No More Excuses -- Week 19



  • BornNRaised
    Good Morning everyone...:drinker:

    Tammy - love those type of shows and No you are not unusual. DH and I do not watch sports. No basketball and No football....yeah....:happy:

    Hawkeye - what I do is figure out where we are going to eat and plug it in to fitness pal. If it is not in the realm of what I should be doing, we don't go there. And we find something else we can do. Plugging things in really makes you accountable. And yes I do cheat sometimes. I'm afraid the scales are going to show it this week. I really haven't worked this week except for walking and dancing.

    We have 2 dances this weekend. Sat. is square dancing. And Sunday is round dancing (ballroom). Looking forward to doing the Rumba. We were taught that Wednesday. We knew it, just haven't danced it enough to retain it. And they are both St. Patty's Day dances.

    Went to the thrift stores yesterday. Had a ball and didn't spend but just a couple of dollars. I think we walked for about 2 hours and we went out to eat twice. It was very dangerous. At lunch I had beef tips and noodles. No way is that on my menu. I'll pay at the scales. This is one time I didn't plan what I ate. Sure wish I did. I think I had about 700 calories and about 80 carbs. (I think). Anyway I know it was alot of carbs. I need to get back on the Wii today. I'm sure going to enjoy the weekend unless they cancel because of the big snow storm coming in. Suppose to be as bad as Christmas storm. BUMMER:grumble: :noway: Everyone have a great weekend.....

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Well it is cold and snowy here again, blah. Went to step aerobics on Wed and burnt 740 cals, did nothing yesturday, and today just did 20 mins of some weights and crunches (all the kids would allow).

    Met my goal today for April 1 of 158, weighed in at 157.2. Can't believe that I am on such a good role. 1 more pound to go to get to my pre prego weight before I got pregnant with son in 2005. But still have 15 or so pounds to go. Still a long way.

    Working on books and taxes today. Plan on having a quiet weekend. Will start week 4 of C25K on Sun or Mon.
  • brunsie
    brunsie Posts: 54
    Hello to all. I know this thread is already in progress with everyone doing a great job. I was wondering if there is room for one more. I need to be held accountable for what I do and this is just what I need. Plus I like to see the numbers displayed like that. If it is too late to join that would be ok. Please let me know if I am able to and if so, what you need from me.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hello to all. I know this thread is already in progress with everyone doing a great job. I was wondering if there is room for one more. I need to be held accountable for what I do and this is just what I need. Plus I like to see the numbers displayed like that. If it is too late to join that would be ok. Please let me know if I am able to and if so, what you need from me.
    You are of course welcome to join us!!! We are a very casual and fun group! Jump right in and tell us all about you! We weigh in on Sunday's and send our weight to Jack who has been kind enough to do our chart for us. It is a great help!!!! You are welcome to share your weight on the thread as well and we will all be here to support you and celebrate with you!!!! :)
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning all. Well it is cold and snowy here again, blah. Went to step aerobics on Wed and burnt 740 cals, did nothing yesturday, and today just did 20 mins of some weights and crunches (all the kids would allow).

    Met my goal today for April 1 of 158, weighed in at 157.2. Can't believe that I am on such a good role. 1 more pound to go to get to my pre prego weight before I got pregnant with son in 2005. But still have 15 or so pounds to go. Still a long way.

    Working on books and taxes today. Plan on having a quiet weekend. Will start week 4 of C25K on Sun or Mon.

    WTG Renae!!! That is totally awsome!!! Can't wait till I break the 160 mark.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hi team....confession time... I am miserable tonight. I didn't really think I ate that much, but I have felt horrible all day. Just like I have eaten a whole bag of cookies. I haven't but I sure feel like I have. Not sure what is wrong. Might be the weather because it is really dreary here today. I was spoiled by the sun. Didn't even go to Curves tonight. Allowed myself to come straight home, get on my sweats and I felt like I could have gone to sleep at 5:00. It is now 8:30 and proud of myself for staying awake. That is pretty bad!!!!! I am about to go have my cup of green tea and watch some boob tube.

    Did manage to get a load of laundry in the wash!!! EEEEHAW!!!!! That is an accomplishment! Holy Cow. Hope I wake up with more energy in the morning! Night All!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi team....confession time... I am miserable tonight. I didn't really think I ate that much, but I have felt horrible all day. Just like I have eaten a whole bag of cookies. I haven't but I sure feel like I have. Not sure what is wrong. Might be the weather because it is really dreary here today. I was spoiled by the sun. Didn't even go to Curves tonight. Allowed myself to come straight home, get on my sweats and I felt like I could have gone to sleep at 5:00. It is now 8:30 and proud of myself for staying awake. That is pretty bad!!!!! I am about to go have my cup of green tea and watch some boob tube.

    Did manage to get a load of laundry in the wash!!! EEEEHAW!!!!! That is an accomplishment! Holy Cow. Hope I wake up with more energy in the morning! Night All!!!!

    You will feel better tomorrow. I have days like that occasionally and I feel so guilty about them, but I think we all need them sometimes. It gives you a much needed break!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello to all. I know this thread is already in progress with everyone doing a great job. I was wondering if there is room for one more. I need to be held accountable for what I do and this is just what I need. Plus I like to see the numbers displayed like that. If it is too late to join that would be ok. Please let me know if I am able to and if so, what you need from me.

    Welcome...This is a very supportive and fun group.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Morning all. Well it is cold and snowy here again, blah. Went to step aerobics on Wed and burnt 740 cals, did nothing yesturday, and today just did 20 mins of some weights and crunches (all the kids would allow).

    Met my goal today for April 1 of 158, weighed in at 157.2. Can't believe that I am on such a good role. 1 more pound to go to get to my pre prego weight before I got pregnant with son in 2005. But still have 15 or so pounds to go. Still a long way.

    Working on books and taxes today. Plan on having a quiet weekend. Will start week 4 of C25K on Sun or Mon.

    You rock!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...Had a very busy day today. I finished my typing and took my youngest swimming. We got home and I started dinner and just now sat down for the first time all evening. I started cleaning my youngest son's room and it just snowballed. I am still not finished but I am pooped. I will have to go through his clothes tomorrow to see what fits for spring and summer and am going through his bookshelf too. I am going to put it all in a yard sale to go toward our new pool fund. Ours is 12 years old and has had its last summer:cry: It was only supposed to last 10 years, so we got our money out of it. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Tomorrow is the Pinewood Derby at 8:00 a.m. so I better get in the bed.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Options it looks like evreyone is having a busy week-end!!!! Not much "chatting" going on!!! We are off and running today, as our youngest has a basketball game this afternoon. Will check in later!!! ;)

    make it a good day!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Do your weigh ins today and send me the results. I will post around noon tomorrow.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good afternoon team...I am cleaning carpets today. Just thought I'd stop in and say hi. It is yucky here today, kinda rainy. See y'all tomorrow.
  • kelkie11
    kelkie11 Posts: 18
    Hi Jack,

    what do I need to do to join?? I need some serious motivation. My weight today was 258.6.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Your in!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Welcome Kelkie! Jump right in. could come to my house. I was just telling my dh how ours need cleaning. Gonna wait till the weather warms up just a bit so the dogs can stay outside!!!! :0

    Well the son's team didn't do all that hot today but ended up playing 2 games instead of 1. It was fun to watch them. I think they can do better so anxious to watch them the next few weeks.

    Hubby went target shooting with a buddy and my brother. What a great Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately we were all going in different directions, but it seems like everyone has enjoyed themselves.

    Gonna make Taco Salad for dinner. Hope I do better this week on the weight thing. Weighed in at 161 this morning so a small gain. Will be more dedicated this week.

    Have a great evening!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Monday morning team...That just doesn't sound right:laugh: Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I got half of my carpets cleaned and have to finish the rest today. I'll be glad when it is done, but they won't stay clean long with kids and husband running in and out with shoes on. Oh well, what are ya gonna do? Off to work for me then hopefully pool shopping. It is time to replace our above ground pool. We put it in in 1998 when we bought the house and it is shot. They have just about doubled in price since we got ours, what a shock:noway: My goal this week is to lose 2 pounds. I have been doing better on my cals but missed the gym yesterday. I will go 3 days this week plus 3 days of some kind of cardio (almost warm enough to start hiking), and I will drink 8 glasses of water or Crystal Light daily. Have a great day.

    Kelkie...Welcome. We do weigh-in on Sunday. Just send your weight to Jack if you want to be added to our progress chart:smile:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good Morning all, and welcome Kelkie. It has been a busy fattening weekend. Really didn't care what I ate since Friday, and I don't think I have worked out since Wed. Just been lazy. But that will all change today. Going to start counting again today, and will start W4D1 of C25K today. Step areobics has been changed this week to Tues and Wed. Getting cold here again, so most likely won't get out for a walk with the kids, it has been really windy here the past few days. Going to work on books today, and will have a treat of sausage and homemade (baba's) perogies for supper. Going to try to find an easy recipe and make my own mushroom sauce, instead of just using cream of mushroom soup. Will check back in later today.

    Tammy - good luck with pool shopping, and with reaching your goal this week. My goal is to hopefully get back down to my last week Friday weight. (Like I said above, ate lots this weekend).
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Still need a bunch of weigh ins, early results are mixed, two losers and two gainers so far this week.

    Looking for BornnRaised, SeminoleFan30, Sarina87, Smwert, Angel11029, AmandaJ, Amaline, Dragonfly81, Gym_rat. Send me your weigh ins ASAP.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Completed W4D1 of C25K, did 2 miles, and burnt 350 cals.