walking for losing

i was wondering if it really works. i've started this week walking 60 min a day 7/7 days a week. i'm dieting of course,does walking and only walking like phisycal activity help losing fat ?


  • jamantha
    jamantha Posts: 118 Member
    Six years ago I lost 6 stones by healthy eating and walking. It works!

    (Unfortunately I didn't keep it up and now I have to lose a lot of it again, but that's another story. And yes, I just got a new pair of walking shoes this week :smile:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I sure hope so :frown:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    yes.. combined with diet changes too. my aunt lost 60 pounds by walking and making changes in her diet.
    the only downside was that she had a lot of loose skin . if she had been doing weight training and strength exercises to keep as much of her lean body mass as possible while she lost then this wouldnt have been an issue. now she's stating to work on a strength training plan, but it would have saved time had she just done the weights at the same time
  • Ilikeyoursleeves
    Ilikeyoursleeves Posts: 37 Member
    Yes. Yes. Yes. I lost 20lbs back in 2004 by walking 5km a day 4 to 5 days a week. Took me about 4 months. Hang in there!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Whatever you can stick to that burns calories.
  • Hello:
    I've noticed that walking does help. However, you must get your heart rate up in order to lose weight. You can go online and check what your heart rate should be when wanting to lose weight. Walking helps! Good luck!
  • binkydo123456789
    binkydo123456789 Posts: 16 Member
    years ago I lost 80 pounds by walking and changing my eating habits---never just on flat roads tho---i did up and down many hills
  • babbs770
    babbs770 Posts: 27 Member
    Any time that I have lost weight successfully (going from 191 to 179, and then two years later 179-165) I did it through walking and controlling calorie intake. It absolutely works! Good luck on your weight loss goal :) It is all about sticking to one form of movement that you love and allowing your body to be healthy.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    Back when I had my first kid I was 235lbs at my 6-week post-delivery checkup. I started eating healthy (1200-1400 vegetarian cals a day) and walking 6 miles per day. 2 in the morning and 4 at night. I lost 35lbs in 6wks doing only that, before "falling off the wagon" and gaining again.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Yes, it really does work. Anything that you do to keep moving will help you lose weight.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    Am not a professional but to the best of my knowledge walking helps a lot in loosing weight because it burns calories. Coupled with dieting, it's a win-win. You will need to incorporate other forms of exercise as u progress, good luck.
  • SH1969
    SH1969 Posts: 13
    Okay, so I've increased my steps from 2,500 a day (average, but often lower) to over 10,000 a day and not changed my horrendous diet one jot and I've lost 2 kg already. Granted, its only Week One of this activity regime, and I expect the loss to drop considerably as my body adjusts, but even at 500 grams a week, that's still a loss without any dietary changes.

    That said, I do intend to make my diet a little healthier by reducing red meat and increasing those vegetables I can stomach.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 721 Member
    It definitely works. I lost my 1st 15lbs with walking. I was so out of shape & never really exercised before.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I've noticed that walking does help. However, you must get your heart rate up in order to lose weight. You can go online and check what your heart rate should be when wanting to lose weight. Walking helps! Good luck!

    Glad you added that part. I have a friend who complains she has walked for ages and she never loses weight. Then we joined a gym together and she complained she couldn't see the t.v. from the treadmill and why hasn't she lost weight there too?! Oh my gosh I try to speed her up but she won't so no weight loss either!!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Numerous studies have shown walking is a superb for weight loss.

    But it should be as brisk as you can manage.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I've noticed that walking does help. However, you must get your heart rate up in order to lose weight. You can go online and check what your heart rate should be when wanting to lose weight. Walking helps! Good luck!

    Is this really true? I've often wondered that myself, because I walk a LOT every day, but not to where my heart-rate is up very much. However, it's still physical activity and the process of moving our bodies takes energy...way more energy than just sitting around. Hence, calories burned.

    Off to the internet! (I'm sure I've looked it up before, but I can't recall the specifics.)
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    "Slower" activities such as walking is good for losing FAT, however if your goal is to just lose weight - asap - then running or other more vigorous activities will make that happen quicker.

    I lost 3-4 kg in a month last spring by eating healthy and taking 1 hour walk/day. Way more than I should have been able to drop without starving myself at my weight(I was about 55 kg / 5 foot 1). I can't remember but I think I did the 12 minute Bodyrock workout 3-4 times a week as well...
  • pepeleo
    pepeleo Posts: 49 Member
    It helps a great deal. More so if you increase your stride, increase your speed and increase your arm swing where you are using your shoulder muscle than you can burn 20 to 40% more calories as you would if you were to walk using Nordic Poles or Urban Poles. If you are not sure what that is then just google.
  • Yup it works I've been walking allot for 2 weeks and I've lost about 7 pounds..
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,336 Member
    I have been walking nearly every day for nearly 4mths it is my only excercise and i am losing pounds and inches, slow but sure- feel better too:wink::smile:
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    until the brutal midwest wind came in...I walked 4 miles a day in about an hour. (nice pace..and heart rate up)...30 lbs lost doing that since July...and of course by changing my eating habits.

    I now walk in the house to dvd's and on my stepper.
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    I've heard of several studies, all contradicting, of course, some that say that walking doesn't help weight loss, and some that say it does.

    I don't really think it matters. I think you become fitter if you walk. I know when I walk I can breathe easier, and I feel good. I can't say I've particularly lost weight, as I haven't yet tracked any walking, but I know it certainly isn't going to hurt.

    I also believe it will prepare you for other activities, but I don't think it will help someone my weight (currently 312) lose everything by itself.
  • yes.. combined with diet changes too. my aunt lost 60 pounds by walking and making changes in her diet.
    the only downside was that she had a lot of loose skin . if she had been doing weight training and strength exercises to keep as much of her lean body mass as possible while she lost then this wouldnt have been an issue. now she's stating to work on a strength training plan, but it would have saved time had she just done the weights at the same time

    I was over 400 lbs before I started walking, and now I am 354 lbs (hence my username). Walking is a good total body workout, but like the quote stated, I'm gonna have to start some sort of weight training or I'm gonna be a skinny flabby mess once I reach my goal weight of 200 lbs. :laugh:
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    i was wondering if it really works. i've started this week walking 60 min a day 7/7 days a week. i'm dieting of course,does walking and only walking like phisycal activity help losing fat ?

    I walk using Leslie Sansone's walking off the pounds dvd's which has cardio. I've lost 10 lbs, but I don't know if it helps lose the fat around the stomach. I try and tuck my stomach in, but I don't always remember to do so.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I've noticed that walking does help. However, you must get your heart rate up in order to lose weight. You can go online and check what your heart rate should be when wanting to lose weight. Walking helps! Good luck!

    Is this really true? I've often wondered that myself, because I walk a LOT every day, but not to where my heart-rate is up very much. However, it's still physical activity and the process of moving our bodies takes energy...way more energy than just sitting around. Hence, calories burned.

    Off to the internet! (I'm sure I've looked it up before, but I can't recall the specifics.)

    doing anything takes energy, even sitting on the couch. if your heart rate is barely above what it does when you're at rest then you aren't getting as much of a benefit as when your heart rate has increased.

    as incorrect as the idea of a "fat burning" zone is for cardio, this is what my aunt went buy. as she got fitter then she had to work a little harder to keep her heart rate in that zone.
  • I have found that dieting alone doesn't work. If I can walk even 45 minutes a day 4 to 5 days a week I will loose about a lb. or 2 a week. There was a few times I didn't walk for a whole week and gained what I had lost. I really notice in my stomach area if I walk it goes down and that is exactly where I need to loose. I love this site to keep track of calories and it sure opens my eyes to just how many calories there are in things I had no idea about. My Daughter has been on it a couple of months and she has lost 16 lbs. She looks amazing and she got me started. I am hoping to have the same results as she has but she is 20 years younger and does exercise more. I am 70 and she is 50. The good thing about what we have been doing is we actually eat all of the foods we like but cut back on the portions. If you go into the site and put all of the things you are going to eat ahead of time I find that that is all I eat. It works for me.
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    i was wondering if it really works. i've started this week walking 60 min a day 7/7 days a week. i'm dieting of course,does walking and only walking like phisycal activity help losing fat ?

    Worked great for me for most of my weight lost. I started out with 30 minute walks daily, and then increased them to 1 hour when 30 minutes seemed too easy.

    I started adding in hiking once a week, and only fairly recently have I added some elliptical training as well, as I can't really walk any faster, and felt I needed a little bump of intensity to get myself through the last 30ish pounds.

    One of the things that helped me stay motivated was listening to audiobooks while I walk, plus the need to get my dog exercised as well. :)
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    Yes it does work. Facebook has a group "steps to good health" They have challenges an prizes for the winners. The woman who started it lost alot of weight just walking. Check them out
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    i was wondering if it really works. i've started this week walking 60 min a day 7/7 days a week. i'm dieting of course,does walking and only walking like phisycal activity help losing fat ?

    I walk using Leslie Sansone's walking off the pounds dvd's which has cardio. I've lost 10 lbs, but I don't know if it helps lose the fat around the stomach. I try and tuck my stomach in, but I don't always remember to do so.

    I love Leslie Sansone. I have several of her DVD's & feel like I get a good work out from them.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I lost 22kg pretty much just walking on the treadmill. I intensified the workouts by using the incline and also for something different walked backwards on it.

    Edited: to say I never walked for more than 45mins a day.