were no artificial light, we would go to bed with the moon and get up with the sun. The lure of electric lights keeps us up well past sundown and our daily commute on the hamster wheel of life has us up with the sun anyway. If you really want to get enough sleep, try sleeping as nature designed - sundown is bedtime; sunrise is time to get up. Now there's a challenge!

    Hahaha sleep at 5 PM and wake up at 6 AM :happy:

    Following this advice I would now be going to bed at 2:30pm and getting up at 10 am. In another month, I would just sleep 24 hours a day... I wish my employer would go for that!

    Seriously, the advice is accurate, but just not realistic for our society and for people that live nearer the poles of the earth. Inuit actually followed this advice quite closely; winter was a time to stay close with family, in igloos and tell stories and spring/summer was a time to get food and work one's butt off to be prepared for winter.

    Artificial lights do affect sleep profoundly and so does EMFs. There's lots of info out there on this subject and it's worth considering imo.

    Also, I have discovered that WHAT I EAT or don't eat affects my quality of sleep more than any other single factor.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I remember always being tired when I was in university. Some people need more than 8 hours, and I am one of them. I'm a 9 hour a night person, and so is my sister.

    That being said, I did learn I was anemic at school. If you really think there is no reason you should be tired, check your iron, B12, and thyroid.

    The other common cause of tiredness is depression.

    Hope you stay well.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Also, have you had a sleep study? As a nurse, whenever people tell me they get enough hours of sleep but still feel tired, little alarm bells go off screaming, "SLEEP APNEA! SLEEP APNEA!"

    I used to have chronic and severe sleep apnea (totally cured by changing my diet) and I definitely could never feel rested no matter how long I "slept". However, good luck with the sleep study; it's more annoying than useful imo. If one has/had a partner in bed then they should know whether you stop breathing in your sleep or not. If you do have sleep apnea, then you may want to consider some lifestyle changes; it's a VERY serious health problem.
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks for all your replies guys. I will need to spend a few more days getting into a routine to really work out everything. I also cant wait for the holidays.

    @psulemon - I am 5'8", 89kg. I have a bit to lose still. Im size 18 in clothes. I started working out properly again four weeks ago.

    Monday: 6:15 - 7am Boxing
    Tuesday: lunchtime gym
    Wednesday: 7:30am PT session
    Thursday 7am Gym
    Friday: 6:15am-7am Boxing
    Saturday: 8:30am PT session.
    Sunday: off.

    PS - it does feel great to say I am only 89kg, I have lost 6 kg in the last 4 weeks (roughly).
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    None of us get enough sleep. If there were no artificial light, we would go to bed with the moon and get up with the sun. The lure of electric lights keeps us up well past sundown and our daily commute on the hamster wheel of life has us up with the sun anyway. If you really want to get enough sleep, try sleeping as nature designed - sundown is bedtime; sunrise is time to get up. Now there's a challenge!


    I agree that we don't get enough sleep. But this doesn't make any sense. At my latitude in June you're looking at 9h 25m of sleep. That's probably about right for my wife, and too much for me. But that's in June and I've already allotcated too much time for sleep. Getting on to Winter Soltice time and now I'm looking at 14 and half hours of sleep. Way too much for almost anyone.

    Older societies also took ciestas, as do other societies in the world. I think western culture could benefit from that.
  • girlfighter1990
    Could be alot of things the weather changing, stress, over worked or your diet... Make small steps to change your normal routine and find things to keep your mind calm...

    Hope this helps a little :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    None of us get enough sleep. If there were no artificial light, we would go to bed with the moon and get up with the sun. The lure of electric lights keeps us up well past sundown and our daily commute on the hamster wheel of life has us up with the sun anyway. If you really want to get enough sleep, try sleeping as nature designed - sundown is bedtime; sunrise is time to get up. Now there's a challenge!


    Crap - I need to be in bed right now then. It's 4:00 and I'm at work for another hour and a half, but I'm sure my boss won't mind me sleeping here from now on, or at least until it stays light long enough for me to get home.

    I am ALWAYS tired. I can get 5 hours or 11 hours - there is NEVER a point in time when I am not tired. So I've got no advice there.
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    You might need more vitamin B12 and D3. They both will make you tired for no apparent reason. And with the winter here less sun to get the D3. either get your labs checked or just start the vitamins. For B12 get the under the tongue ones. For the D3 get the gel caps. I had my labs checked because I was tired with no other reasons and turns out I was very very low. My doc called me at home and told me to go get the vitamins that day. And come in the next day to start weekly injections.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for all your replies guys. I will need to spend a few more days getting into a routine to really work out everything. I also cant wait for the holidays.

    @psulemon - I am 5'8", 89kg. I have a bit to lose still. Im size 18 in clothes. I started working out properly again four weeks ago.

    Monday: 6:15 - 7am Boxing
    Tuesday: lunchtime gym
    Wednesday: 7:30am PT session
    Thursday 7am Gym
    Friday: 6:15am-7am Boxing
    Saturday: 8:30am PT session.
    Sunday: off.

    PS - it does feel great to say I am only 89kg, I have lost 6 kg in the last 4 weeks (roughly).

    Based on your stats nd workout routine i would have you eat 1900 calories daily. This includes a deficit over the week so you would not need to eat back exercise calories. Also i generally adjust macros to 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats. Try this for a few weeks. If you are still tired go to the doctor for blood work.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I would get some blood work done and make sure it isn't a vitamin deficiency.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    You know, stating the obvious, you might just be tired. :) Life is rough!
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    You know, stating the obvious, you might just be tired. :) Life is rough!

    LMAO - yep...

    Im not stressed about deficiencies or what-not at the moment. I do think it has to do with my sleeping and eating patterns being knocked around with uni.

    Only two more weeks, and then I will really know!