Atkins-Going against all I believe!!!!



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    most of you are in the same mindset i normally am! everyone i know cant believe me of all people want to try a 'diet'. I am just in desperate need to get my mid-section to melt down

    Don't let desperation make you do something stupid that will make things harder in the end. Go back to the drawing board. Write out some goals for yourself. Setup a moderate calorie deficit, something below your TDEE but not overly restrictive, and work on hitting daily and weekly goals. Set yourself some fitness goals, not just weight or size ones.

    Above all, be patient with yourself.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    most of you are in the same mindset i normally am! everyone i know cant believe me of all people want to try a 'diet'. I am just in desperate need to get my mid-section to melt down

    You want to lose that weight permanently then be persistent and adopt a life style, you want to yo-yo then try a temporary fad diet. It's really that simple.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Hello, I had a baby 14 months ago and finally got down to my pre-baby weight 8 weeks ago...well, I then hurt my knee and started eating uncontrollably...I have gained 11 pounds back, just 3.3 in the last 2 is so easy to gain! Well, I decided to do ATKINS, something I am completely against..'depriving' yourself from so many foods..
    BUT, I am throwing in the towel and trying it..thinking maybe it will just help me think differently about eating, I love bread-in fact I ate a whole pizza minus one slice this weekend..I love rice..making sushi as much as I could...etc....
    Has anyone had success with this helping? A little nervous about headaches and not having energy:)

    So, you're going against something you believe in, in order to get temporary results?

    That sounds like it will totally work.

    Maybe you just need to work on your self-control and quit making excuses for your bad behavior. Moderation is a much better long term solution, and it's already worked for you. The only problem was that you gave yourself an excuse to quit watching what you ate.

    Is your weight/life really so desperate that you are going to start grabbing at straws? By, the way, you have two beautiful children in your profile pic. Wouldn't you rather teach by example and show them how to have a healthy, reasonable relationship with food? Rather than teaching them that "carbs are bad" and "mommy needs to diet"?? Just a thought.
  • windyleal
    I am doing a program that is low carb - I'm following a book by Diane Kress called The Metabolism Miracle. It has three phases - step one is very restricted carbs and lasts at least eight weeks, step two adds in more carbs and you stay on it until you reach your comfortable size/weight, and the third maintenance step is a lifetime plan. I've lost 35 lbs since June and I feel good.

    the great thing about this book is that it explained why I was gaining weight even with dieting and exercising and it helped me kind of wrap my head around what the problem is with me. I'm enjoying the plan and after I got through the first couple days of sugar/carb withdrawal I have not had cravings and have been easily able to stay on the plan.

    With any program that you do, it is not supposed to be a quick fix. Regardless of the plan you are on, if you go back to doing what you did before you will always gain the weight back. It takes desire and have to do both. When you are ready to change it will be easy.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I am different and from the real world.

    Atkins works, starving works, fasting works, truth is everything WORKS.

    The difference between success and failure is your mindset AFTER and the adjustment periods.

    For instance, going on PSMF while great for a week, it still requires planning coming out in order to readjust your body again.

    Fasting for a week, cool... but you need to ease into, then take about another week reintroducing items etc.

    If you just change back to way before with same mindset, you'll be screwed before you even start. Reason you put on more? Crash diets do decrease your bodies thermogenic response and hence decreasing metabolism, however when you stop, it takes a few days to a few weeks depending on the length you were on the "diet" to correct your bodies metabolism again, when you just stop without thought, you eat more, not caring that your body will store more easily at first.

    I say go for it, but make sure you come off atkins correctly, and do some research. Anything works, otherwise nothing would work when done right. It is just making sure your doing it CORRECTLY and not stupid that makes the difference between success, and failure.

    I wish you all the best. I lost 20kg on low calorie diet of under 1000 a day, transitioned slow and now working on eating healthier for last 20kg I gotta lose, I have lost 10kg so far of it, and has taken longer, but from what I researched, from certain body fat percentages, you cannot and should never deprive yourself certain nutrition elements. Then again, my goal is underweight at 15% less than normal sedentary weight for my height as based on studies for endurance athletes who focus on marathon and longer.

    I'm still trying to figure out how you genetically fused a wolfs head onto yours, or is that just a mask?

    Photoshop :D I am kind of a techno geek.. I work currently as an engineer in a computer repair centre and do software development and graphic design in free time haha ^_^
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Most people who did Atkins did find success but were unable to maintain it. The reason is because it's not really possible to make a lifestyle out of it. It's a short term solution, and as with all short term solutions in fitness/diet, the results are only temporary.
  • BeSophisticate
    Going to extremities almost never works. But hey if you could be the one in hundred that can make it work good for you.

    This goes for me too.
  • BeSophisticate
    Most people who did Atkins did find success but were unable to maintain it. The reason is because it's not really possible to make a lifestyle out of it. It's a short term solution, and as with all short term solutions in fitness/diet, the results are only temporary.

    And this.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Atkins/low carb eating certainly has worked and is working for me. The difference this time is that I'm not going to start eating those rubbish carbs again when I reach goal. Why would I need white flour, sugar, pasta etc .. . ..what goodness is in that? I The main thing I love about this way of eating is NO CRAVINGS!! It amazes me how this transformation happens. Some people DO have good reason to remove some foods permanrntly because they just cause cravings and ill health. I eat plenty of lovely veg and salad daily with rich mayo and have found loads of great recipes. Not everything I eat is perfect but good fats and enough protein mean you're never hungry. I've lost lots doing WW, Slimming World, Atkins in the past and stupidly decided it was safe to eat, say, rubbish party food etc and before I knew it I was again a junk junkie! With low carb I'm in control and can resist the bad stuff. Why can't we remove some foods from our diet?? We have far too much choice, we're pretty demanding and greedy compared to many people with little choice and as long as we eat a fairly balanced diet we don't have to include every food .. many of which are harmful. I agree ANY "diet" will work if we can stick to it. Low carb suits me! It needs lots of reading up and info gathering though as so many people are only partly informed, eg some think "low" means "no". Low carb, even Atkins is not extreme, the induction period is for 2 weeks kickstart, not forever and some who do stick to that level of carbs are very healthy indeed after years of that lifestyle!! Good luck with whatever you decide!.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Maybe look at just setting your carbs lower. I make mine 35% of my diet. On 1500 cals that's 120g per day. Enough to not feel deprived, but not enough to eat crazy amounts of carb laden foods. The macros work well for me with weight loss to. I also do 35% protein and 30% fat.

    Food... Settings. Goals... Change goals... Manual.

    Balanced is best I think. I've been lower didn't feel good and weight loss stopped... Of course everyone is different though x
  • SLRamirez2012
    Why dont you just stay at a caloric deficit and workout? So much easier then spending money next to everything else you have to buy. If you need to learn how to eat, use the internet. Its free son.

  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't follow the Atkins, but I do find that my body is happier when I have less carbs, around 100 a day. I typically eat starchy carbs in the AM, then after lunch only have vegetable carbs. This works for me, and I feel less bloated when I cut my carbs after lunch and stay on the lower end overall. Everyone is different, find what works for you and what you can maintain a healthy lifestyle with.
  • delacruz_courtney
    Just remind yourself WHY Atkins is against everything you believe...there is no quick fix. Eat the foods that you plan on eating for the rest of your life. Use moderation :). Just keep a calorie deficit and exercise. You'll be saving yourself the heartache of gaining the weight back and suffering during the "diet". Been there, done that :).
  • tubaman58
    Look at the Southbeach diet, uses Atkin's principals, but much mnore nuanced.... if you unable to sustain it, you will at least learn a lot about your body and its' reponces to carbs
  • krystico
    krystico Posts: 104
    I tried in Atkins in the past - and here I am on MFP STILL trying to lose weight! Atkins wasn't a good match for me. I had headaches. I had a "pain" in my lower back - on the side. People told me that this was kidney pain! (I'm not sure if that's 100% accurate) I'm sensitive when it comes to kidneys (mom had a transplant a few years ago - she's fine now) Anyways... as soon as I started to eat "normally", the weight (PLUS some) came right back. I'd suggest trying to find a different diet. "Quick Fix" diets usually don't yield good results... Good luck!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Clearly, you already know this is a bad might feel "desperate' right now, but everyone I know who did that diet was unable to sustain the lifestyle and gained it back (and then some). Keep doing things the way you KNOW is right, and have patience with the process....
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    The biggest problem with Atkins for me was cutting out an entire food group. Can't live like that forever.

    That was my big problem with it. I love low carb... if I'm living on a desert island. But I have a significant other and a social life. It's been easier for me to make peace with carbs in a lot of ways. Sad, though. I felt GREAT when I was low carbing.

    I do support low carbers, but if they're doing it for the right reasons. It doesn't sound like you are.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Eat right
    SMASH things.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    While Dr. Atkins was the first to open my eyes to a low carb lifestyle, the Atkins company no longer represents his vision and values in my opinion. Just read the ingredients on some of their "food".

    I have chosen a low carb/high fat version of the paleo/primal diet. To me, it makes sense to base my diet on whole, natural foods. (My miraculously improved health is all the proof that I need.) The quality of the food is everything. I live in a location where I can't easily access many foods that others take for granted, but I do have some access to wild food so that likely evens things out a bit.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I started my weight loss journey on Atkins and it worked for me. I then realized I needed a whole lifestyle change, and something I could live with forever, so I went primal. I have lost 98 pounds so far, and am almost at goal, but I know that the primal lifestyle is for me and suits me. I think if you do Atkins right, especially the reintroduction of carbs, and find a level you can maintain on it does work. The real problem is we all love carbs. I suppose I was luckier than most, I was diagnosed with diabetes. When you have that hanging over your head, carbs become really quite irrelevant. However you lose the weight and maintain it makes it good. try Atkins, try other diets, find something you can sustain long term, and good luck.