200+ (Week 22) Fling into Spring!

It's weigh-time, which means a new thread. Even more important, it's our last week of our "Fling Into Spring" Challenge- start thinking about our next 6-week one! Time flies!!

Everyone post their week's weigh-in by the end of the weekend so pinbot can update the chart.

Can we beat our 7 pages from last week? (that was insane!) Good luck everyone! :heart:


  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I think we can beat our 7 pages. Ugh, once again I am dreading tomorrow even though I feel like this was a good week. Well, good luck everyone and chat in the am!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Mish - think good thoughts!! Think good thoughts...think good thoughts! I notice the weeks I feel like I'm not losing weight I don't. And the weeks I feel like I am rocking it, I do lose weight.

    Husbands: This is #2. I married #1 when I shouldn't have and knew it. Its a long story. I met Jeff on match.com when I was just really looking to pass time and have fun. I was single one year before I met him. We had an 8 month long distance relationship (only by 170 miles) and then I moved to Eugene and in with him...finished school at U of O. Let me tell you, that first 6 months of living with him was torture. I honestly don't know how we made it. Today we do pretty well together most of the time. We have our ups and downs like all couples. We'll be married 5 years on September 24...Gracie will be 4 on September 7. You do the math ;)

    Anyways. I burned 625 cals in 63 minutes tonight. It was rad. I am so not hitting my goal for the challenge finish, but am headed in the right direction for the next one.

    Tomorrow, if I can get off work on time, I will work out and shower at the gym. Then Jeff and Gracie are coming into town for a late dinner that we will all go to. Trying a new place out which is always nice.

    Saturday I am going to work out and work for a few hours. I have Monday off and won't hit the gym but will spend the day toodling around town, trying not to spend money with my shopaholic of a MIL. I am very much looking forward to that. It is nice to have "girl time."
    I like in Eugene, all my friends like an hour north in Portland, and our family lives 2.5 hours south in Medford. So here we sit at a comfortable middle but with work and family I don't have much time to make friends here in Eugene. Any chance I can get to hang out with women, especially during a week day, I snap up!

    Here is to ALL OF US having a fantastic weigh this week! Woo hoo!!

  • mrsbojangles
    Yeah, I'm thinking my weigh-in is going to suck. I have been starving this week and have made some bad food choices. But I will persevere! You live, you learn!
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Bad choices happen! It's just important to get back on track. My weakness today was salt. I couldn't get enough of it...and my diary shows. I have no clue why I was craving sooooooo much salt. Usually I don't like salty things (unless it's got chocolate with it too).

    Anywho...I'm heading to bed! I'll post my weight when I get to work tomorrow. Good Luck all!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay, so I'm trying to remember the good things about this week- like finally reaching my c25k finish, cause the scale and I are not on good terms.

    I know it's mostly TOM weight, but it's still hella unfair to look at.

    Today's weight: 202.0 (+1.6 from last week). Not pretty, but at least it wasn't the 3 pound gain I had that one week a couple of months ago when it was my oh so special time.

    I'm hoping for a major drop next week as my bloat should be going away and I've been exercising and eating pretty well. I know I won't hit my goal of 196 (duh), but if I can hit under 200 on a Friday morning weigh-in (not the weekend), I will be elated.

    Good luck with your weigh-ins this week!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Well I found a quick way to drop 2.5 pounds over night - drink 9 shots too many of Ancient Age this leads to not 1 but 2 large dumps and severe dehydration - Mr. Scale liked it but my head does not. I had to get off the scale and double check to make sure it was leveled but it said 192 this morning. I am going to stick with yesterdays weight of 194.5 unless by some miracle tomorrow happens to be really low again. DH is calling me skinny @ss :blushing: Well I am off to drink even more water and I hope the aspirin kicks in quick since I have an early client this morning (*sighs*) I know better than to drink on a work night but we were toasting life and having a good time.

    Lacey - I highly recommend that you get the book 4-hour work week and read or listen to it. It may make you see things differently about work and help to free up some time. I am only half way through it but have implemented some techniques - it really makes sense.

    Gotta run.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am 231.4 this morning. Got on the scale twice cause I didn't believe it. I normally sabatoge myself on Thursdays by having too much sodium but last night I made the effort to not have a bowl of tomato soup with my sandwich. Instead I had a couple small handfuls of peanuts and called it a night. So yeah, I'm down 2.6 from last week.

    Its supposed to be over 70 degrees here today! :bigsmile: I will be taking Lexi to the park today. And the bff wants to go to the midnight release of New Moon at Walmart. And then I gotta do yard work tomorrow (getting my dad and 11 year old brother to help with that). Then its supposed to rain on Sunday. Sounds like a great weekend for me. :smile:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My friend taught me a little trick so I can paint my toenails at work. I have to make a big show and clean my desk using the air spray bottle and the desk cleaner, and then when I paint my toes, everyone thinks they are smelling the cleaner. hahahaha

    I have pretty hot pink toenails now. :laugh:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    and omg I just now saw that my ticker says I have lost 29 pounds!!!


    I've been kinda discouraged for the past two-three weeks since I put on that weight when I moved back in the house but this is great!

    (can you tell I'm trying to help us to get 7 pages of posts super quick?? hahaha)
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Today I am 211.8; but I have my period badd.. Soo, I'm not worried abt this week. If I weigh less tomorrow, I'm taking it.:bigsmile:
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    I weighed in at 242.5. Not what I was hoping for, but it's down a pound since last week!!! I think TOM has something to do with it. I'm all out of whack since I started my new birth control...UGH. It'll all even out in the end. I am having an issue with sugar and salt...can anyone help me out on that?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well....I gained a pound from last week....I am just coming off of my Period and I was thinking I was losing this week...so I was very positive until I jumped on that nasty ,mean, grumpy, stingy scale!!!!!
    I have been doing the interval training and walking extra miles...even jumped on the elliptical at 10PM last night after the grandkids left...just to get an extra 45 minutes worth of sweat. I'm mad and it doesn't make sense...but I went ahead and measured...(a week early) and I have lost from my bust, hips, tummy and hips....so I guess all I can figure is maybe the drinks from Wednesday? I didn't really eat that much food that day? I did have bread yeaterday with my soup for lunch...maybe it is the bread??? Maybe this scale just secretly hates me.....Well....I'm moving forward....I might try again tomorrow...but for today it was 208.8...heck that might be more than a pound. Oh Bother!!!

    Congrats to those of you that lost!!!! So happy for you....for those of you that have mean scales....for some extra outdoor fun, you all could come out to the farm today and we can set those scales up on the fence row and use the 22 Cal. and blow them to pieces!!!:wink: Just saying.....something to do!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey Shout out to Pinbotchick...aka, skinnya@s....I have been meaning to tell you....I have been doing those exercise you gave us, as extra when I'm watching tv and I noticed yesterday that my side oblique/back muscle that has bothered me since 2007....doesn't have that catch or pinch what ever you want to call it...I really think those core exercises helped

    quick fingers here....I have to edit just to finish my thought....just wanted to say thanks...it seems to be helping my back get stronger...Hugs:flowerforyou:
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    What exercises?!?!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    You ladies always make me smile in the morning. I especially like Debs idea of taking the 22 to our scales when they are mean to us. Today, however, my scale is safe. Ladies.....I don't get to do this much on here....I'm usually on the "let's cheer her up side", but today......


    Pessimistic Carolyn says, it's probably a fluke....my scale is probably needing new batteries....already totally scared to get on the scale next Friday and see that it has shot back up. Ok, ok.....enough negativity....I'm gonna ride my high all day long!!
    The only difference I did this week, was seriously obsessively watching my calories and being sure i was close to my suggested intake each day.

    Kendall....I love that you paint your toenails at work!!! I did mine yesterday at nap. They are a lovely shade of dark pink. It is supposed to be over 70 here today too. Where are you living? I'm just south of San Francisco here in California.
    And, im pretty excited about New Moon coming out. I saw it in the theatres, but want the dvd. I am going on Sunday to buy it, Saturday is another visit with the parents day.

    Deb...do you live on a farm or were you just using that term? My parents have a ranch out in Half Moon Bay out here. So yeah, we can totally go blow away our scales with a 22 (and if your my father, blue jays.....:frown: )

    Emj...congrats on the one pound!!:flowerforyou:

    Nikki...that's good!! Your only 1.5 away from your SF goal.

    AKa...hang in there. I personally like your number.....lol. Finishing c25k is HUGE!!!

    Pinot.....shots huh?? your too funny!!! Sorry your head hurts, that stinks. hope you feel better soon. congrats on the 194
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    First I want to thank everyone in there support, but I gained .2lbs.Eh. Feeling bloated again today. I think I am going to change my weigh in day to Saturday. It will be so much easier for me. YAY, I gained .2lbs.

    Ok, I am done being a smart @$$. Moving on. :)

    Glad to see everyone else did well.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    What exercises?!?!

    She was the first over the 200 hump, so she got to devise a new challenge for us. It consisted of ab exercises that kick your butt!!! i'm sure she still has them if you want them.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I'll weigh when I get to the gym tonight. I decided to measure myself last night again. NOT doing that again. I lost some in my waist, not on my *kitten* or my neck. I have a fairly thin neck already though. Rarely do I pack on any weight in that region. It all resides around the *kitten* area.

    I've read all the twilights books and seen the movies. THe second movie I frankly thought sucked. A whole lot of whimpering paired with soap opera type music was a total drag. The first movie and director paired the scenes with some fantastic music and it really helped. I don't know who is directing this third one, but I sure hope its better than the second. I mean, I get that the second movie is essentially setting up the rest of the storyline and you have to go through that process but it was kindof disappointing.
    Also, I'm an avid reader and started reading these books to see what the hype was about. And once I start a series I HAVE to finish it... Overall the story line is pretty good but I have to say I am not a fan of her writing as compared to many other authors I've read, and won't be buying anything else she writes. However, I definitely get why so many people like them! Have you guys got on youtube.com and seen the videos people have made of their reactions to the trailers? O.M.G! What a hoot!

    Normally I work a straight 40 hours per week. I am just so swamped right now, which is a good thing. About this time last year the bottom hit the mining industry and we laid people off, and all of us worked 3-4 day work weeks and got unemployment for those days. I'm not complaining about getting OT right now, that is for sure. It just puts a damper on my wanting to work out. I am glad I went last night and got a good sweat on even though I got off work later than normal. Tonight I am leaving at 4 period. I will work tomorrow if I need to.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    You guys do crack me up. Shotguns and scales:)

    TGIF!!!! I am done with work for the week. It's only 45 out but I still plan to get a run in this afternoon. Right now, I'm in line at the car wash - this time of year and clients on dirt roads do not mesh. I've taken to calling my SUV "the mud mobile. " When my truck is shiny, I'm off to grocery shop. We are going out to eat again and having friends over for a campfire tonight. I may have to buy New Moon. I missed it at the theater.

    Deb - glad the ex are helping.

    Erin - check out week 17 or 18s post for the exercises.

    Gotta run - my wash is about over.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Kind of neat article I found and wanted to share with my peeps!! sorry it's so big :)

    Get healthy snack ideas and tips for every craving

    It's obvious when a snack isn't nutritious (hello, king-size candy bar!), but if you want to make the best choice, consider not just what you're eating but why you're eating it. We broke the best bites into categories to help you meet your specific snacking needs. Each one is 100-250 calories-just enough to satisfy without ruining your next meal.

    1. Just Craving Something...


    * 10 medium black olives or

    * 1.3-oz bag Glenny's Salt & Pepper Soy Crisps


    * 1 small wholegrain wrap (like Ezekiel 4:9) with 1 Tbsp Nutella spread and 1/2 cup sliced strawberries or

    * A homemade smoothie made with 6 oz skim milk, 1/2 cup frozen mango and 1/2 banana


    * 1 cup red and yellow bell pepper strips with 1 Tbsp pesto dip or 1/2 cup low-fat onion dip or

    * 1 slice wholewheat toast with 1/4 avocado, drizzled with 1 tsp olive oil and lemon juice

    2. Need an Energy Boost


    * 10 honeywheat pretzels (like Rold Gold) dipped in 2 tsp peanut butter or

    * 1 cup cherry tomatoes sprinkled with 1 oz feta cheese


    * 6 oz lowfat vanilla yogurt with 2 Tbsp raisin-nut granola (such as Bear Naked) or

    * 3 whole-grain crackers (like Wasa) with 1 Tbsp reduced-fat cream cheese and 2 tsp fruit preserves


    * 1/2 turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread with honey-Dijon mustard, lettuce and tomato or

    * 4 melba toast rounds with 1 Tbsp light cream cheese and 1 oz smoked salmon

    3. When in Doubt...


    * 4 cups 94% fat-free popcorn (such as Pop Secret or Newman's Own) or

    * 20 spicy salted pecans


    * 2 wholewheat fig bars (such as Whole Grain Fig Newtons) or

    * 1/2 cup chocolate sorbet with 1/2 cup fresh berries


    * 1 Laughing Cow cheese wedge with 1/2 cup grapes or

    * 4" pita with 1 oz shredded mozzarella, 3 Tbsp tomato sauce and 3 basil leaves

    Avoid These Snacking Snafus

    1. Eating All Carbs
    A handful of pretzels or low-cal crackers may seem healthy, but if you don't combine it with a little protein and fat (e.g., a small slice of cheese or a dab of peanut butter), you'll be starving soon after. Try this with fruit or vegetables, too: an apple with peanut butter, baby carrots with a little yogurt dip.

    2. Mindless Munching
    If you're eating while reading or watching TV, you're not paying attention to what's going in your mouth and are more likely to eat too much. Tune in to your snack to turn off autopilot eating.

    3. Not Planning Ahead
    It never hurts to have an emergency granola bar in your purse! If you do, you'll be less apt to pick up something not so healthy.