Weak legs?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a 40 year old woman who's mostly a housewife with a side of artist and web publisher, and I lose at 2000. I exercise about 3-4 hours a week total between running (2-3x) and lifting (3x).
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You only have to lose 11 pounds.. so like everyone else said, EAT!

    I'm 5'9, and I lost on between 1500-1800 calories a day.. and maintain at a little higher then that.

    Leg strength is not built by starving yourself unfortunately... you need calories to build up the muscles and make them strong.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    2000 is not very high especially because you are only 18. Really, you should get a recommendation from a Dr. or a nutritionist if you are unsure. Don't go off of MFPs "sedentary" level-- don't even look at that number-- it makes it much lower than other caluclations I have seen, and it's assuming you will log every step you take during the day as exercise.
  • jredman0204
    jredman0204 Posts: 7 Member
    I have weak legs as well, what i have learned is to do everything slow at first. Once you start building muscle and strength in your legs you will be able to do more and at a quicker pace. As a friend of mine always says, slow and correct is much more important than fast in wrong.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    You only have to lose 11 pounds.. so like everyone else said, EAT!

    I'm 5'9, and I lost on between 1500-1800 calories a day.. and maintain at a little higher then that.

    Leg strength is not built by starving yourself unfortunately... you need calories to build up the muscles and make them strong.

    actually only want to lose about 5 more pounds, if not just maintain. I just haven't gotten the time to adjust my ticker yet...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You only have to lose 11 pounds.. so like everyone else said, EAT!

    I'm 5'9, and I lost on between 1500-1800 calories a day.. and maintain at a little higher then that.

    Leg strength is not built by starving yourself unfortunately... you need calories to build up the muscles and make them strong.

    actually only want to lose about 5 more pounds, if not just maintain. I just haven't gotten the time to adjust my ticker yet...

    Didn't your doctor say not to lose any more weight?
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    I did say maybe just maintain...
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Take up skating. Ask at the local rink if there is a "Learn to Skate" class.

    Oh, and you'll get better endurance & balance, along with strong legs, butt, back, and core.

    Because you are in a cold environment, you'll have to eat more good foods. Just make every bite count of good food. Carbs are key to survive figure skating.
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    Take up skating. Ask at the local rink if there is a "Learn to Skate" class.

    Oh, and you'll get better endurance & balance, along with strong legs, butt, back, and core.

    Because you are in a cold environment, you'll have to eat more good foods. Just make every bite count of good food. Carbs are key to survive figure skating.

    I've actually tried skating and SUCKED at it! Thanks for the suggestion tho.