Looking for support buddies for NOT SNACKING AFTER DINNER

Hello everybody!

My name is Erin and I just joined myfitnesspal. I am good at sticking to a exercise plan. My biggest problem: Snacking after dinner! I can eat so many calories at this time! I want to break this terrible habit and need support. It's when I eat foods I shouldn't be eating (Peanut butter, chocolate, etc) and then i wake up feeling guilty and bloated.

Anyway, I would love to have support in breaking this habit!

Thank you :)


  • HaleyJoAnn
    I feel ya! I always want something sweet to eat after dinner :) But I have been doing really good lately.. I eat like an apple or something healthy after dinner so I don't crave those bad things!
  • chelseabuns88
    chelseabuns88 Posts: 77 Member
    I really struggle with this also.. All I can do to stop myself is eat my evening meal later (about 9pm) then occupy myself with tasks.. like painting my nails and walking the dog until bedtime (12-1am ish)..
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    It's been REALLY bad for me lately, and I need to get out of the habit AGAIN!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Great motivator here!!
    ADD ME

    its all will power. If its late and yo want to eat DONT and jsut go to sleep. You need to Fight the feeling of bad snacks
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I struggle with this a lot. For a while I was doing SO well in the daytime, and then the whole day went out the window due to night time snacking, and I was too ashamed to log it. But I started adding the late night snacking to my next day's food diary, so that I could be more mindful about how much calories i was actually eating.

    I am doing good right now, I have gotten rid of the foods that are too tempting at night, and made a habit of having one or two small pieces of very dark chocolate (75% cocoa) that I pre-log, as my nightly sweet treat. This has kept the urge to snack at bay.
  • erin4609
    erin4609 Posts: 131 Member
    omg so much support! Thanks guys! Yeah i try to occupy myself by being out of the house in the evening so I dont get bored and snack. But I was soooo tired last night, and ended up eating so much bad food! (M&M's, Peanut butter, all sorts of stuff) it was bad.

    And i never do that during the day! I think it's when i get tired....
  • aawright39

    I was guilty of this a few weeks ago but doing better at night going for "something sweet or something salty" treat. Want I have now done is eat half a grapefruit when I feel the urge to snack. This is my way of "sealing" my taste buds for the evening and going for nothing else later in the evening.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Being a morning person I am not a nighttime eater, but sometimes have a sweet craving after dinner. I have splurged and bought some lovely dessert teas (DAVIDsTea has some amazing ones that taste like cake). A cup of tea with a 1/2 tsp of honey and some milk is a nice treat and only about 50 calories. Does it for me.

    What kind of evening cravings do you have? Sweet? Salt?

    Drinking a big glass of ice water also helps to deal with cravings. :) Good luck!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    (pre log the day before)eat less for breakfast and lunch , have a big dinner and have a few extra calories so you can enjoy a snack.....;-) or so some quick cardio after dinner so you can earn that snack!
  • MaeLRobinson
    MaeLRobinson Posts: 4 Member
    :You are not snackeing.. You are EATING !!! My personal trainer years ago said" IF you put something in your mouth,Mae you are eating"
  • KathyRed07
    That is my biggest problem too.....I am like a vulture, circling the pantry and fridge after 8 pm <g> I can handle the eating during the day, just by staying busy - driving water - etc.....but 8-9 PM arrives and I sit down to watch TV and all I want to do is snack on something!!! A bad habit I really need to break too!!!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    you do know your body needs fuel for sleep !!! I make a protein shake almost every night right before sleeping... I know people who set a alarm half way through the night to eat ;-)
  • erin4609
    erin4609 Posts: 131 Member
    I think we should all report if we snacked the night before or not. I'm going to. And i'm not talking about just one small snack after dinner. If you have MORE than one SMALL snack.
  • gainwait
    gainwait Posts: 40 Member
    I usually set aside 8 squares of dark chocolate for my cuppa each night. Its the wellnaturally brand, goji or acai flavoured. Its my treat for eating healthy during the day. Only good if you have the willpower not to eat the whole block. And as another user says try and get to bed earlier as I watch telly and find I get hungrier seeing all the food shows and commercials.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I always keep calories for a snack after dinner. Sometimes an apple with peanut butter, sometimes some ice cream, sometimes greek yogurt... what have you. I log it earlier in the day and just tell myself that is what I get.
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    I DO THIS!!!

    i end up adding in what I ate the next day. I do this too often :/ We can help eachother out! lol
  • melaniesumner
    I identify with so many posters on this thread. Two things I'm doing now that help me: 1) Logging EVERYTHING. If I get up and eat in the middle of the night, I have to backtrack and log it the previous day, or put it in the current day. (ouch.) 2)Not having my favorite binge foods in the house, including peanut butter, chocolate, ice cream, crackers, desserts of any kind.

    I"m wondering if I should have a planned snack after dinner or should just bite the bullet.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Maybe try substituting good snacks for the bad ones? Carrot sticks, celery stick, green peppers and a little ranch dip? I think we're allowed unlimited vegetables. A big plate of it is only like 10-20 calories. I know they're not the same, but they do have that crunch.

    Cottage cheese, oatmeal.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i do this too... brush your teeth every time you get an urge to eat! unless your actually physically hungry then you should probably eat a bigger dinner hehe oh and drink some tea :D
  • sistarobles
    sistarobles Posts: 1 Member
    Try the Extra Dessert Flavored sugar free gum, apple pie is my fave.