Carboholics Anonymous

Hello my name is Missy and I am a carboholic.

I first realized this when I decided to stop "dieting" and make a life change. I track all of my foods and see all the carbs/sugars that I am intaking, but I cant help myself. There are many days that I meet my intake goals but still go way over on the carbs and sugars. The most frustrating thing for me is that the "low fat" diets dont work for me anymore. They used to work like a charm. Apparently now that I am in my 40's, my body doesn't metabolize like it used to and I need to figure out a new way to lose weight that fits into my lifestyle. Fun, Fun, and more Fun!!!!

I have made the changes that people have suggested like wheat bread, whole wheat (nasty) pasta, and brown rice but I see that is not enough. Grrrrrrrrr

Anyone out there have any good "low carb" suggestions?


  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    You're addicted to carbohol?
  • mommieoftwingirls12
    Lots and lots of vegi's!! I've been on a low carb diet for months and have lost 50 lbs..I try not to go over 20 a day but some days are worse than others..I would say that I eat bread, potatoes, and rice about once a's hard but do-able...I am now trying to watch my calorie intake and it's hard..My mind still worries about the carbs..I'm working on that..I also walk at least 30 min a day and sometimes I run a few minutes at a time..

    I also have cut out fruit..I know I should have some but I eat vegi's instead...good luck to you!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    If your having trouble sticking to a lower carb diet, try upping your protein & fiber. It will keep you fuller and you will crave less carbs.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    you sound like you are me!!! it must be an age thing...I don't go over my daily carbs but I know I still eat too many and hence my weight loss like a snails pace...started in May and 8lbs lost!! ridiculous or what!! but I hadn't a whole lot to lose....
    up your exercise, thats what I did, ok the scales aren't moving that much but I have lost loads of inches! :)

    hope you get some replies that will help :)

  • mrsmack05
    Ha! If carbohol has lots of carbs in it, I would eat that up too.
  • bpdai
    bpdai Posts: 46 Member
    I feel your pain! My doctor suggested an easy solution to cutting down on carbs. "Don't eat anything that is white." Not a bad criteria, it sorts out the white bread, pasta, potatos, etc. Although, I quickly found that switching to pumpernickle bread and chocolate ice cream wasn't the answer. I have moved in the direction of a Paleo diet. Lots of protein, low on carbs. I see a lot of people on here moving that direction also, and feel pretty confident that will be a long term solution. It sure is no easy task to back off of the carbs. It has been a lifetime addiction for me, and it isn't going away overnight. Stick with it! You can conquer this!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Today I have consumed:
    One jelly doughnut
    One avocado sandwich
    One hot chocolate/instant coffee concoction

    And dinner is either going to be sushi or pasta or pizza.

    Sometimes, I eat gummy worms.
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    hahahaha love your sense of humour!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This is what I do. I eat my veggies first, then my meat, then my bread. That way I don't eat too much bread. Also, I save about 200-300 calories for dessert each night. Then I can avoid too many sweets throughout the day because I have a dessert to look forward to. My carbs are 50% of my total calories.

    I advise against going low-fat or low-carb. It's better to teach yourself how to eat the foods you enjoy rather than to deprive yourself and be miserable and lacking nutrients.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I feel your pain! My doctor suggested an easy solution to cutting down on carbs. "Don't eat anything that is white." Not a bad criteria, it sorts out the white bread, pasta, potatos, etc. Although, I quickly found that switching to pumpernickle bread and chocolate ice cream wasn't the answer. I have moved in the direction of a Paleo diet. Lots of protein, low on carbs. I see a lot of people on here moving that direction also, and feel pretty confident that will be a long term solution. It sure is no easy task to back off of the carbs. It has been a lifetime addiction for me, and it isn't going away overnight. Stick with it! You can conquer this!

    Don't limit yourself by colors. That's just silly. Since I started in July, I have steadily been losing two pounds a week by eating foods of various colors. I balance my foods by nutrients, not by how they look. I make sure to take in carbs, protein, and fats at every meal.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    :devil: :laugh: :drinker:
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    *pats arm* I've been there too my friend
  • smithntuck
    smithntuck Posts: 113 Member
    I have lost over 125 lbs eating low carb. The Dr. told me 25 grams a day, and 1200 calories. She said don't worry as much about the fat, which is off from the way we think most of the time. Low fat usually means high sugar, and more carbs. It's the only thing that has ever worked as a permanent way of eating for me. I will indulge on special occasions, but don't overdo it. Understand that I had ALOT of weight to lose, I was close to 300 lbs at the time. I still have about 30 lbs to lose to be at my goal weight, but to me, low carb is so much easier than weight watchers or other diets.
  • Haniabebe
    You should read "Wheat Belly", it will stop your carb addition, you will lose weight and still eat a lot of food, Good luck
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    *pats arm* I've been there too my friend

    Hey thanks, that means alot

    *grabs slice of bread to wipe eyes, then takes bite*
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    HA love this :laugh:
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    Just made me spit my water out :-)
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    I used to be a carboholic.

    I remember sleeping in the gutter, snorting bread crumbs off of one armed strippers, getting in fights with overweight 7 year olds for their ice cream. Once at thanksgiving, i cussed my grandma out and slapped my youngest sister (she was 2 at the time) because they suggested we give the left over potatoes to the poor. I was a wreck.

    I had to change.

    I did my research and did a little bit of testing on myself, and it turns out that if i am in a caloric deficit, no matter what my macros are, I still lose weight.

    I still snort bread crumbs on occasion, but who doesnt have a dirty little secret?

    What a bad boy!!!......hahahahahahahaha