Mirror Image vs. Real Life



    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    Yes! Oh God Yes!!!!

    That was how my weight loss journey started.

    In high school I weighed about 140 lbs and wore a size 5.

    Fast Fwd 4 years after graduation. I ended up weighing 220 lbs. :noway:

    When I looked in the mirror, I saw chubby-ness, but thought it wasnt that bad.

    When I took pics of myself, it was always flattering angles.

    Then, my brother is the one handling the camera on a family outting.

    I saw the pics and was discusted!!!!! My belly was hanging over my shorts, my shorts were riding up in the middle, I was wearing a grey and black striped tank top.

    Oh it was God awful!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    This happened to me this past Christmas, I was holding my nephew and it was a side photograph that luckily my boyfriend took so no one else has a copy :), but I saw it and I just cried. I had previously lost 30lbs, and within a year I gained it all back and more. I was so disappointed in my self, and it was the moment where I really saw what I looked like. January I joined MFP and then slowly started adding friends. I slacked for a few months but i'm on a roll now, adjusted to my new lifestyle, and totally happy with all of my achievements. I looked at the photo the other day and I wasn't as upset because I know i'm changing that and I will never have that feeling again. :)
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I am the exact opposite. I look in the mirror and think my arms look flabby, my thighs could be more toned, my stomach is too round, the list goes on....and then I see myself in photos and I'm like "oh...I actually look pretty small...."

    This is how I feel, I don't like the way I look at all in real life or the mirror, then I see a pic and think oh wow, it's not that bad, but that little spark of confidence only lasts a few minutes. (though now I think about it there were a few pics of me looking too thin, almost sickly when I went through some stress and that prompted me to consider putting on weight in the first place, and my pregnancy pics were never pretty either, total moon face!) And pics of my face Suck!!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i posted about this yesterday. i am ok with the pics i take of myself, but ughhh. the ones others take are not my friends :-(

    i was feeling pretty good about myself until yesterday morning. a friend put pics of me up on Facebook from sat night. and they look SOOOO different than the ones i took of MYSELF saturday night.

    i don't go out, ever. i did on sat thinking i was looking better, LOL!!!!!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Its amazing that as individuals we are all unique, however, most of us have similar thought process and insecurities. I go through the same thing. Last year when I lost about 10 lbs to get to about 220, I thought I looked decent. I look at pics now after losing an additional 30 lbs and wonder how in the world I thought I actually looked cute at the time. lol.. I looked horrible and fat. Even going back 4 years ago and looking at pics in college I realize how big I was. I never saw myself as being that big. Its amazing!!! Seriously! I know I have lost a lot of weight since then, but now I understand why I never got hit on as much by men or asked out. I was fat even though people said I didn't look fat. BS!! A picture can tell a thousand words. I rather go by pics now because I see myself in the mirror daily, and I know it can be difficult to see that I'm getting bigger. It really gives you a clear picture how you really look most of the time. We look at ourselves daily, so its more difficult to distinguish 10 lbs from the norm, IMO.
  • i noticed my clothes getting tight never really thought about it, i have a fav shirt that says save second base, and i noticed its so tight and i saw i pic of me in it and my fav jeans talk about a wake up call,
  • yep that was from friends! they were watching ross/monica/rachels prom video
    LOVE that show!

    This being in reference to the "how many cameras were actually on you" post
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Same thing happened to me yesterday.. Bleh- spent the whole day doing family photos- every one made me go NOOO- I like me too- I just wasnt clothing prepared for the photoshoot i guess.

    PS- Your thighs and calves look great in your pic!!<--- Swear im not a creeper.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Does anyone else ever look in the mirror and think "Hey, I don't look that bad!" but when you see a photo of yourself, you have the OMG moment where you're like "Holy crap, I look like a cow!" Yeah. That moment just happened. I saw a candid photo of me from three weeks ago and it was the first time I really saw how fat my legs and knees looked... I don't really see myself that way when I look in the mirror. Sure, I know I'm overweight but I thought I looked okay, you know? Just wow. Talk about motivation!

    What do you see when you see yourself in a mirror versus in a photo? Do you see a difference like I do or is it the same?

    I have good and bad days. I look at myself in the mirror and think I look great, but then look at a picture of myself and think I look terrible...

    or I have days I look in the mirror and could swear I look fatter than the previous day. My fiancee tells me it's all in my head and I don't look any different. A lot of times bloating affects this.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I know I have lost 33 pounds, 10 inches off my waist (Thanks to the 30 day shred!), and dropped 4 pants sizes and I feel great and so much healthier. I look at myself in the mirror in my bathroom and think I look great and am so proud of my progress. I was at the mall a few days ago trying on clothes and was so happy with how I looked in a pair of jeans that I bought them. They were even a size smaller than I usually wear in the same brand! Of course, I still have my days where I avoid the mirror but I usually feel good about myself. But then I looked at pictures of me from Thanksgiving and I looked so horrible in all of them! My skin looked terrible, my face looked so round, and I looked so much heavier! Why is this!?!? I panicked when I saw one of me because it occurred to me that it could actually be how people see me, not the view I see in the mirror! I feel like I have a skinny girl mind locked in a fat girl body!
  • stehmari
    stehmari Posts: 110 Member
    Mirror: You look HOT today!

    Me: Woohoo!!!

    *takes a photo to document*

    Camera: Seriously? The mirror told you that? HA!!!

    Me: :cry: ...:sad: ...

    YESSSSSSSSSS! ohh lord all the dang time!
  • jhassan1980
    jhassan1980 Posts: 28 Member
    I totally do this too.

    My BF tells me I'm crazy. I tell him he's just being nice.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    As a photographer, this hurts me all too often.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Mirror: You look HOT today!

    Me: Woohoo!!!

    *takes a photo to document*

    Camera: Seriously? The mirror told you that? HA!!!

    Me: :cry: ...:sad: ...

    Yeah, this. Which is why I generally avoid photos.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm pretty photo shy to begin with. I'm an extremely flamboyant dresser (love the goth/punk) but pictures are scary. But yeah, one day the mirror told me an outfit I was wearing was SMOKIN.....and someone else at the college had snapped a random picture.....yeah, not so smoking. I compared it to another picture of me at my heaviest weight a few years ago - the same me was staring out of both of those photographs.

    It was awful. But it's good motivation,.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I do not fit in mirrors.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    It depends on my mood! Sometimes I will see a fit girl looking back at me. And then there are times when I see huge thighs, flabby tummy and just all around fat person looking back at me. And the same goes for pictures. I will take a good pic and then there are those bad pics. I found one on my mother in law's phone this past weekend. I was mortified! I looked terrible in my workout clothes. But then again, it may have been the angle and so on. I just try to go on each day thinking others see the better of me when I see the worse.
  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member
    Happens ALL the time to me. When I look in the mirror I am usually face on and I think I look good, bigger, not not huge. But then when I turn to the side I look pregnant - motivating for sure!
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I think this is rather common for most people. I think it's just because you look at yourself every day, the same as people who see you ALL the time...they most likely won't notice weight loss before someone you barely ever see does. I think if you were to not look at yourself in the mirror for a LONG time then come back to the mirror you would probably see the difference. We just get used to seeing what's in front of us, and it eventually just all blurs together!!! It's odd, but I hear ya! I'm the same way Lol
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    Happens ALL the time to me. When I look in the mirror I am usually face on and I think I look good, bigger, not not huge. But then when I turn to the side I look pregnant - motivating for sure!

    THIS! Ugh.. the side view bursts my bubble everytime.. At least pictures no longer make me cry. I actually take a lot of pics of myself in outfits now because the mirror is a liar!