I'm Sick and Tired of Being 291lbs



  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome back! I too am a yo-yo dieter, at my heaviest I weighed 279 pounds, lost 99 and then gained most of it back. I am still kicking myself about it, but also feel no living in the past. I too am addicted to food & was eating massive quantities, mostly when nobody was around to see me doing it. Its a horrible addiction, because unlike other addictions, we have to eat. I am now 50 & took a look at my life and decided I have to change, my 17 year old daughter is overweight & no wonder, look at her role model, I have high blood pressure and would get winded just going up the stairs. I finally realized that dieting isn't easy, but will be worth it in the end. The key is to find a plan you can live with it and then stick to it. Also realize that nobody is perfect, if you slip up, just put it behind you and get back on track. If you want to be friends, that would be great.
  • SarahsJourney7
    SarahsJourney7 Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for your support girls :heart:
  • SarahsJourney7
    SarahsJourney7 Posts: 46 Member
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! We wish you the best of health! You can do it!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    You can do it - Get to it.

    best of luck.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    commit 100% to a 5 month time frame
    no cheating for just 5 months!
    Give it a shot, you will not loose all that you want but once you get started
    YOU will see progress, The trick is not to cheat,
    Give your body a break, stick to the program
    You are young, it is wonderful!
  • You so got this and all of us here to support you, I was 228 18 months ago, I am now 149 5'3 still have a few lbs left, this is a great place for support, yes there are times when I just want to give up, but I look at the success stories everyday for motivation, it helps my family they act like they don't notice , but it's all about being healthy, who cares about people's opinion well only if it's positive, love love this site! I believe in you!
  • You can do this, I know it. There are lots of good people on this site and they can help. Good luck and start the fight.
  • LauraAnn52
    LauraAnn52 Posts: 31 Member
    You can be successful if you really want to be.I'm in the same boat as you, but I am almost old enough to be your grandma. I got on the scale a month ago and was over 270 lbs, my heaviest weight yet. It was a shock! I have lost and regained the same pounds countless times. This time I know I will be successful. Using MFP is so easy. Seeing the calorie and nutrition info right there has made me more mindful what I put into my mouth. No more mindless eating. Now I plan my meals and snacks ahead of time. When I really think I just have to have something, I make myself a decaf iced coffee drink with vanilla almond milk and stevia and it does the trick for me. Stay positive and remember, it's not a diet. You're making a lifestyle change that will reap you benefits for the rest of your life.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Sarah and this is my 3rd profile on MFP. I know.. sounds a bit crazy but I've been struggling with my weight for years and years. Right now I'm at 291lbs. My highest weight was 300lbs. When I hit 300lbs I had a sudden reality check. I looked at my scale and said no way can an intelligent, 22yr old be this overweight. As far back as I can remember my life was all about food. My first thought in the morning was "WHAT'S FOR BREAKFAST!!??" and throughout the day I'd think of what I wanted to binge for dinner. Binge eating has been a part of my life since I was about 13 or 14 years old. For those of you who don't know there are different types of binge eating. My binge eating consisted of extremely large amounts of food that were spread out through large amounts of time. I never threw up food. I LOVE food, perhaps you can say I'm addicted! Going back to my weight when I hit 300 I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. I always knew that I was overweight but I never took control. I just kept thinking about what I wanted to eat and how good it was going to taste. I can honestly say that I'm not happy where my life is right now. I can't wear a bathing suit without feeling insecure. I can't ride on my favorite rides at the amusement parks because I don't fit in the seats. I don't date guys because I'm afraid that they won't accept or judge my appearance. I mean the list can go on and on. That shouldn't be the life of a 22 yr old woman. It is now fall of 2012 and I want to make a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION! I don't want to walk into any of my college classes anymore feeling sorry for myself and feeling like everyone is staring at me. I'm tired of constantly being worried if my clothes look decent and always pulling my shirt down to try and hide widely visible fat rolls on my stomach. I want to do so many things with my life and the weight is holding me back. I'm sick and tired of the countless retail visits and sitting in the dressing rooms crying my eyes out because nothing fit. I'm sick and tired of watching all of my good looking friends have boyfriends and live the life that I want to live. Most importantly I'm sick and tired of failing myself. I've failed at so many attempt to loose weight. Even through this journey I know I'm going to make some mistakes, I'm human. But I want those mistakes to push me harder and harder every time and not become some sad girl sitting in her room scarfing down a whole bag of double stuffed Oreo's because she is depressed about her sixth failed attempt. I'm so ready for a change, a change that is going to shake my every core inside to where I will NEVER look back. I want to shut that door and seal it shut with metal blocks. But first comes first I need to come to terms with the fact that it won't just happen over night. This lifestyle change is going to be a LIFE JOURNEY. As the saying goes, "Success Isn't a door way it is a Stair Case". I'm going to have to take lots of flights with little stairs up to where i want to be in life. I know I can do this because I want it more than I've wanted anything else in my entire life. I've wanted to change my whole life but I never had the guts to do it, but now I do. I have the guts because I know that NO ONE is going to come knocking at my door and say, "Step into this machine and in 1 day you will have the rocking body of your dreams!!". Reality is that I have to change EVERY THING I knew in my old lifestyle and learn step by step, like a baby, how to live this new life. I'm going to be born again and this time It's not going to be Wonder Woman, but Wonder Sarah! I'm going to fight each and every one of my battles as best as I can one by one. I know in the end this will promise me what I want. My old life promised me a death sentence. Life is too short, I want to see a happy ending not a tragic one.

    I know there's a lot of woman (College girls, Mothers, and Grandmothers) like me who are going through this process on My Fitness Pal, who have fought and tried and have failed. Now it's time for you to get back up and live the life that you want to live. I am here on this website to change my life and if you want to join me in my journey feel free to message me and friend request me. I need all the support I can get and I'm here to support you as well. Here's a little inspiration for you.. Abraham Lincoln, failed in his life 12 times before he became the President of The United States! Now if he can fail and get back up on his feet, we can too! Good luck to all of you on your journeys!!

    add me you can do this i am like you
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I'm so glad you made the choice to give this a try again. I've only joined at the end of August (5 weeks as of tomorrow), and it has been one of the best decisions in my life. I find the logging in of my foods keeps it real and makes me accountable. Also for me, I find reading the success stories and seeing the pics gives me hope that I too can reach my goals. It might take me a while, but I've been heavy for the past 27 years and at my heaviest for the past 3 years. I keep telling myself -- "slow and steady wins the race".

    If you are eating enough and not too little, then you will have great results. I find myself, that I only really lose about 2 weeks out of the month, as lovely hormones take over the other 2, but I know the rhythm of my body and try not to get discouraged. No food is off limits either - if I make a conscious decision to have it and it fits in with my meals for that day. It might be only 1/4 cup of something just to get the taste, but it's like I used to tell my kids when their favorite snacks would be all gone and they would blame other family members for eating/drinking it all - they make more of those foods everyday. We can choose to get more if we want.

    Sorry for the rambling, but again welcome back and I hope you do well on your journey. :)
  • SarahsJourney7
    SarahsJourney7 Posts: 46 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been doing a lot better. I've been given an appetite suppressant by my medical doctor and I decided to seek help for my depression. I started seeing a therapist and its going well. The appetite suppressant works wonders, I haven't binged since I've been taking the pill. I also made the decision to drop out of college for now to focus on my health and pay off a few student loans. So I found a job and have been working there for about a week now. I love it but it is a sitting down job, so I definitely have to find ways to be more active. Since my jobs office is on the 3rd floor in the building, I take the stairs, and I try to get a workout in before or after work. I also try to walk my dog everyday for at least 30 mins. I'm on no special diet either. I watch what I eat and I eat what I want well portioned. I also incorporate fruits and veggies. I wanted to thank you guys for all your kind words. I'll keep updating my progress :)
  • Rennohana
    Rennohana Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, just ran into your post. I am 22 years aswell, and fairly new to MFP. I've always knew i had been overweight, but finally stepping on a scale a couple months back did it only trigger something in my mind. I've started at 255lbs but only lost 5lbs so far. It has been over a month now since i've started watching my portions and getting in atleast 30 to 60 mins of working out. It still is hard on some days, especially with the holiday season coming up. Sounds like you are doing great, and best of luck on your journey! Feel free to add me :) One day at a time.
  • Lgran2
    Lgran2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sarah, my name is Latisha and I understand exactly how you feel (or felt) I was also overweight when I attended college. One year being out of college I had a major operation which I was in a wheelchair for almost a year. I wieghted 311 lbs when I was finally able to walked again. Since then I dropped to 293.5 and seems to be stuck here. I don't gain, but I don't lose. My doctor and my aunt told me about this website hopefully this will work for me along with exercising. Be encouraged and continue to do the best you can.
    You've made the right first step by coming back and deciding that there WILL be a change! and there will always be people on here who will support you and motivate you!

    lots of love and luck!

  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome back to MFP. The fact that you are here says that you are serious about being healthy. That alone is enough to ensure your success assuming you set reasonable expectations.

    What I mean by reasonable expectations is this:

    Obviously you would probably prefer to wake up tomorrow much lighter. However, that desire does not need to force you to lose large amounts of weight quickly. Its not a race! By striving for example to lose .1 pound per week instead of 2 pounds, staying on plan will be a lot easier for you to maintain. If you lose 1 pound per week, after 2 years you will have lost over 100 pounds! If you find that goal too easy, then you can increase your calorie deficit later.

    My point is this:

    Set reasonable goals that are easier to achieve and then adjust upwards later if you desire. This is much easier than setting goals too high at first and getting discouraged if they are too hard to meet.

    Good luck!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member

    Welcome back to MFP. Hopefully this will be your last visit... and it will be successful.

    I feel I could have writting much of your introduction. It is exactly how I used to feel... and still do a lot of times. But... we are strong 20-something year old women. We can be successful.

    Feel free to add me for any support you may need.
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
    Feel free to add me for support. I know what you are going through but I can say that this site does help...and that you will have bad days where you want to eat a lot but keep tracking even during those days and get back on track as soon as you can. dont get discouraged.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    You can do this, just take one step at a time.
  • Hi everyone my name is Whitney and I new here and I am tired of being over 200 pounds.