Need friends! Where's the gamer geeks!?



  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    WOW, so many replies! I didn't mean to single out anyone, just narrow it down to find people with the same interests as me! I love Dragon Age!!! :D Love so many freakin' games it's ridiculous. xD
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:
    You should probably get that resolved. :heart:
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Anyone have a N64 and 007 so I can pwn you? :heart:
    i have a nintendo nes

    "Did we just become best friends?" :bigsmile:

    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:

    i have a lot of games i just cant remember them all they are packed away at my parents
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:
    You should probably get that resolved. :heart:

    no kidding!!! :noway: i hate its just sitting there all alone.....yes it to has feelings lol
  • Hell yeah! I'm 5'4" and a gamer geek. I seriously play whenever I have a free moment which seems to be a lot lately. If anyone else wants to add me, feel free! I log every day!
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i love gamin on PS3. I may get to be on between now and Dec 11th or it may be that i just get some good sessions in after Dec 11th...after my last final.

    Lately I've just being playing Zuma bc i can do it for just 5 minutes at a time. I'd like to get some time to dedicate to Uncharted this Christmas. Rayman too...that's a cool and very pretty game.
  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:

    I just replaced the 72-pin connector in mine a few weeks ago and it made a world of difference. No more blowing on the cartridges! ;)
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Hey you sound like the perfect MFP buddy for me! I am also from Arizona, a gamer geek and left Facebook a few years ago only to wind up on here haha. Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • Martoch
    Martoch Posts: 166
    I've been told by numerous people that I don't look the gamer nerd part, but I am a PC gamer!

    Anyone can fee free to add me...
  • Flamencoflynnie
    Flamencoflynnie Posts: 61 Member
    I've been playing World of Warcraft off and on for four years.....
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:

    I just replaced the 72-pin connector in mine a few weeks ago and it made a world of difference. No more blowing on the cartridges! ;)

    i think this is gonna be my christmas present lol theres no store near me that sells them so i have to get it from ebay or amazon......if anyone has bought a pin connector or gaming stuff from ebay or amazon who is a good person to buy from
  • gish27
    gish27 Posts: 78
    im an xbox gamer from ireland if anyone wants to add me
    i dont play online but can chat about games etc
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:
    You should probably get that resolved. :heart:

    no kidding!!! :noway: i hate its just sitting there all alone.....yes it to has feelings lol

    I need to buy one.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Anyone have a N64 and 007 so I can pwn you? :heart:
    grenade launchers in the temple. No oddjob.
  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:

    I just replaced the 72-pin connector in mine a few weeks ago and it made a world of difference. No more blowing on the cartridges! ;)

    i think this is gonna be my christmas present lol theres no store near me that sells them so i have to get it from ebay or amazon......if anyone has bought a pin connector or gaming stuff from ebay or amazon who is a good person to buy from

    I got my 72-pin connector off eBay, from seller "lukiegames". Mostly just because his shipping to Canada was cheap. I'm sure just about any U.S.-based seller with a good feedback rating would be fine to buy it from though. I also bought the 3.8mm security bit to take apart my NES cartridges to clean them. A pencil eraser works great to get the crud off of those edge connector contacts.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    lol .....i need to get a 72 pin connector for was my papaws he bought when it first came out and i played it all the time i have so many games for it but i only play mario and sometimes zelda(its so pretty and gold) lol but as of now its out of comission and i am sad :sad:

    I just replaced the 72-pin connector in mine a few weeks ago and it made a world of difference. No more blowing on the cartridges! ;)

    i think this is gonna be my christmas present lol theres no store near me that sells them so i have to get it from ebay or amazon......if anyone has bought a pin connector or gaming stuff from ebay or amazon who is a good person to buy from

    I got my 72-pin connector off eBay, from seller "lukiegames". Mostly just because his shipping to Canada was cheap. I'm sure just about any U.S.-based seller with a good feedback rating would be fine to buy it from though. I also bought the 3.8mm security bit to take apart my NES cartridges to clean them. A pencil eraser works great to get the crud off of those edge connector contacts.

    thanks.....ive looked for them they are pretty cheap so im hoping to get one soon
  • Not a major gamer. I do play WOW and love some of the old FPS games and I've always been a nerd

    I'm up for lending support and getting some in return if you'd like to add me.

  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    another nerdy gamer gal looking for a few MFP friends for motivation and support on my journey. I've lost about 20 lbs already using MFP to track (and with the help of my doctor) but I am starting to lag in motivation and the last few days have been bad due to stress and grief. I just had to put my long time loved cat to sleep due to a tumor.

    Feel free to add if you'd like.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Gamer dude here!

    Mostly a PC gamer and love RTS/RPG and the odd FPS. Also have a PS3 which I pretty much got to play third person type games and NBA games (<3 basketball).

    Sadly my gaming time is quite low these days but on the plus side I am down over 40lbs and a few pants sizes and am considerably fitter and stronger.

    As much as I love gaming, health and fitness does find it's way above when it comes to priorities however that doesn't mean I'm not gonna sneak in some Dawn of War or an epic EVE Online session when I'm having a R&R weekend or got time after work :p
  • Gone is the stereotype of the geeks being lazy anti social over weight or unhealthy thin!!

    I have been active for many years, and I've been a geek for many more.

    As for some geeking credentials, I read a lot of fantasy novels, and follow Walking dead, series and graphic novel, as well as Game of Thrones.
    I'm quite excited for the hobbit to be out in less than a month, and am looking forward to a guilty indulgence of watching a LOTR marathon before hand ( I'll go for a really good long run before and after I sit down for 14+ hours)
    I play D&D, and some PS3 and PC gaming as well.

    Really enjoyed MMORPG like WoW and Star Wars, sadly life, job and lack of free time have taken a fore front.
    I'm a GIS specialist so my job is sitting in front of multiple monitors for hours on end writing code or doing analysis, so that seems to have caused an extra drive in me to do non electronic geekery for my indulgences.

    Hope this site can help me to track this, and get my fitness levels to the same as my geek ones.