Clothes in different sizes ~ just in case?



  • Peasley7
    Peasley7 Posts: 21 Member
    My philosophy on old clothes is, if you wouldn't buy it out of the store TODAY (fit, style etc) then give it to somebody who can really use it and will cherish it in their closet. :)
  • Cavy1234
    Cavy1234 Posts: 28 Member
    In the past, I've kept one pair of pants and one shirt to allow myself to see how far I've come with my weight loss. At this point, just starting out again, I'm at the high-end of the sizes in my closet, and I'm eager to get into the lower sizes hidden in the back of my closet. lol
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I absolutely do NOT keep my bigger clothes. I've donated all of them. I do have one pair of jeans right now that are a size bigger than what I normally wear but they're low rise and look cute cuffed so I keep them. I honestly believe that keeping bigger clothes gives you permission to get back into them. If it's your cycle to gain back what you loose, maybe it's time to break that cycle for good... and start with your closet. :)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    DOnate them to salvation army, Goodwill, red cross or Savers. They're going to go to someone who needs them or get purchased at one of the stores, thus funding a good charity. Do you really want all that clutter? I kept ONE pair of jeans from my SW to remind me where I've been and how far I've come, but otherwise, GET RID OF IT! It's all just a reminder of how bad you looked before. I won't be back into them any time soon, if ever, so by the time I do get back into them, when I'm old, gray and don't care, they'll be out of style and probably ratty anyway. LOL!
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    I have kept one pair of pants just to see how far I've come. When I am struggling I have put them on just to remind me how far I've come. Everything else has gone to good will.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I have kept my clothes before. But, this time I have gotten rid of most of my bigger clothes. I am donating as my smaller wardrobe increases. I can't afford to buy a bunch of smaller clothes all at once. But, as I buy smaller clothes. I donate the larger ones.
  • flutternfly
    I have been giving my bigger clothes to friends as i have a lot of nice suits and expensive stuff that I never wore. Anything they don't want gets donated. Amazingly, the stuff most people are asking for are my workout clothes. i have a ton so I've given at least one workout outfit to 5 people. They are excited to get new clothes, they are excited to see I'm losing weight (I hit 75 lbs down on Saturday) and they are feeling good. My sister's husband asked why she was dressing up so much lately--she got a new wardrobe. I just sent a package yesterday to a MFP friend with a bunch of pants I'd bought to get me through some of the in between stuff.

    I'm still looking for someone who can wear my petite/short pants. I'd rather mail them to help someone else, knowing I just bought them less than 6 months ago, so someone else can gently use them as they are on their journey to get to their goal weight. I loved hand-me-downs as a kids from the neighbors and cousins. My sister died earlier this year and I took many of her clothes as hand-me-downs to get me through 3 sizes. Now I'm having to purchase clothes again.

    Don't keep them, the temptation is to great to not keep the weight off. I know some people who keep 1 pair of pants or 1 favorite outfit so that they can have something to compare. Good luck on your journey!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I'd say tailor the good stuff, keep anything you really like that is only one size too big, but pack it away, and get rid of everything else - gives you a little room for life to happen, as it sometimes does, but doesn't leave too much room for expansion :wink:
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I've been getting rid of my clothes as I get smaller. What started me on the MFP path was that my size 12 pants were getting too tight. I want to stay in my size 2/4. If they get too tight, then I need to refocus. I've been buying at Goodwill and thrift stores for a bit. I bring them my bigger sizes and I buy the smaller sizes. I've been really lucky to find some awesome clothes at the stores near me. Ann Taylor, Gap, Banana Republic, Calvin Klein, Express, etc. I would have spent a fortune on new clothes if I had to keep buying a new wardrobe every size. I'm pretty sure this is where I will end up though so I am buying my size gladly now.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I gave all of my big pants to my mother. She enjoys them! :P
    As for my shirts, they are ones that stretch so I can still wear them.
  • Amoo4231
    I think so many of the comments on here are right on! Several years ago, I went from a size 18 to my current size 12 (now my 12s are super tight so I figured out I need to lose about 20 lbs). I did give my larger size clothes to Goodwill and I kept a couple of size 14s that I could still wear and look nice (suit jackets, skirts). Knowing my "normal for me" size and keeping only clothes in that size keeps me accountable to stick to my regular weight range. Right now, I would be more comfortable in a size 14, but I'm afraid if I jump to the next size there is nothing to keep me from staying in that size. Mostly, I have size 12 clothes, and I know that that is my normal size that I need to stay in. I agree with everyone--especially flutternfly---the temptation is too great if you keep your much larger sizes.
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 165 Member
    Hi there,
    What I always do is,Keep one pair of bigger jeans put them away in a closet that you can't see them,and If others jeans or clothing are old give them away and the good ones I bring them to the cleaners and get them taken in.I just went from a size 14 to a 10 and got taken in 6 pairs of jeans,put one size 14 away and others I gave away.We as a woman never know if you will stay a small size or gain weight,when your hormones change your body changes and as a woman you might gain weight even tho you are on a diet.
  • embracingmycurves
    embracingmycurves Posts: 59 Member
    Give away those bigger clothes, and make room for the smaller cuter clothes! Keep moving forward and never look back.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I had kept all of my fat clothes, but stashed them at a friend's house. I did need them, and thank God I still had them. I didn't have the money to buy newer, bigger clothes and my old ones were giving me cameltoe! It really saved my *kitten* (no pun intended.) I do keep my skinny clothes in house, though, as motivation. Putting the fat clothes away where I could have them was good, but keeping them out of sight for a long time really helped, too.

    If you are comfortable enough money-wise to be able to afford new clothes should you need them, toss the old fat clothes if you can!
  • MrsAzriel
    MrsAzriel Posts: 35 Member
    I'm keeping all of my larger clothes only because my husband and I plan to start a family in the next couple years and I don't really want to have to buy a lot of clothes in inbetween sizes before I get back to where I am happy with myself again. That is the only reason I plan to keep them around.