Did You Lower Your Goal Weight As You Got Closer?



  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I originally set out to lose 120, now that I hit that I changed it to keep going
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Ill make this short and sweet!
    I am a 20 year old female.

    I started this journey at 166.

    Then I started Myfittnesspal at 152 with a Goal Weight of 130.

    A couple weeks ago I changed my Goal Weight to 125.

    Now I weigh 132 and want to change it to 120.

    Is this normal? Or dangerous? Am I falling into the body image issue trap?

    I just want to stay healthy and happy! Thanks!

    Coupled with the previous post about eating 1000 calories a day... it's a dangerous path. Please be careful, fuel your body, and find other goals to replace the scale.

    My original goal was 135. When I got to about 145, I lowered it to 130, but when I got to about 137, I was pretty happy and decide, "You know what? 135 is good enough." Then proceeded to drop more weight without trying. Then gained weight and got back up to 135, and looked better than ever.

    I've since decided that the scale absolutely sucks, and track my progress through fitness goals (miles run, weights lifted), how clothes fit, measurements and photos. I'm eating about 2300 calories a day, feel amazing, and the jeans I bought last year at 125 are falling down this year at 135.

    I used to think I had to lower my weight to look better. That's a dangerous thought process, especially if coupled with continuing to cut calories. The scale is just one tiny factor. I blogged about that today: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/LorinaLynn/view/realistic-goals-and-expectations-449258

    The other problem is that with eating so little, a larger percentage of the weight you lose is going to be from muscle, not just from fat. So if you continue eating that way, you're NOT going to be happy with your results. Set your calories to maintenance or at most a half pound a week, get at least 100g of protein a day, get regular exercise including strength training, and you'll see AMAZING changes to your body with minimal pounds lost.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    I did that because I wasn't sure at which weight I'd be most comfortable. Now that I've almost reached my second goal (first goal was 130, I'm almost at 125 now), I'm thinking I'll move it to 120. As of now I don't think I'll go lower than that, but I'll wait and see how I feel at that weight.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    i'm 6.6lbs from my goal of 180. the lowest i've ever been in adulthood is 173, and that was without any muscle definition. this time around, i have added a lot of muscle in conjunction with losing, so i guesstimated that 180 would be about right. but i have been debating changing my number to 170. i know i won't go any lower than 170. i don't want to look incredibly thin. i want to look healthy... and i want to keep my curves.
  • cahannah73
    i think its pretty normal. my original goal was 130. then i got there and changed it to 125. now i am there and trying for 120. i think my body will tell me when i should stop.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Right now I am at 34% body fat and I would like to get that down to 20-25%. Whatever weight that happens to be at, will be my weight! I am guessing that at 130 pounds for a 5'5 lady in her 40's will get me to that percentage. If I have to go lower I will. When I started this journey, I was at 215 pounds. Now I am at 142. I didn't know as much about my body then as I do now and had set a weight goal of 140. As time went on, I realized that body fat percentage was much better indicator of how I look. So, cardio to lose fat and resistance to gain muscle and definition and a redefinition of my goals!