being unemployed...goin a lil stir crazy.



  • Cassondra6608
    I am currently unemployed also. It is driving me nuts being home but I figure this is the perfect time to work on my weight loss! My business is closing so they are paying us for 60 days even though we aren't working (lucked out on that). Right now I am putting my resume out there and applying for different positions on CareerBuilder. Hope everything works out for you and good luck!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hi I'm retired but still active I volunteer 3 days a week, any voluntary work you do keeps you sane and active, and looks good on a CV , employers look for motivated people. Most towns have a volunteer bureau , keep busy

    100% AGREE.

    Finding a job is all about networking which putting in volunteer hours will allow you to do. It will also most likely get your parents off your back if they see you out and about getting work done. In the UK alot of people offer jobs to volunteers after a certain amount of time.
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    blerg stupid pic.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    When unemployed (on purpose or not) and job hunting, I throw myself into exercising and fitness because I have so much more time on my hands. I also cook a lot. Unemployment is awesome for my health...
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    Think of what you are good at? You were a salon hair assistant, you could start a "at home" hair cut service. I.e. you go to your clients house & give them a haircut or mani pedi stuff. Lot of lazy bums like me out there who would loveeeee that!! :D Do it at 3/4 or 1/2 the cost of a salon & If you are good at it (which m sure you are).. u never know..

    Again, think of what you are good at. This is no longer is a world where you need to wait for someone to employ you. Create your own thing.

    Hope you get a job soon & things work out for you babe!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Day drinking should help pass the time.
    I really wanna hire you to be my life coach :laugh: \m/
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    looking does suck...i'll give you the same advice i gave my 18 year old son ...apply for everything. even stuff you don't think you are qualified for. If you get a rejection letter, call them and ask what you could have done differently to increase your chances. go to the library for help with your resume...keep a note book of where you apply with a phone number and the date you sent your application/ them back in 10 days to verify they received it and offer to come in for an introduction to follow up your resume. send thank you notes after interviews. stay positive :) and good luck!

    I'm waiting to hear back from a few places.. sent resumes/ applied online places..
    alot of retail places are kinda done hiring for the holiday season so thats kinda out.
    I guess because I only have hair salon experience/ retail not many of the csr/data entry jobs I feel like its not worth applying because I'm not familiar with Excel/Programs like it.. and typing is about 30 words a minute esp if I'm reading from something.. not from my head.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't think anyone else has asked this but why not unemployment? Even if you left the job, if you felt harrassed or felt it was unsafe in some way, you may still be eligible for benefits.

    Have you checked to see if there is some sort of Career Center in your area? They do classes and workshops on resume writting, networking, etc.

    My go to for unemployment is temp agencies. They test you on all your skills and then place you at jobs that fit. I think some even offer courses so you can improve your skills so that you have more opportunities.

    Also look into taking adult ed courses on small business, excell, word processing, etc. Whatever you can to continue to lengthen the list of possibilities or employment...
  • gotogirl81
    gotogirl81 Posts: 278 Member
    Think of what you are good at? You were a salon hair assistant, you could start a "at home" hair cut service. I.e. you go to your clients house & give them a haircut or mani pedi stuff. Lot of lazy bums like me out there who would loveeeee that!! :D Do it at 3/4 or 1/2 the cost of a salon & If you are good at it (which m sure you are).. u never know..

    Again, think of what you are good at. This is no longer is a world where you need to wait for someone to employ you. Create your own thing.

    Hope you get a job soon & things work out for you babe!

    totally would do this. unfortunately cant really do it as a job.. because according to the laws of Cosmetology in Pennsylvania I could get fined.
    I do it without " charging" family/friends.. they give me a little something but i dont ask for a specific amount.
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    I am working for a temp agency, at the moment. I heard horrible things about temp agencies, but since working for one, I have nothing but good things to say. Temping has opened up a world of opportunities for me: I work in a contract position for a terrific company and I am networking with many excellent contacts.

    If nothing else, try temping. It's money in your pocket and experience on your resume in the meantime. Best of luck!
  • margaret1989
    margaret1989 Posts: 2 Member
    I 100% agree with your topic! I'm an elementary school teacher and I've been unemployed since June 2012. Luckily my unemployment benefits combined with my husbands income pays the bills (but barely). I've actually applied to dozens of retail stores and restaurants, but I haven't heard back. So there isn't a huge gap in my resume (in-between jobs), I'm going to volunteer at my neighborhood library. Also, I'm in a position where these retail, restaurants, etc. look at my resume and know that I'm probably not going to stick around.

    Have you considered working in a high-volume restaurant or fine dining? if you don't have experience, you could always start as a hostess then work your way up to a server position. Keep in mind that many restaurants don't post jobs online so it might be better to apply in person (always between the hours of 2pm - 4pm, between lunch and dinner shifts). And there is always Starbucks, Wholefoods, other grocery stores, Subway, even fast food. (i think that if you don't land your dream job, that at least you have some income and can work towards your dream job).

    As for your parents, thats a hard one. Maybe you should downgrade your phone, or rely on a landline for awhile (at least offer this to your parents to take the burden of paying your monthly bill). Of course your parents are laying it on thick, they don't want you to get complacent with being unemployed, they are trying to get you motivated to get a job and be independent. Your parents want you to succeed.

    I know its hard finding a job, but they are out there, POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I am working for a temp agency, at the moment. I heard horrible things about temp agencies, but since working for one, I have nothing but good things to say. Temping has opened up a world of opportunities for me: I work in a contract position for a terrific company and I am networking with many excellent contacts.

    If nothing else, try temping. It's money in your pocket and experience on your resume in the meantime. Best of luck!

    This. Temping is awesome. Some people prefer it. And, some companies hire from temp agencies. So, they get to try you out.
  • keelz2010
    Hi I'm retired but still active I volunteer 3 days a week, any voluntary work you do keeps you sane and active, and looks good on a CV , employers look for motivated people. Most towns have a volunteer bureau , keep busy

    I am VERY busy. But being busy and not getting paid for it is no beauno... social iterations doesn't cut it, wish I could get paid for planning parties/ social events.

    I've been out of work a few times here and there and volunteer in these times. Volunteering is great, looks good on CV, shows prospective employers that you are focused and if you choose a volunteer role doing something you love, you can often find it leads to a job.

    If you try small local owned companies to apply to you might get a job a bit quicker as bigger company's often have a longer recruitment process. Get a friend to look over your CV and give an honest opinion and Google yourself to see what prospective employers are seeing about you online and if you have a Facebook page set it to private.

    You could fire off a load of emails to companies even if they are not advertising work, you never know, they may be planning to hire someone soon and that way you get in there first, or they will keep you on file ready for when they do start hiring.

    Good luck, hope you find you something soon x
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I know how you feel I had to move back home in February and its hard. I have a job right now and am a student but lately I havent been getting enough to move out!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Think of what you are good at? You were a salon hair assistant, you could start a "at home" hair cut service. I.e. you go to your clients house & give them a haircut or mani pedi stuff. Lot of lazy bums like me out there who would loveeeee that!! :D Do it at 3/4 or 1/2 the cost of a salon & If you are good at it (which m sure you are).. u never know..

    Again, think of what you are good at. This is no longer is a world where you need to wait for someone to employ you. Create your own thing.

    Hope you get a job soon & things work out for you babe!

    totally would do this. unfortunately cant really do it as a job.. because according to the laws of Cosmetology in Pennsylvania I could get fined.
    I do it without " charging" family/friends.. they give me a little something but i dont ask for a specific amount.

    That's an idea, you know... what can you do within the constraints of the law? I'm not sure how comfortable you might be with this sort of thing, but residential seniors' homes might have use for volunteers... I know several mature ladies who still enjoy feeling good about their hair, and really look forward to a wash and style. (It's the highlight of my grandmother's week!)

    Otherwise, what else do you need to be able to legally cut hair?

    I struggle with this myself (am working from home and studying right now; have been unemployed), but making a schedule really helps. Especially because looking for jobs is draining. It's hard to send stuff out there and not get a reply. So block it off into chunks.

    And don't let yourself get alienated - make a point of seeing people every now and then, and leaving the house.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Apply to be a server at a restaurant. You'll probably get a ton of shift, and tips are awesome.

    If you can drop a little cash, I would take a CNA (nursing assistant) course and get certified, and apply at hospitals/nursing homes. Most nursing homes are always hiring and you can get good hours right away. Plus if you work overnights or evenings there is usually shift differential.

    Working with people is very rewarding.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I am VERY busy. But being busy and not getting paid for it is no beauno... social iterations doesn't cut it, wish I could get paid for planning parties/ social events.

    People do get paid for that, though, and good money too.

    If you're suited to it & think you might want get into it longer-term, you could totally get good & relevant experience by volunteering for charity events (whatever-athons, dinners, etc).

    Restaurants might be a good fit in that case (also, music booking is a thing). Anything hospitality-related could start you off (hotels too). Anything wedding related. Event/experience/tourism-related companies. Even libraries (some of them) and art galleries often double as event venues & hire people just to handle that.

    It seems crazy, but luxury services still have a place. And people won't stop getting married.

    If you've got that kind of energy naturally (maybe yes if you do hair), that's amazing. It's a total skill. I'd rather get shingles than have to plan parties for any amount of time.
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    P.s. - this is long :)

    Sweet , so you can pretty much ignore what most people have said, as many clearly don't know what needs these days are or have an understanding of the economy.

    Cutting back on expenses, I am a student and am given allowance, with this allowance I must plan on how to best spend it so that it lasts me a month (being aware that I should always have a reserve amount incase of emergency). Get yourself an a5 book, I have 3 for different things such as , gym , money inflow/outflow and online gaming strats. You don't need to be an accountant nor do you need any actual math skill.

    First thing first, ensure you know how much food you need to keep you going through the week, this is pretty easy, what I do is buy myself a lot of protein cost efficient meals. Canned tuna, cheap peanut butter, just do your research and you can design your own meal plan for each day/entire week. Remember, protein should fill you up better than arbitrary crap.

    Go to the a store that is known for its low prices, you might be trading off quality for a cheaper price but without employment or substantial income, it's better than only affording 1 meal a week (Note, if you want, travel to 2 or 3 stores to compare prices of earlier researched food items). Once you have found the cheapest prices, purchase what you need, in cost efficient priority, if you find something that can provide you 3 meals which cost the same amount as something that can provide 1 meal , it's a done deal, look for good promotions as well but just because something is on promotion , does not mean you should be spending your money on it (as it was not budgeted for in your previous meal research task).

    Now reducing lifestyle costs, someone said a vehicle is needed, incorrect, unless you live more than 5 Kilometres away from potential working area, petrol will continue to destroy your budget. Gym membership, this fits in beautifully with not having a car, Cycle (if you can afford or have a bicycle) or jog to work (when obtained), you may arrive sweaty, but if you take it easy and get yourself some anti perspirant deodorant you should be okay to soldier through the day without people having to plug their noses.

    Coffee, one of my biggest downfalls and might be applicable to anyone struggling with money control, I love coffee, it makes my life that much better, fortunately I managed to change , but I originally spent 1/10th (using ratios to avoid currency exchange rate discrepancies) of my allowance on coffee a month. I made the sacrifice of quality and am now spending 0.025/10th of my allowance on coffee a month, which saves so much money in the long run.

    Smoking, you better cut that **** right now if you smoke. No respect for anyone trying to be healthy or save cash , AND SMOKE.

    iPhone, you need something that is functional and cheap, I would also feel guilty if parents bought me an iphone, I have a Nokia 2710, cost about nothing and it does what a phone is meant to do, Makes calls, sends texts, doesnt break when I tap it too hard.

    Utilise friends at this point of your life, there is likely to be a friends parent who could help you get an easy lowkey part time job , such as a secretary or something small yet produces an income. Also, consider car pooling, asking friends for lifts, any favours that arnt too pressing, and make sure to not over do the favour asking though.

    If there is a chore to do in the house, do it, constantly remind your parents of your day to day ventures of job seeking, as long as you are , and they know of your job seeking, one cannot blame you for not being accepted for employment.

    <quick break> I have just re read your query for the 4th time and now only noticed your age, so the above may seem to you or others under the impression that I have no grasp on what you are going through, Incorrect my mother stresses to me that I need to not be demanding on monetary items in terms of my wants, yet she purchases expensive coffee, she shops at more expensive stores (I remind her of this error each time I am visiting home), but my point being, although you should be aware of this, make sure you practice it.

    Anyways, now to unemployement. From my readings done, USA has an amazing unemployment rate compared to South Africa (I believe US is at 6-7% , South Africa is around 20-24% , however these figures do not include demotivated job seekers who have given up on finding employement).

    The US has not fully recovered from its 2008 recession, and wont be in a boom again until the rest of the world including America stabilise, although Euro is gutted currently. Firms wont be seeking high wage employees, if you desperately want a job, ensure you are not apart of some ****ty trade union, go to a job interview, if it is low skill, and you are desperate, offer to work at a cheaper wage rate than other interviewees. now that is not something I can guarantee will work as in South Africa we have too many government laws that determine wage rates , as well as trade unions that cripple employment, but if you are desperate , surely it's worth a try?

    You did not state whether you had any qualifications, for all anyone knows, you may not have even finished high school, you may/may not have a higher degree certificate, this makes it difficult to give any pointers in what field of work or state would offer best employment opportunities.

    Aftermath, If you land yourself a job, get a loan from your parents, or maybe even a loan from a bank, I highly suggest that 1) you enrol yourself into a trades school/program, tradesmen are always in need and will always have employment , especially in America, due to vast population (and no offence, but a big % of the population are lazy[dont worry, every country has its lazy% , dont hate <3]).

    If you don't feel like that because it might not support the iPhone lifestyle or such, 2) use that money loaned or saved up, get yourself some form of diploma, degree, this can be done through night school college programs, or home study programs (example Unisa [google if you are not aware, just to get an understanding]).

    Don't think you are too old or , infact don't give any reasons, if you want a better life then you have to buckle down and get it, my father got his degree after university which was standard, but about 11 years later at age 34 he went and got another (using up all the savings we had as a family), because bettering human capital, can only provide greater opportunities , thus higher returns for the future.

    Although I suggest you read through all of that, Cliffs

    Control expenses,
    -determine your NEEDS, not luxuries (such as an iphone, opposed to a nokia 3310)
    -seek employment every moment you can, no lazy days off.
    -try get yourself into a trades program OR some form of diploma or degree
    -this can be done through night school programs or other opportunites (do not do online only course things)

    finally, BUCKLE UP, it is going to suck , I know we are years apart , our needs are different and such, but it sucked, cutting down to cheap coffee was horrible, not partying every 2nd night with my mates at university is lame, not showing off an iPhone or newsest samsung (doesnt really affect me as depreciating objects don't interest me much) but you might not be the coolest new gadget person on the block, you may get sick of eating tuna twice a day at least (which I still enjoy even though at university I eat two cans a day). Life is tough for people of all ages, it may seem more difficult for you to get employment than a kid learning how to ride a bike, but everything requires effort and the amount of effort required and/or put in , determines the level of reward, you getting an income , that child learning how to ride a bike.

    I wish you best of luck , just like keeping to a diet, you need to stay positive and make sure to take opportunities (not ones such as drug muling though lol) Sacrifice the good lifestyle now in hope of having a greater lifestyle in the future :]
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    looking does suck...i'll give you the same advice i gave my 18 year old son ...apply for everything. even stuff you don't think you are qualified for. If you get a rejection letter, call them and ask what you could have done differently to increase your chances. go to the library for help with your resume...keep a note book of where you apply with a phone number and the date you sent your application/ them back in 10 days to verify they received it and offer to come in for an introduction to follow up your resume. send thank you notes after interviews. stay positive :) and good luck!

    I'm waiting to hear back from a few places.. sent resumes/ applied online places..
    alot of retail places are kinda done hiring for the holiday season so thats kinda out.
    I guess because I only have hair salon experience/ retail not many of the csr/data entry jobs I feel like its not worth applying because I'm not familiar with Excel/Programs like it.. and typing is about 30 words a minute esp if I'm reading from something.. not from my head.

    Apply for anything and everything :) the worst that can happen is them saying No, best ? Getting an income.
  • MrMeowGi
    MrMeowGi Posts: 171
    Apply to be a server at a restaurant. You'll probably get a ton of shift, and tips are awesome.

    If you can drop a little cash, I would take a CNA (nursing assistant) course and get certified, and apply at hospitals/nursing homes. Most nursing homes are always hiring and you can get good hours right away. Plus if you work overnights or evenings there is usually shift differential.

    Working with people is very rewarding.

    ^this as well very solid idea, high demand for it.