have people noticed your weight loss?



  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I bought a size down in scrubs after 12 lb weight loss. I did get a few complements that my new scrubs looked nice on me. Another 8 lbs and maybe I can get another size down.

    I was chatting with a co-worker about how weird it would be to be transgender, like your body isnt what it is suppose to be. She was like it would be like waking up in this male co-workers body. He was standing close enough to be evesdropping so I gave a funny face and was like OMG. She asked him how he would feel if he woke up with my body. He laughed and said he would never leave the house.

    When I was in high school and lost the weight for the first of many times, I was hanging out at a park waiting to meet up with a friend. A little boy, maybe 3 years old, looked up and said wow your beautiful. It didnt look like anyone put him up to it either.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    My mom has said she has noticed, and so has my husband and a few friends. My husband says I've lost weight all over, except my hips are still big (thanks childbirth). My in laws haven't said a thing though, and I see them weekly.

    Last time I lost weight I went from 194 to 146 and people didn't start commenting until I hit 160 lbs or so. Think of the paper towel roll analogy. For each one you remove, not much changes. But as the roll gets smaller each piece of paper towel makes a bigger difference.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I got very few comments until I finally broke down and went shopping for smaller clothes, then everyone seemed to notice. Until then I think they might have been afraid I'd lost the weight because of some illness I didn't want to discuss.

    This, clothes seem to make all the difference in the world. When they are big and baggy, I think people notice, but just don't quite get it. I have decided I have to stay away from shopping for awhile, going broke. :smile: but I just love buying new clothes now and people have commented much more since I wear things that fit.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    My boyfriend has said NOTHING. Few people at work have kind of stared at me like maybe something is different but they dont say anything. One person said I looked slimmer but I had only lost about 10lbs at that time.
  • zookeepersuzy

    Last time I lost weight I went from 194 to 146 and people didn't start commenting until I hit 160 lbs or so. Think of the paper towel roll analogy. For each one you remove, not much changes. But as the roll gets smaller each piece of paper towel makes a bigger difference.

    I always like this analogy. :)

    The only people to comment recently were a guy at my gym (we're all doing a paleo challenge so he's probably paying more attention than most 'normal' people) and one of my girlfriends that I see once every 6-12 months.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Oh yeah. Everybody and their momma So much so sometimes you get tired of hearing it but all good.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Yeah, a few. Of course, I started regularly shaving my head just before I started losing weight. A LOT of people were worried that I was undergoing some treatment and were apprehensive to approach me. Now that they know what I'm doing, I'm asked about my loss all of the time.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    All the time. It's to the point now that I have begun making up different things when they ask or comment. It ranges from just getting ready for a mid-life crisis to getting hooked on really good cocaine. LOL!!!
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh yeah. Everybody and their momma So much so sometimes you get tired of hearing it but all good.

  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    Yes they have.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I have no lost 96 lbs and people just have started to comment. I saw your pics and you can totally tell. i think in the beginning, that people don't want to offend somebody. " Hey you look great. You've lost a lot of weight." translation to cynical people " you looked awful and fat before, but now you look better." Which is not what people mean, but sometimes I think people don't know what to say. People have just started to comment on my weight loss the past few weeks, and I have lost 96lbs.

    Keep it up! you look fantastic!
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Today a girl I hadn't seen in over six months noticed from across a big parking lot. This was the first time someone I don't know personally has commented on it. I was really excited. Although she did feel the need to yell "You need to eat!" really loudly.
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    I have only lost 7 lbs so far but people have noticed it in my face.....it looks slimmer. But I think its more from watching my sodium intake and not being so bloated all the time..
  • Taimarra
    The people who see me daily -- my boyfriend and the other person who lives with us -- either haven't noticed, or haven't commented. I brought it up to my boyfriend at one point and he actually seemed surprised to hear I had lost weight.

    People who see me less often have noticed, though. And the other day a total stranger at the gym came up to me to tell me he'd noticed changes.

    I'm kinda with the daily peeps - I don't see the change yet until I look at pictures. Then I definitely see it.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    Im 52lbs down and no one has noticed.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    yes -- but mostly from people who haven't seen me for an extended period of time. it's not as obvious to people i interact with daily i guess because it was gradual. when i see college friends though they are shocked.
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, and it's actually a little frustrating at this point.

    At first it was "Wow! You've lost weight", and then it turned more snarky when I continued to lose weight. I started to get some really rude comments about how much time I spend at the gym. Which isn't really that much to be honest - working out for an hour a day, admittedly every day, but still...

    I don't think it's jealousy by any means, since the people making the comments are a relatively fit and healthy bunch in general.

    It's weird. I just wish people would stop focusing on it.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm 33 lbs down, 4 or 5 inches off my waist, and all my clothing is looser

    My cleaning lady noticed a few weeks ago, my inlaws noticed last night- no one else said a thing - but maybe they noticed and think I'm sick
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    Sometimes I think people are hesitant to talk to other people about their weight. For me, I have to lose quite a bit of weight for it to make a difference.