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This is really hard for me...



  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey there! Do you have a Planet Fitness nearby where you live, because the basic membership is only $10 a month and some nights they are open all night long. If you can't do that just walk, it's free and you can do it anywhere.

    Counting calories has been my biggest tool to success, so always do that. At first it's pain to log all your food, but you get so used to it that you want to do it to and see where you are at. You don't just have to eat chicken and salad to lose weight. There are lots of foods out there that are yummy and low calorie.

    Find something to inspire you to keep you going, like a pair of jeans you want to fit into or a dress...something that gives you incentive to keep on going. You can absolutely achieve your goals. There are tons of people on here who have lost hundreds of pounds. I've lost 100. :)
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    You can do it! Break it down in steps. Maybe start by swapping some of the unhealthy food with healthier choices. Try different fruits and vegetables and grains (quinoa, brown rice, whole grain pasta). Learn healthy recipes and learn what you like so you have the tools you will need to be successful. Don't forget that there are frozen vegetables and fruits for when you're short on time. Keep some of these options at hand.

    Also, as others have suggested, reduce calories slowly over time. Let your body adjust. This is a marathon, not a Sprint.

    Finally, start exercising. Try different routines- any is better than none, and consistency is key. You will get better every week that goes by. Ask your friends to do things that are more active like going on a light hike, going dancing, or taking an exercise class.

    And remember that you're great and you deserve to have a healthy body. If you set small goals that don't involve the scale, like exercising 4 days a week or eating 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day for a week they will add up.

    Good luck- many have walked this path and you can too!
  • Dawners98
    Dawners98 Posts: 120 Member
    I don't have much to add since everyone else has already hit every point I could ever want to make. My advice to you is simple...if you want to lose weight, you have got to change your life. I don't like 'diets' because they typically imply that you can go back to whatever your own normal is once you hit your goal. For some this is great! Losing 10 pounds before your wedding or vacation, etc, etc, but it is NOT the way to lose weight and keep it off. You have to change your life. You have to learn how to be healthy and you have to be open to being healthy and trying new things. If you don't like raw vegetables, don't eat them! There are plenty of alternatives out there! If you don't have money for a gym membership, or time to get there, you don't have to! I've never thought of the youtube option people have mentioned, but it sounds awesome! Simple things like taking the stairs instead of an elevator, or walking to/from places are great first steps (pun intended)! Soon you'll be wondering why you drove everywhere and took the elevator! Will those small steps make you lose 30 pounds in a month? No - and that wouldn't be healthy anyway! But you may be able to lose 30 pounds in a year. That might not seem like a lot, but it's much better than gaining another 30 in a year! The truth is that if you are truly ready to change your life around, you'll find that you care less about the numbers and more about how great you'll start feeling. And trust me, the loss will come, and other random weird weight-related things that you never even consider now will hit you at the oddest moments and you'll be like..."damn, I'm good!"

    Good luck!!! Support is just a mouse click away!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    you really are a pretty girl!
    This site is FILLED with people who are or were heavier than you and felt that they couldn't do it, and they did. Sometimes it was easy, sometimes it was hard, and other times it was actually FUN, but i bet every single person here who has started to lose weight is shocked that they could do it. and guess what? They are no more special than you are....
    which means, you can lose weight too. :)

    as someone else said, dont look at how much you need to lose in total. look at a much smaller goal. say 20lbs. That's it... just enough to have your clothes fit well or maybe loose. that may even be a new pants size (everyone is different).

    lots of people here don't have gym memberships. You can walk and youtube has lots of videos. Check out some zumba.

    and for whatever reason why you don't like veggies, and even if that never changes, you still mentioned a few that you do like and that's plenty. start with those and plenty of fruit. there's lots of food that is not high calorie, but delicious and filling.

    good luck dear. i can't wait to see your progress.
  • SouthernDad
    SouthernDad Posts: 16 Member
    Just remember that you are the one person that can do ANYTHING. We are all on here because we are wanting to change our health or weight. You are among friends. Becoming more active will make you healthier. Eating reasonable portions and better food choices will make you healthier. The weight loss will just come along the way.

    You are still young with your whole life ahead of you. Make your next 25 better than your last. Decide to be happy with YOU.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I just have one thing to add to everyones amazing advice----don't look at the big picture, it's easier to look at the small victories such as a 5 lb loss then it is to swallow having to lose 50 lbs. You can do this!

    I agree with the great advice people have given you but most of all I agree with this ^^^! It is so discouraging to think "OMG, I need to lose 80lbs (which is what I started out needing to get rid of)" Or "I want to be a size 14 but I am currently a 24... a size 14 is SO far away!". Break it down into small goals - 5 or 10lbs at a time, one size at a time. Reward yourself - get your nails done, a pedicure, a small sparkley piece of jewelry or something else that you like... NOT food! There are days when I feel just as fat as when I started but yet, I am down three sizes. When I feel gross and discouraged, I try to remember that 9 months ago, I couldnt put on a size 18 to save my life! There are still days when you will look at yourself and cry, there are days where all you will want is a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a plate of brownies but with the help of your mfp friends and hopefully those around you, someday you will want it SO bad, but you wont have it because you realize how you feel is more important that the way it tastes. I still have yet to be able to turn down a fabulous, gourmet cupcake or really fine chocolate... well, any chocolate for that matter. However, I have learned to eat one cupcake and let it go. I can have one or two pieces of chocolate and move on. It is hard, that is no lie. It will never be easy but it is so wonderful to be able to paint your own toenails or tie your shoes without feeling like you are going to die. It's also great to kiss the Women's/Plus section goodbye. I am not there yet.... pretty soon. I dont want to be skinny either. I am working on a size 14, that is skinny enough for me. I may feel differently once I get there but I for now, I am ok with a 14. You can do it, you are young, beautiful, and it sounds like you WANT to change. Feel free to add me if you like! There is a ton of support and info on this website. USE IT! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    You can do this! 90% of my family is obese as well. I was obese as a kid and have kept my weight off a very long time. But I totally related to you saying you've never shopped in the Junior's dept. I remember in the 80s wanting a pair of "designer jeans" so bad (Jordache was all the rage back then lol) and I couldn't get them because they only went up to size 12 and I was a 16 and then 18, as a kid. I never ever forgot that feeling.

    Keep it simple and sustainable. You're gonna get all kinds of "expert" advice on here and enough facts and BMR and TDEE and all this stuff that sounds like rocket science. And it's NOT rocket science! Back in 1987, when I first lost my weight, I was 15 and it was the 80s, before the Internet, before low carb, South Beach, whatever and before "low fat" foods. I just knew about portion control (thank you Richard Simmons!) and get up and move! So that's what I did!

    For me, it helped to lose the "diet" mentality. Anyone can LOSE the weight...the trick is to keep it off for 20+ years and counting! I allow cheat meals, I don't diet and I don't deprive myself of anything. I tend to make much healthier choices these days but I am the result of a bunch of small changes adding up over time.

    I'm sending a FR here on MFP. Also, go to FB if you're on there and "like" my page:

    Honey, if I can do this...the girl who woulda been devastated at the loss of Twinkies this past week (ugh, can't stand them now lol) then ANYONE can! And I will help! :)
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    Honey, you are beautiful no matter what.. You have made the first step by posting here today.. Feel free to add me as a friend... 2 years ago I was a 26/28 pant and a 3/4x pant... Today I am proud to say I have lost 126 pounds with 33 to go... You will get there honey..
  • crissy97
    crissy97 Posts: 277
    hello heather, yes i do understand what you are going through as i am going through the same thing at the moment... you are a very beautiful girl never forget that, look at yourself in the mirror and find positive things about you, do that everyday until you feel better (my youth group leader told me this and it works) also try not to do anything to make yourself upset (i emotionally eat and cry when i see myself naked) remember everyone on this site is here for you ok...

    add me if you like :):heart: :love:

  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm 25 years old, 5'9", and well, we won't discuss how much I weigh...but I'm a size 28. I've been fat my entire life. Not once was I able to shop in the Junior's department, or even the Misses... Straight to the Fat Girl section I go. I'd say around 90% of my family is overweight.

    I've tried losing weight several times. I do the low carb, and I end up wanting sweets. I do the low calorie, and I feel like I'm starving at times.

    I'm tired of being the "pretty fat girl" that everyone is friends with and nobody wants. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and literally crying almost every single time I see myself naked. I'm an amazing person on the inside, and deep down I know it, but this extra weight keeps me from shining...know what I mean? It's so upsetting. :cry:

    I don't even want to be skinny. I'd just like to drop down to like a size 20. I could live with that. I just don't know where to begin. I'm incredibly busy, I don't have a gym membership because they cost me an arm & a leg. I don't eat raw vegetables. I literally almost throw them up every single time. (There's a long, sad story behind that, but we won't go there) I can deal with some cooked like onions, celery, carrots, green beans, peas, broccoli...

    I need motivation. A swift kick in the booty. I WANT to get into better shape. Does anyone have advice, or words of encouragement, ways to exercise on the run, simple steps that'd make an impact on losing weight? ANYTHING? Help me out here!

    Sorry this is completely random. I don't really know what to say. I just want to know that there's other people currently in my shoes, or that have been in my shoes. I don't wanna feel like I'm alone.

    Thanks guys!
    :heart: Heather
    You are not alone. I have been there too. I have lost 93 lbs. so far, but I must confess that I had weight loss surgery. The other tools at my disposal were not working for me. Obesity really is a struggle that is genetic in many cases. Don't beat yourself up. Just start logging and you will find MFP has a lot of really supportive people from all backgrounds.

    Good Luck, feel free to friend me.

  • Thank you to everyone who has posted so far. I haven't even read half of the replies and I'm already in tears. xoxo
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You are home now. This is one really nice internet family with lots of help and experience. I'm pretty new. I told MyFitnessPal my weight and it told me how many calories I got. I went with it and lost weight. When you exercise and eat, log it in. Be honest and log in all the food, even when you go over. Log in all the exercise, too. MyFitnessPal gives you more calories to eat based on how many calories you burn exercising. I walk or ride my bike at least 4 out of 7 days. I eat some of the calories I burn exercising, but not all. I lost ten pounds, and they reduced my calories to fit the "new" me. (I have MANY pounds to go. My clothes are getting loose, but I haven't dropped a whole size yet.) I eat the foods I want, but I measure what I eat and add the calories for every bite. We had measuring cups already but they were shaped funny and inconvenient to use so I bought some different ones that are easier. I also bought a digital scale from Amazon to weigh meat and such. If you can't afford one now, get the measuring cups and save up for the digital scale. It really helps. Come to the MFP site and chat with these nice people whenever you need encouragement, or to visit with people who are also working at getting healthier.
  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    I was on many many different kinds of diets and could not lose any weight until I started doing what the nutritionist told me to do. Count my calories and stay around 1600. She told me of course she wants me to eat healthy but no food is off limits if it fits into my daily calories.

    It is slow, I will not lie to you. I want to lose all of my weight while I have the will power to say NO and while I am so excited and upbeat but it doesn't work that way. It is a struggle meal by meal and that is what you need to concentrate on for now.

    Some days I have to cook 6 meals a day, tell the guys I work with that I can't go out to eat with them or go to the company dinner party and not eat the butter soaked garlic rolls that sit in front of me but it is 1 step in the right direction every single time I have the will power to say no.

    Just for now plan to tackle your mountain with one step in the right direction and then that will give you the energy and will power for the next step.

    Please add me as a friend, I have had a weight problem for many years but this time I plan to only go forward and post the success pictures.
  • fatsheet
    fatsheet Posts: 15 Member
    hey Heather,

    I'm also 25 and 've been overweight my entire life as well, so I know the feeling of having to shop in the XXXXXXXL section... including mens clothing as well = (. i got teased about it a lot when growing up, but eventually became immune to it all.

    I can safely say I no longer have to clothe myself in mens garments (thank gosh!) but I am still far from the 'fit' image i want to have. i have a family history of diabetes, and im not going to let myself follow that same path.

    Add me as a friend as well! We need all the support and motivation we can get = )
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Your post was very heartfelt and reminds me of when I started.

    First off, eat what you like. You have to start somewhere. Don't just eat veggies and fruit when you hate them just to be called "healthy". Start with what you know. Do you like chips? Eat chips. Do you like fried chicken? Eat fried chicken. All in all, make sure you can fit into your calories and macros (such as fat, carbs, sodium, etc)

    Make small changes. You don't like raw veggies. Neither do I really. So eat the ones that you do like. Incorporate them more in your diet. Try different foods every now and then.

    Aside from food, I've never been able to shop in the regular section of a store. I was always plus size. Saturday, I shopped in the regular section. It was freaking amazing. It's not about being skinny. It's about being healthy.

    Want to talk motivation? Your motivation should be to look good when naked because you cry everytime you look in the mirror. Your motivation has to come from within. What do you want to change, and what will YOU do to get there? It's all about you. Nobody can give you the motivation or willpower.

    I hope this helps. Feel free to add me. I've been there girl. I've been there..
  • Here to support you! You can do it!

    My 2 sense about diet & fitness:

    I have tried various diets and eating plans as well. I have found that a vegan diet (heavy on the produce low on bread) plus calorie counting is the best way to manage your weight. Since I became a vegan it is much harder to gain weight, and much easier to lose with the help of calorie counting and a little exercise. Also, we all know deep down that dairy products are the real diet killers!

    Any workout is better than none. I try to do a minimum of 20 minutes cardio (not including warm-up and cool down) 5 days a week. Just say to yourself, in 25 minutes I will be headed towards a hot shower! 25 minutes then done!

    We all mess up, you will have days when your diet goes out the window. You can always get back on track! It's never too late and you're never too far gone. Each time you go off your diet or eat something you shouldn't, take a moment to recommit to your fitness plan

    I wish you the best!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I'm sending you a friend request! I've been at this for about a year now (we won't talk about how much weight i lost..it's not impressive), but i've found that having a great network of support can really make a huge difference! I log into MFP just as much or more than Facebook. It keeps me "in the game", if you will.

    You definitely don't need a gym membership!! There are such an array of useful videos on YouTube..all you have to do is search! This is stuff you can do in your living room with no equipment at all, or minimal equipment! I'm on day 7 of the 30 day shred..it's hard, but it's only 27 minutes. Who can't find 27 minutes in their 24 hour day to just get moving?

    I saw some others mention that your body hanging on to it's weight could be medical. Only you can determine if that is a possibility. Couldn't hurt to get to a doctor to discuss PCOS, thyroid or other symptoms that might be dragging you down.

    Good luck, see ya around!
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    Damn I love this site,
    Thanks to all who have posted!
  • tay_913
    tay_913 Posts: 71 Member

    I'm one of those people that got chunky right around my teen years and it got worse once I got married and got comfortable. I don't diet, that's an icky word and something you won't stick to. I eat what I want but stay under my calorie goal, could I eat better, yes, but for now it's a start. I also started c25k program, it's 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. I ended up losing 20 pounds this way.

    You can do it, it will take work and dedication, it won't be easy but it will be so worth it in the end.

    You just have to convince yourself this is what you want and go after it.

    Good luck and here for you!
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi there Heather!! We even have the same name!!
    I am 26...I think I was skinny up until maybe 4th grade and I started putting weight on. I was 260ish in high school. By the time I was in college I was 312 pounds. I am 5 feet 7...my clothing size was 26 almost 28. I know how you feel!!
    When I was about 22 my first boyfriend suggested I get a lap band. Yea kind of rude...I dumped him. I started doing Curves. Gyms are very expensive! But I did Curves for a year all the while also doing workout dvds at home. After almost a year I quit Curves, just do dvds now. I find this to be cheaper, and it is available anytime I want. It fits my schedule not the other way around! I did a few classes at a Zumba gym, but their classes didn't fit around my work schedule. I would be out of work at 5 and have to be stuck waiting until 6:30 for class to start and I'd still have to drive half an hour to get home. I prefer dvds. I can find them cheap even at thrift shops and I have a nice little collection, so I never get bored. They have all different levels, I started out with Leslie Sanson walking for like 20 minutes a mile.
    I slowly adjusted my diet. I just count calories...I started this on sparkpeople and just ate the calories set up according to my account. I slowly improved my diet. I found healthy things that I like to eat, and don't eat things I don't like. I don't like cottage cheese but I will eat greek yogurt. I don't like red meats, but I will eat chicken or turkey. I like red peppers and romaine lettuce but sometimes I won't touch tomatoes and get confused at all of the veggies at the store. You will find things you like to eat!
    And I don't deprive myself. I just watch my portions. On the weekends I splurge on some ice cream or something I've been wanting. I know that each week I will get that, so I don't feel deprived.
    I am now about a size 12 in most pants. You can do it. It just has to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix!