Relationship question! Just for fun



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I was pretty sure she was special on our first date. I knew the second date. I proposed to her within a month. Just celebrated our 20th anniversary. Not sure what she see's in me, but she was the best choice I ever made.
  • VelaPulsar
    literally when our eyes met. No joke
  • Chrisxytme
    Chrisxytme Posts: 44 Member
    First Date, Seriously although we had been chatting and talking for months before we met on Facebook.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    This is cute and almost exactly what my husband says (except we havent been married that long).
    I was pretty sure she was special on our first date. I knew the second date. I proposed to her within a month. Just celebrated our 20th anniversary. Not sure what she see's in me, but she was the best choice I ever made.
    We were friends for a few years then he got drunk at my house and told me he had feelings for me. After that, it didnt take long. My husband swears it was the first night he stayed overnight (even though nothing happened). For me, Im not entire sure of the exact moment but there was no question when he presented me with the ring a few months later.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I knew he was special the minute I saw him. Being gun shy, I kind of kept things to my self. He proposed after 3 months. I made him wait over a year (I could not believe my good fortune and wanted to make sure I wasn't rebounding). Over 30 years now, he was worth the wait.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    First date. I made it a point to know how to spell my husband's last name because I knew we would spend the rest of our lives together. Went through some rocky times during the dating process, but here we are together for 14yrs, married for going on 10. :heart:
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    A few months in, I'd guess. We've never been to apart the last 12 years...with the highs and lows, we knew we had to be with eachother. And here we are =)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    37 years together and I'm still not sure. But we're too stubborn to admit we might have been wrong.

    Honestly, we're about as opposite as two people can be. We can't even fold a sheet together without him starting in one direction and me going the other.

    Love the sheet comment. I'm a lefty he's a righty- all kinds of joint projects get a bit mixed up LOL
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    My husband and I started seeing each other on July 5th. From that first night on, I never had to call him. He ALWAYS called me when he said he would. And he called me all the time. Called me in the morning to wish me a good day, called me at his lunch break, called when he got home to see if I had any plans, called me after he finished dinner. If he said he was going to call, he did.

    One evening while we were out on a date, we discussed how long it would take to know if someone was "the one". He said it shouldnt be a problem to know after dating someone 3 months. I knew within a month, I think he did too. But on our 3 month "anniversary" I sent him a text that said, "So.... do you know?" His response, " yeah, I think I know". First weekend in December he proposed and we've been married for just over 6.5 years, the happiest years of my life!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    How long after being with your s/o did you realize that that they were "the one"? And was it something they did, said, or just you?

    We've been together since July 2011. At the end of September this year, he asked how I felt if we were engaged by the end of next year. That made it so real for me, was scary at first but then I realized that this is what I wanted and couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. :)
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Took a little over 48 hours. I was attracted right at first. His english accent just got me immediately, and his gorgeous blue eyes. Moved in with him in about 3 weeks. 30 years later, it's still good. :bigsmile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I was pretty sure she was special on our first date. I knew the second date. I proposed to her within a month. Just celebrated our 20th anniversary. Not sure what she see's in me, but she was the best choice I ever made.

    So sweet!
    I love this...hope you show this to your wife!!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Within a month. Unfortunately she never did realise it and left after two.

  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    I was pretty sure she was special on our first date. I knew the second date. I proposed to her within a month. Just celebrated our 20th anniversary. Not sure what she see's in me, but she was the best choice I ever made.

    awww!!! I love that! super sweet!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    joe and i have been together a little over 4 years. i think i knew a few months into it, since we just always had fun together and i could be myself around him. definitely by the time we hit 8 months i knew i would be stuck with him :p lol it is different for each person, some take longer than others to realize
  • projectxreborn
    We were best friends for seven years before I even found out he cared for me.
    We have been together for almost 14 years...and I fall in love more and more with
    him as time goes on. I can't help it, he brings out the cheesiness in me. :)
  • toofatandy
    toofatandy Posts: 74 Member
    When she told me she had 5 million bucks.
  • Chelseaax
    Chelseaax Posts: 197 Member
    3 weeks, we moved in with eachother after a month, and are still together a yr and half now. We just new.
  • buffykaz
    buffykaz Posts: 50 Member
    For me - I had a lightning bolt moment when I first met him and just knew that he was someone special. He on the other hand is by nature a very cautious person, so it took some time for us to get to know each other as friends before he felt comfortable enough to become boyfriend/girlfriend.

    He proposed on the second anniversary of when we began dating, and we were married 10 months later. We've now been married 9 years and I always say that I will never win lotto because I used up all my luck when I met him :heart:
  • wheldar
    When I met her the very first time, I felt the kizmet immediately. she did also. Being recently divorced for both of us, we were cautious thinking it was just a burst of lust. Glad it was kizmet and we have been together 23 years. Yeah, the lust part was there, but it was only a part of how we began. We talked all the time, sometimes like teenagers on the phone for hours. We both wanted to know as much as we could about each other before taking the next step. Glad we did, communication is the basis of our relationship.