This is really hard for me...



  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    What helped me was logging all my food and being HONEST with myself. If I had a bad day, I logged it. I was shocked to learn that some foods I thought were really bad for me weren't so bad. And some foods I thought were better for me weren't that great. Get into a good habit of logging every single meal, every single day. Eventually you will learn what foods work for you and what don't. It won't happen overnight so be patient, realize this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    What you want to do is give yourself the right tools and the right education so this will be a life long commitment.

    Pretty soon the logging and the eating right and making the right choices will become a habit you don't even have to think about anymore.

    You can do this :smile: Don't let bad days discourage you. You'll soon discover that we all have bad days. Even those who have been on here a long time. The important thing is to think of tomorrow as a new day.

    Get yourself a great group of friends and lean on them when you have to, just like they'll lean on you when they have to. It helps so much to know there are people here who are willing to listen to you.

    One of the things that really motivates me is visiting the Success Stories forum. Seeing pictures of people who have lost weight, reading their success stories, makes me want to be a success story.

    Friend me if you want to. I'm on here every day.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I just have one thing to add to everyones amazing advice----don't look at the big picture, it's easier to look at the small victories such as a 5 lb loss then it is to swallow having to lose 50 lbs. You can do this!

    Yes. And set some interim goals that are things you want to do. I want to get to 250 so I can ride horseback on the Gettysburg battlefield. I want to weigh 235 so I can fit in a custom outfit I once had made for myself. I want to get to 180 so I'm no longer obese and can buy long-term care insurance. To 175 so I can ride in Hyde Park. This way I didn't start out saying I need to lose 159 or I'm a failure. I said, I want to get under 300 (that was quick). And now I'm just 20 pounds away from my Gettysburg goal. I'll be able to do that in the spring.

    Good luck to you. Everyone has given you really good advice.
  • belben22
    I'm 25 years old, 5'9", and well, we won't discuss how much I weigh...but I'm a size 28. I've been fat my entire life. Not once was I able to shop in the Junior's department, or even the Misses... Straight to the Fat Girl section I go. I'd say around 90% of my family is overweight.

    I've tried losing weight several times. I do the low carb, and I end up wanting sweets. I do the low calorie, and I feel like I'm starving at times.

    I'm tired of being the "pretty fat girl" that everyone is friends with and nobody wants. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and literally crying almost every single time I see myself naked. I'm an amazing person on the inside, and deep down I know it, but this extra weight keeps me from shining...know what I mean? It's so upsetting. :cry:

    I don't even want to be skinny. I'd just like to drop down to like a size 20. I could live with that. I just don't know where to begin. I'm incredibly busy, I don't have a gym membership because they cost me an arm & a leg. I don't eat raw vegetables. I literally almost throw them up every single time. (There's a long, sad story behind that, but we won't go there) I can deal with some cooked like onions, celery, carrots, green beans, peas, broccoli...

    I need motivation. A swift kick in the booty. I WANT to get into better shape. Does anyone have advice, or words of encouragement, ways to exercise on the run, simple steps that'd make an impact on losing weight? ANYTHING? Help me out here!

    Sorry this is completely random. I don't really know what to say. I just want to know that there's other people currently in my shoes, or that have been in my shoes. I don't wanna feel like I'm alone.

    Thanks guys!
    :heart: Heather

    2 1/2 years ago I was 25, 105 kilo's and just where you are except I had a 2yr old and a 6week old...I started walking initially, just 20 minutes around the block and built up from there...I also initially just stuck to my calorie allowance...I didn't worry too much about what I was eating, only that I was under my allowance...

    Gradually I started changing my diet and increasing my exercise...

    I can now run 10km easily, have a mainly clean diet and weigh 65kilo's which I have maintained since April 2011...There is nothing special about those who succeed about weight loss which means anyone can do it, you just have to commit to staying the course when times get tough and there's a pretty good chance that at times you'll want to quit : DON'T...Don't to it to yourself.

    My starting tips would be, just walk and build up your exercise from there...I used to think of it like this : Every step I took I was a gram closer to being at my goal weight...10 more steps = 10 more grams :) Totally worth it !! Aim to monitor your diet, weigh and measure all your foods so you know how many calories you are consuming and aim to drink at least two litres of water a day...If you like, start changing your diet from now but do it gradually, so perhaps add in a piece of fruit where you would eat a treat, add in multi-grain & low-fat milk to replace white bread and full fat milk, cut out soft drink, etc and ease into it...

    Also include a treat as part of your daily allowance so you don't feel deprived and if there is something you would HATE to give up right now then don't give it up, you can always cut it out later when you start to naturally gravitate towards healthier options..

    Tracking in advance will probably help you stay in control and allow you to see how many calories things are and if they can be budgeted in or not for your day...

    Good luck mate..
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    You are not the only one who has cried when looking in the mirror. Thankfully I haven't done that in a couple weeks. I don't have a lot of advice but I can be support. I really started working on myself in August when I joined this site. I've only lost 12lbs so far, meaning this is going to be a really slow process for me. But I've found a few people on here that helps me stay motivated. Feel free to add me, I'll offer all the support I can.
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Heather,

    First of all, congratulations for stepping up and wanting to make a change. Anyone who is trying to lose weight will tell you, change is really freaking hard. But it's not impossible. Rather than try to change everything about your life all at once, focus on some really attainable short term goals. Start out with one and make it specific. If you haven't been tracking every single thing you eat, that's a great one to pick. Make the goal, "I will track every piece of food I put in my mouth for the next seven days." Just focus on that. Once you've done it and you get to the end of the week and you feel comfortable with it, try another goal. A good one might be, "I will try to eat one vegetable each day." (or if you already are, adjust it up one level from where you are) try it for a week. If you don't meet your goal at the end of the week, examine why. Was it too lofty? What was hard about it? How could you adjust it or change to make it more successful?

    For my first six months on MFP I only did a diet change, no exercise. I started with those really small achievalbe goals. It was great because meeting a goal makes you feel good about yourself and increases your confidence. I dropped my first twenty pounds just by doing food goals. After I felt like my foot was getting under control, I implemented some exercise goals.

    Start basic, don't load on too much at once. You can't change your life overnight, and I see way too many people put themselves under ridicioulsy hard goals that are setting themselves up for failure. But if you set yourself up right, you will totally do this!

    If you have any questions feel free to message me :)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I bet it took a lot for you to write that. You are far from alone, but what sets you apart is you really WANT IT. Now you have to take every negative thing that is motivating you RIGHT now to lose the weight and truly commit. Hold yourself accountable. You are human and will make mistakes.
    One thing I always remember is if I screw up, even if I continue screwing up, it is always okay to wake up the next day and do the right thing.
    Do not let excuses and bumps in the road stop you. You really have to be dedicated to succeed at this.
    Take a look at yourself and tell yourself what you have been doing that has allowed you to gain the weight and continue to gain and remove those habits from your life. Blog about it on here. Who cares if nobody even reads it? It's therapeutic. I blogged several times on here when I first started.
    Don't try to drive yourself crazy by restricting too much. If the amount of food you are allowed in your initial calorie goal is just way too low, don't aim to go too fast. Take your time and do it right.
    I think if you start losing pounds, you will be motivated to try exercising. Heck, walking is exercising. Just start moving.
  • brighteyes31143
    BUMP* You can dooo this girl!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Never stop trying!
    Log everything!
    Have a mini-goal!
    Protein - If you feel like you are starving at times, check out your protein numbers. Protein can keep you satisfied longer.
    Anaylyze Diary - Once you log everything & your at your calorie goals but still hungry, analyze what you logged. Look at what was high calorie - could you have cut the portion in half? Could you replace it with a lower calorie alternate?
    If you added in some exercise, could that balance out your food diary? And help you hit your goal for the day.
    Plan your meals ahead of time.
    Drink lots of water.
    Get your sleep in.
    Learn something from every set back - we all have them.
    I like this graphic:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, honey !

    You've already gotten loads of great advice ........ now you can pick through everything & see what works for you ....... and don't be afraid to experiment with "new" foods ....... you might be very surprised !

    Make the healthiest decisions at each meal, watch your portions ..... and take a walk each day ...... you'll start losing in no time !
  • SkullMama73
    You are definitely not alone. It is really hard for everyone here, no matter how much weight we need to lose. Changing what we have known our entire lives is not an easy task. I am having a tough time, too, but I am taking things slowly. Know that you are a strong person, a confident person, a beautiful person inside and out...tell yourself that everyday. No one can take that away from you, unless you let them. Celebrate every success, no matter how big or small. Every step you take here is a step in the right direction, a step towards a healthier way of living. Find what works for you and your needs, because you alone know what you need. Be strong, be confident, be beautiful, and be healthy!!! Please feel free to add me as a friend, because even though I only need to lose 40 pounds, I still need support, too:smile:
  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, my name is Stacy... I'm gonna send you a friend request. And let me say, "loosing weight and keeping it off is hard for me too".
    Begining the journey is tough, staying motivated is tougher, and keeping it up for more than a month is even tougher ~
    I'm here for you ... I'm on the same journey you are! But I know it can be done :smile:
  • marilyncotton
    marilyncotton Posts: 4 Member
    This is also really hard for me. Like you I am a size 28 and have had times of yo yo diets, add me and hopefully we can help each other have a success this time.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi!! :)

    I know all this info can be overwhelming! But just remember that you can do it and all these people are here to help!!!

    Just a couple tidbits that keep me going....

    - the more weight you want to permanently lose, the more of your lifestyle you have to permanently change!
    aka.... think of this as a lifestyle change not a diet!

    - use psychological tricks.... for example... if there is cake in the office and people offer you some: saying " I dont eat cake" is a lot more psychologically productive that saying "I can't eat cake"

    - believe in yourself

    - when exercise is hard, start small, go for walks even if its once around the block, you'll still be lapping your family members who are on the couch

    - get a support system or a buddy to lose weight with - whether its in real life or on here

    - make sure you remember to love yourself always, you seem like a sweet person!

    GOOD LUCK!!! you can do it!
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I think the first step is starting on a site like MFP. I've only been using it for a little over 3 weeks now and it has already helped me so much! I can't say that I am magically eating perfectly healthy, but it has helped me to see what I was actually eating and that helped me to understand why I was never losing any weight. It has also really helped me to be accountable to myself and to say "no" to the extra drink or getting dessert at a restaurant because I know where my calorie count is for the day. Now like I said, it's not always perfect but I like to take it day by day.

    Now that you're on the sight the first thing I think you should do is set little goals for yourself. For instance the first thing I did was attempt to eliminate my late night snacking. Now I'm working on drinking more water, and ordering that when I go out to dinner instead of a soda or alcoholic drink. Those are goals for me though... you have to figure out what is stopping your weight loss and figure out what works for you. It's all about baby steps towards a permanent lifestyle change.

    MFP is a wonderful site and it really will help you if you commit to it and stick with it. Also, be honest in your tracking no matter what. It will help you in the long run I promise. Good luck with your weight loss journey! I know you can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend too if you would like. I'm always down to help support and motivate others as best I can and looking for friends who will do the same. :smile:
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    You are definitely NOT alone! I, too, started out in pant size 26/28,, when I chose to take charge of my life and health I found MFP. I LOVE it! I still have a long way to go, but here are a few things I have learned:

    Log everything!! (good or bad, each day can be a do-over for the day before, just keep trying)
    Start looking at other people's food diaries (you can learn a lot that way)
    I searched Craigslist for a Gazelle start with 10 minutes at a time on it. I paid $20 for it. Cheaper than many gym's.
    Rule of thumb, drink ONE HALF of your body weight in OUNCES of water (weigh, 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces per day)
    Surround yourself with friends on MFP
    Take before pictures and pictures once a month, at least (even if you don't FEEL like you've lost weight, you'll see it in pictures)
    The same "diet log" doesn't work for everyone. It all takes trial and error to find what works for you.

    Please add me :) I'd love to help support you on your journey (OUR journey-together)

  • ihatetreadmill
    Heather, I totally understand what you're going through. I used to be a whooping 286 pounder (I wore size 26) last June, and yes, I know I am beautiful, but the weight is just too much for my body to take in. To date, I lost 69 lbs.

    I underwent radical lifestyle modification because I am freaking sick and tired of being sick and tired. Acknowledging that you need help takes a lot of courage, and I applaud you for that.

    You gotta make your dreams a reality, and take back lost opportunities.

    It isn't easy, but it's possible.

    I'm with you on this.

  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Heather, your post has touched my heart.:heart::flowerforyou:

    I think you need me as a friend. I'm sorta like you. I'm not into all the healthiest stuff, but I have made some adjustments to what I eat, and how much I eat. If you'd like, you can friend request me, and find out my secrets to weight lose. I warn you, my circle is small, but warm:heart: Please wipe your feet at the door if you choose to enter.:wink:
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    You are definitely not alone with feeling sad everytime you look in the mirror or pass by the pretty clothes in the store. It is depressing at times. I know that I am a kind, caring person on the inside, but it is hard to see on the outside. Even after losing my wt. so far, I just don't see it and still can't buy those pretty clothes. All my wt. has settled in my stomach and that is horrible. Skinny arms and legs and a big belly. I know that I am a lot smaller, but I just don't see it when I look in the mirror. But you know what, we are more than what we see in the mirror everyday. My friends on here, just yesterday, reminded me to make a list of the good things I do and about who I am as a person. I care deeply about everyone and I love with all my heart. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement.
  • body_in_progress
    body_in_progress Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Heather,

    It sounds like you are where I was a year ago, the fat girl who was funny but always single. It was this time last year somebody that didnt even know me referred to me as "that chubby thing" and since then I got my *kitten* in to gear, joined a sports team and surronded myself in people who would be supportive and caring. Since then, I have found the love of my life, lost 16kgs and joined 2 more sports teams along the way! I'm not a gym person, I hate being inside and I also dont eat vegetables, but I have come this far and I know you can too. I still have another 7 kgs to go but it all takes time, at least you want to try :)

    You can do this, and I promise you will, you just need a good network of support and somebody to tell you "since you ate that sweet today, you must now go for a 30min walk".

    Add me as a friend and we can help each other out :)
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Hi there,

    I have also been fat all my life & I'm from a "large" family. The hardest part of all this for me is that my family of origin support me staying fat!! Now that I am losing weight they offer me no encouragement, no affirmation - just the constant temptation of junk food & comments like, "A little bit won't hurt you!" :drinker:

    It is hard, but I now have 4 beautiful kids of my own (all "solid" like their mother!!) & I am trying so hard to be a better example of good health to them than my parents were/are to me. It is a PAINFULLY slow process!! I am on 1200 calories a day & running at least half an hour about 5 times a week - with minimal weight loss. But although it feels miniscule cos it's taken 7 months, I have lost 10kg since about April this year, so I have to be grateful for that. And keep reminding myself that if I stay under calories (even 80-90% of the time!!) the weight HAS TO come off over time!! And it will for you too. You cannot fail in anything unless you give up completely & never try again. Don't rely on your own motivation - that will come & go. Rely on the grace of God if your a believer or at the very least rely on your MFP friends to keep you accountable & wining!!!! xx