Very overweight and/or obese people trying P90X?



  • When I first started, I managed about 15 minutes, then rested and did as much as I could for the rest of the session. But every day, I went a bit further. Just keep at it every day - you will make it!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I was 83lbs overweight when i started doing p-90x for my cardio. And i couldnt even bend over to tie my shoes without losing my breath when i started doing it. P-90x is a great workout but with that said there are far less expensive programs that are just as good.

    Well, I already paid so I may as well do it.

    But what other programs would you recommend? Do you feel P90X helped you?

    There is a lot of stuff out there. P90x doesn't really come to the game with anything new. I think the real difference is how many things are mixed in, and the intensity level. I doubt there is anything out there that provides so much content for much less. .. You could piece together stuff for free if you wanted, but then you'd have to come up with your own program

    Don't second guess yourself now.

    Sorry Brad. Didn't mean to call you a lady. :P

    I'm still trying to figure out Beachbody. Not sure why but it seems like a very confusing website to me. Probably because I'm a point and click type internet user anything more complicated is too complicated. :P

    no worries :)

    the tool bar across the top,... top left if your "dashboard" area. go in there and set everything up... what program you are doing, profile, goals, starting point, etc. Then the menu across the top "get fit", the first option is SuperGym. This is where you can schedule your program, including start date, then the calendar tells you what to do each day.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am still very overweight and am on week 3 of p90x - there are some things I just can't do - like the chin ups - I use resistance bands instead. I love the Kenpo and plyometrics and all the weights based ones - the ab ripper x - I am still trying to do crunchy frogs but after the reverse bicycles my legs are on fire and it all goes horribly wrong. it is most definitely a work in progress lol.

    I find that I am feeling a bit restricted with it in that I like to mix things up so I find I am missing just getting to the gym - but 90 mins of yoga plus walking the dog for a couple of hours a day and I am struggling to add on the gym on top of my current uni demands. I am still very frustrated with the yoga as I find the looking up to the TV and trying to work out the pose means I have to pause/rewind it all the time and it really doesn't feel like a workout. I realised that I was actually avoiding working out as I knew I had to do the yoga - which is unheard of for me as I normally have to force myself to take a rest day - so I am benching the yoga for the moment.

    My size means that my bodyweight really works against me so I do struggle with a few of the moves - I can keep up the pace and get through the workouts - but in most dvd's there are one or two moves I just can't manage (yet), so I think I manage about 90-95% so I just do a modified move for the contortionist ones lol

    hope that helps - for perspective I am currently 215lbs (starting weight was 297lbs so have done a lot of exercise in the last year so I think it is fair to say that I am quite fit for my size)
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    Well when I started P90X I was 72 lbs heavier. I have done P90X2 and am now doing Insanity. Check I have my before and after pictures posted. Check it out.
  • GlacierFitness
    GlacierFitness Posts: 12 Member
    I'm doing 10 Minute Trainer and I'm starting P90X on Dec 1st. I did P90X last year and dropped 24lbs but then I quit when I came down with pneumonia. This year I joined up as a coach and I'm doing both programs. it's great!!!

    I'm a 44 year old single mom of six kids. I started at 213lbs and I'm now 204lbs.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I started P90X about 50 pounds ago, so at about 330 and I'm still 288 so very morbidly obese and it's rough and I can't always do everything they do. I do my best and yes sweat profusely and enjoy it as well Zumba.
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I am still very overweight and am on week 3 of p90x - there are some things I just can't do - like the chin ups - I use resistance bands instead. I love the Kenpo and plyometrics and all the weights based ones - the ab ripper x - I am still trying to do crunchy frogs but after the reverse bicycles my legs are on fire and it all goes horribly wrong. it is most definitely a work in progress lol.

    I find that I am feeling a bit restricted with it in that I like to mix things up so I find I am missing just getting to the gym - but 90 mins of yoga plus walking the dog for a couple of hours a day and I am struggling to add on the gym on top of my current uni demands. I am still very frustrated with the yoga as I find the looking up to the TV and trying to work out the pose means I have to pause/rewind it all the time and it really doesn't feel like a workout. I realised that I was actually avoiding working out as I knew I had to do the yoga - which is unheard of for me as I normally have to force myself to take a rest day - so I am benching the yoga for the moment.

    My size means that my bodyweight really works against me so I do struggle with a few of the moves - I can keep up the pace and get through the workouts - but in most dvd's there are one or two moves I just can't manage (yet), so I think I manage about 90-95% so I just do a modified move for the contortionist ones lol

    hope that helps - for perspective I am currently 215lbs (starting weight was 297lbs so have done a lot of exercise in the last year so I think it is fair to say that I am quite fit for my size)

    just keep at it.

    How many in outs and bicycles are you doing? I stopped trying to do 25 and am now just trying to do 15 of everything instead. some things I only get maybe ten of, like those sit ups with your arm up, then reaching over... dang those are hard... oh, and the ones where you have your legs straight in the air then lift your butt off the ground... forget about it.

    i just keep trying and trying.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I would absolutely go for P90X. I think it's the best program out there for people who first do a home workout. The best thing is how much Tony Horton motivates you to do your best and forget the rest. This is true no matter how unfit you are! Think carefully: even if you do a workout but only do half of it, that half workout will prepare you for the next workout and the next and so on. You're progressing MORE by doing SOMETHING compared to doing NOTHING.

    P90X is a great program. If you commit to the workouts and nutrition then you will be toned. P90X also has variety in that it has advice for those who want mass and those who want lean, so you're okay there. Don't think that cardio is the best way to lose weight and tone the thighs. Its amazing how people STILL think this and after a few months complain why they don't lose weight. Don't be in this situation. You need to combine cardio and weight training to help build lean muscle and lose fat. Weight training isn’t just for people who want to gain muscle mass, it needs to be incorporated into a training program for the best results. Running 5-7 days a week just isn't enough.

    Only choose foods from the top 3 tiers of this guide and workout 5-7 days a week doing a variety of workouts: cardio and upper body training. Stay away from coke, pepsi, diet coke/pepsi, chocolate, crisps, doughnuts and takeways eg fish and chips, pizza, Chinese, McDonalds, Burger King etc because this is all poison to your body. The same for alcohol and cigarettes.

    Having said that, feel free to add me as a friend!

    Good luck.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member

    just keep at it.

    How many in outs and bicycles are you doing? I stopped trying to do 25 and am now just trying to do 15 of everything instead. some things I only get maybe ten of, like those sit ups with your arm up, then reaching over... dang those are hard... oh, and the ones where you have your legs straight in the air then lift your butt off the ground... forget about it.

    i just keep trying and trying.

    I do all 25 in and outs and bicycles although the backwards ones are all over the place - and I am fine with the sit ups and the butt ones are ok too - but those crunchy frogs! - I look more like a dying fly hahaha ) I started the p90x after just completing the 30 day shred so it primed me for a few of the moves. - I think by the time I have knocked out the first 3*25 my legs are burning lol
  • HAH, I plan to do P90X when I'm atleast 40 pounds smaller, or was it the 30DS? Whatever, those activities aren't built for flimsy pansy's like myself, I'll wait, then transform.
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    P90X is on sale today now through cyber monday - sale ends 12pm EST

    I just bought it :)

    TurboFire, 10 minute trainer, and a couple of other ones are on sale too.
  • kprice2013
    kprice2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I started P90X classic yesterday. My starting weight is 210, and I stand tall at a whopping 5'2". I've lost about 30 pounds since last June without doing anything extreme (just adding exercise and a few diet modifications), and kept it off even through my lack of activity during the holidays.

    I've done jogging, zumba, various aerobics, various calisthenics, spin class, weight training, workouts with my husband that were a mixture of cardio and weights, and all sorts of things over the years. Tonight's Day 2 plyometrics was the hardest thing I've ever done. I have weak knees and ankles and even with modifications, my knees are still on fire two hours later.

    The thing I like most about the program is that you can modify according to your abilities. So yesterday on day one, I was lucky to do 7 assisted (with chair) pull ups and about the same amount of push ups and that was on the knees. But I'm already eager to push myself to do more next time that workout comes around. Tony Horton really does a good job of motivating you and he made me feel better about the fact that I could only do about 30% of what they did. By the time I got to the ab ripper, I was really discouraged by how weak my core is, I could hardly do any of them correctly and when I could, I certainly couldn't do 25.

    Tonight's plyometrics was a little better because I could actually do most of what they were doing (modified for very weak knees and ankles) even though on some I reached my max a few seconds before the set was done. But I like that they tell me it's hard and remind me that that's the only way to get results. I think if it was marketed as "fast and easy" then I would be very discouraged. Instead, I just do my best "and forget the rest."
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    If you like the idea of P90X you might try Chalean Extreme first. I loved that program. By the end I was like She-Hulk, hoisting boxes up stairs and impressing my brothers and stuff. I just found P90x to be too pushup/chin up intensive for me. But then, I hate pushups with a passion. You might love it. I'd just go SLOW above all else so you don't get discouraged.
  • P90X sounds like a great program to lose weight, but it's not something you would wanna do the rest of your life. My thoughts are that it's better to get into a regular fitness routine for good... not just for quick, initial results.