How Often Do You Weigh?



  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I weigh every morning when I get up. I log it every day too. I also weigh randomly throughout the day. I have learned that certain events cause me to gain temporary weight so then I started keeping track of any unusual event so that I would not stress out when it happened again. I also weigh AFTER I exercise. I usualy gain a pound to a pound a half, which I assume is due to increased blood flow, a good thing! I also gain a disproportional amount of weight after eating, which I assume is also increased blood flow due to the digestive process. I have also learned that if I don't get my eight hours of sleep, my night time weight loss goes down. Tracking all this has helped me to NOT stress over the slight gains, but to gain encouragement seeing my overall downward trend.
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh everyday. I have to, or I'll gain weight. I don't log it everyday, just once a week. But first thing after my morning pee, before I eat. That, I have noticed, is my lowest point generally.
  • orangefour
    orangefour Posts: 55 Member
    When I first started trying to lose weight I weighed myself daily, sometimes several times a day. I was too obsessed though and was getting quite discouraged by the smallest increase (+.1 would bum me out). So I switched to weighing myself once a week on Friday morning, I weigh on Saturdays sometimes too.
  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Personally, I feel if you weigh daily, you are setting up for disheartenment, disappointment etc, once a week is often enough, same time, similar or same clothing or none,lol
    At the start I tried to weigh monthly as then ALWAYS a wonderful result, to keep you motivated, good luck!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Every few months when I visit my parents. I use their scale.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I weigh every day. I weigh under the same circumstances. Pre-breakfast, post bathroom, in boxers. I only record the weight if it's less than the previously recorded weight. With fluctuations, I'm looking at trends across the board. I note the weight if it's above the previously recorded, but I don't record over it... only the loss.
  • Iberipped
    Once a week.
    I used to be obsessive and weighted my self like every hour lol
  • Heather0123456789
    Once a week, first thing in the morning, and completely naked ;). More than that would drive me nuts!
  • tiffanypettyjohn
    Once a week, first thing in the morning, and completely naked ;). More than that would drive me nuts!

    ^ What she said ^
    Also, if I wake up and "feel" skinnier, I weigh then too! :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I weight every day. :) doesn't defeat me it makes me push myself more to keep it going. I gain 2lbs and I know what I ate needs to be looked into. I mean I guess with others it could be bad, but its always every morning and helps me stick to my life change a lot more if a little 2lb gain happens I push harder at what I eat and on how I exercise :)
  • GetFitCarly
    All the time like 2-3 times a day but I only log it on Saturday's, that's my weigh in day
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I weigh in everyday, mostly so i can make sure im on track,
  • isitsororo
    Every day, naked right when I wake up. The amount of weight I want to lose is small so I need the scale to keep track, and I also like to keep track of fluctuations.
  • DamaliAsabyiKioni
    DamaliAsabyiKioni Posts: 38 Member
    Normally I weigh twice a week and record it...I weigh daily when I am close to a mini goal. I weighed everyday for about 2 weeks until I reached my first main goal. Now that I am there, I will probably weigh once a week.. Sunday morning.. as soon as I wake (usually 6am).. after my bladder is emptied! Do what feels right to YOU!!
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Every morning at the same time. If your diet is fairly consistent like mine is and if you weigh yourself at the same time then the fluctuations wont be too crazy. But keep in mind it can jump around a lot based on your diet (esp if you eat a lot of high sodium food the night before). Like others I have read that people who consistently kept weight off long term that one of the things they did was weighed each day. This is one of those things you can get obsessed with so dont try and do it too often as it will drive you crazy as again depending on diet and water intake it can fluctuate a lot. For instance if I weigh myself at night before bed after eating a bid dinner and big late night snack, I almost always will weigh 5-7lbs more than I do in the morning. So that is why I suggest doing it at the same time each day and not random. Good luck!
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    every morning. my weight deviates a lot usually by 1-3lb throughout the day so i wait for a fairly consistent change before i update my MFP weight.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    I weigh every morning just to keep myself in check. I record it every time, too, but on a weight tracking app. I only post to MFP one time per week. It's interesting to see the fluctuations over time. I've noticed that the more I weigh myself, the less depressing small gains are. I also have learned to anticipate the gains.

    If I know I'm going to be spending a long time at the gym (or an outdoor activity in the summer) I will weigh before and after the workout to make sure I stay properly hydrated.

    Hope that helps!
  • hypocritelecter
    hypocritelecter Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh once a week, usually on a Sunday just because I don't work most of them. It's after I pee, before I shower.
  • KazSmith68
    I weigh in around once a week at the gym, early morning and before breakfast is the best time.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    About 3 times consecutively every morning. I need to really only weigh in once a week but right now I can't help it. I'm addictied to my scale in the morning!