Lost 15lb and nobody is noticing !



  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    I heard/read somewhere that
    You notice the weight loss after 4 weeks
    your family after 8 weeks
    the rest of the world after 12 weeks....

    You are on your way to a healthier awesomer you... and if you notice that should suffice (in a perfect world ;I know we all want people to see the huge changes)

    Your very close family and friends might be starting to see a new you.. but unless people at some point commented on your weight gain and said "wow you are 15 lbs heavier.". I wouldn't count on their noticing or their comments flowing in just quite yet. Keep up the awesome work and soon youll be practicing your " oh yeah lost a few pounds" in a mirror to prepare you for all the attention.

    Great Luck..
  • ptbodacious
    ptbodacious Posts: 65 Member
    Hang in there! A lot of times, people who see you every day literally don't notice what size you are or were before. I have lost 55 pounds (starting at 242) and it took about 25 before anyone said anything. Now I have people I have known for years who haven't seen me since I started this little journey walk right by me on the street and don't recognize me! Someone asked my daughter how much weight I had lost and told her they did not recognize me at church last weekend - she was surprised at the question as she sees me almost every day and does not see me as that much different. Be patient and persevere - they will notice!
  • samanthawarren
    Has anyone who knows you not seen you since you started losing. I am sure if they saw you they would notice.
    For me the people I see everyday aren't noticing yet although some will say, "You look good, are you doing something different with your hair":ohwell:
    But, people who haven't seen me for a while always comment on my weight loss. I recently saw a former coworker who had not seen me for over a year. I have only lost about 10 lbs since I last saw her and immediately she started going on and on about how great I look and asking how much weight have I lost. It was funny because it took me by surprise since no one other than my husband has said anything about it until now.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Nobody really noticed a change till around 25 lbs down. Now at more than 30, more people are not only noticing but are wondering how I'm doing it. This is a great time to put in my MFP plug...LOL

    Hang in there, you are doing great!!
  • gazzarelio
    I love the reply that says they think you might be dying, people just are used to seeing chubby cheeks and a nice big round belly with half your *kitten* hanging out of your jeans.

    I also would think that people are laughing at my Movember moustache currently so cant concentrate on my loss
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I've lost 10lb (half way) and the only comment I've had is

    "are they new trousers?"
    "no? I wear them all the time?"
    "oh... they look big"

    But I'm sure in another 4-11lb when I'm done and wear tight clothes, people may notice. :)
  • gazzarelio
    I heard/read somewhere that
    You notice the weight loss after 4 weeks
    your family after 8 weeks
    the rest of the world after 12 weeks....

    You are on your way to a healthier awesomer you... and if you notice that should suffice (in a perfect world ;I know we all want people to see the huge changes)

    Your very close family and friends might be starting to see a new you.. but unless people at some point commented on your weight gain and said "wow you are 15 lbs heavier.". I wouldn't count on their noticing or their comments flowing in just quite yet. Keep up the awesome work and soon youll be practicing your " oh yeah lost a few pounds" in a mirror to prepare you for all the attention.

    Great Luck..

    Greta reply, good reverse view
  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    I've lost 124lb and can safely say that it was around 70lbs lost that people noticed a real difference. It varies from person to person. My advice would be do not look at yourself weekly and hope for a change. Look every 3 month and see if you see a difference, if not, no worries, keep in the green and keep going and one day you'll look in that mirror and wonder where you have gone!
  • icom100
    icom100 Posts: 29 Member
    I started my weight loss journey at 252 lbs. I had to lose 40 lbs before people I only see once a week even mentioned seeing anything. And most of it came from the guys. Women are hesitant to comment on a mans weight loss, especially if he is married and they know the wife. A lot of the older ladies I know are more open about noticing. Sometimes I think its just an issue of not offending or wanting to look "forward", so to speak. Anyway, Im not losing it for them, but the affirmation does help encourage me to lose more. Hang in there. People not saying something is common. Just keep at it, and when your running 10k races and looking good in your 50's, they will wish they had asked you sooner.
  • gazzarelio
    I've lost 10lb (half way) and the only comment I've had is

    "are they new trousers?"
    "no? I wear them all the time?"
    "oh... they look big"

    But I'm sure in another 4-11lb when I'm done and wear tight clothes, people may notice. :)

    Bet you wanted to smack them in the mouth, good work young lady
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Sorry to clog the boards up with this trivial one all, I just wonder if anybody else is having this issue, I feel better healthwise and also mood wise. I just would like to know where this stone has gone !, I still have a tonne to go though and have a belly like a pregnant woman that wont shift !

    took about 30 pounds for people to notice for me
  • ptbodacious
    ptbodacious Posts: 65 Member
    EXACTLY! I have a picture of myself in my head and no matter what I weigh - big or small - I still look like that picture in my head. At 55 pounds down, I don't see myself as any different than I did when I was 55 pounds heavier or 50 pounds lighter. DH however, said last weekend "You finally look like yourself again - it was getting hard to see you in there when you were that heavy." I think it was a compliment.....:grumble:
  • gazzarelio
    EXACTLY! I have a picture of myself in my head and no matter what I weigh - big or small - I still look like that picture in my head. At 55 pounds down, I don't see myself as any different than I did when I was 55 pounds heavier or 50 pounds lighter. DH however, said last weekend "You finally look like yourself again - it was getting hard to see you in there when you were that heavy." I think it was a compliment.....:grumble:

    lol what a lovely thing to say !, bet you were so happy...............
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I'm down 21 lbs with only 31 to lose total and people are only commenting now. Many didn't want to say anything because they thought I might not be losing on purpose or it might be stress or something else unpleasant. I'm small and even 10 lbs loss was noticeable on me but most people avoided saying something out of politeness.
  • gazzarelio
    well done, great effort and I guess I never really saw the angle most are portraying, somebody said earlier people dont mention when you put weight on either apart from sarcy friends
  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    i know it sucks when people dont notice right away but hey your doing it for you not for them right?
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    People do notice. They won't say anything because it's not polite to comment on someone's weight. Unless you lose like 50 lbs (3.5 stone), don't expect anyone to comment out loud. But trust me, they are noticing!!
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    I don't think it has as much to do with how much you lose, but how much % you lose. You've lost about 6%. If a 135lb woman lost 15 lbs, that would be 11%. If you weight 350 lbs, losing 15 lbs would be 4%. The higher the percentage, the more noticeable.

    It also has something to do with where your genetics have you lose weight first. If it comes off your face first, people notice faster than if it is coming off your body.

    When I was in my serious losing phase, I was lifting heavy. The first comment anyone made is to say that I looking like I had been packing on some serious muscle. Then at lunch someone said something about me dropping serious weight, and everyone started saying they couldn't believe how much smaller I had gotten. It's like people think its rude or something to comment on someone else's weight. I guess if someone were dropping weight because of a serious illness it could be rude.

    Anyway - the one person that matters is you. If you are feeling better, and you are seeing the progress in the mirror, others will notice too. May just take them some time.
  • pickledginger
    People can be pretty oblivious. I cut 15" off my hair once and dyed it bright red. I got two comments at work: "Have you lost weight?" and "Are those new glasses?"
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    Two thoughts spring to mind...the first...I bet nobody said anything to you when you GAINED 15 or 25 lbs!! Its good the people who love you love you for who you are...and are pleased with you no matter what weight you are.

    The second comment....for people to notice one generally has to start wearing smaller clothes, new clothes. If youve lost weight and are still putting on your fat clthes the weight loss is virtually covered up by fabric!!

    Stay strong no matter what!!

    You acn do this!