Juice fast



  • I had the squirts for the last three days. I blame the 3-day-old Subway sandwich my kid didn't finish, that I ended up finishing. It was in the fridge the whole time, so I thought it would be okay. It was tasty -- Spicy Italian -- the $5 sub for November.

    Why would someone willingly induce the squirts by consuming nothing but juice?

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I would love some helpful tips!

    The most useful piece of advice I can give you is to see it for what it is: a psychological boost and do not extend it beyond three days.

    You won't lose much fat (or muscle mass for that matter) in three days on your fast. The main losses will be water and glycogen. That will show up on the scale undoubtedly.

    I get why you are doing it and if you want to do so then go for it. Hopefully, once you have that psychological boost banked you will transition to a more healthy and beneficial way of achieving permanent fat loss.

    Good luck.
  • 35khris
    35khris Posts: 33 Member
    I did it a juice fast for three days. The biggest benefit I got from it; it reduced my cravings for junk food. I subscribe to the mentality, 'you crave what you eat'. At the end of my three days I pretty much just wanted to eat fresh fruit & veggies. I will also add; it was expensive & a complete pain in the neck!!
  • Thank you to everyone who had something positive to say. I didn't know this website was so full of people who wanted to put others down. I can understand if you disagree, but there are better ways of letting your opinions be known than being extremely negative.
  • No

    this plus the person's profile picture. (win)
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    Thank you to everyone who had something positive to say. I didn't know this website was so full of people who wanted to put others down. I can understand if you disagree, but there are better ways of letting your opinions be known than being extremely negative.

    I am a fan of a juice fast or eating fruits and veggies for a few days. You do whatever works for you. For me doing that really helped shrink my appetite, so I can start my new journey.

    Good luck.
  • Hi Courtney!

    I LOVE to fast, although I've never done it for more than 3 days....it gives the body a break from digesting food and can help remove a lot of accumulated "crud". I usually do the same juice for 3 days, just "mix" it up a little....I have a Jack LaLanne juicer and I juice...Kale, celery, carrots, apples, lemon, ginger, beets, parsley, cilantro, romaine lettuce, spinach. Sometimes I put all of that together, some times I just add most of those items.

    Sorry people were so negative...people fast for a variety of reasons, a jump start to a diet program, SURE! Religious reasons SURE, trying to heal themselves from disease SURE!

    Send me a friend request if you want some more information or support :D

    Take care!
    Mary Ann
  • Hi Courtney!

    I LOVE to fast, although I've never done it for more than 3 days....it gives the body a break from digesting food and can help remove a lot of accumulated "crud". I usually do the same juice for 3 days, just "mix" it up a little....I have a Jack LaLanne juicer and I juice...Kale, celery, carrots, apples, lemon, ginger, beets, parsley, cilantro, romaine lettuce, spinach. Sometimes I put all of that together, some times I just add most of those items.

    Sorry people were so negative...people fast for a variety of reasons, a jump start to a diet program, SURE! Religious reasons SURE, trying to heal themselves from disease SURE!

    Send me a friend request if you want some more information or support :D

    Take care!
    Mary Ann

    Ginger and cilantro sounds yummy, but the ginger always intimidates me in the produce section. Do you chop it up, peel it, not sure how to utilize fresh ginger!
  • Hi Caramel 1920....you can just take a chunk and throw it in your juicer....one thing I did want to mention is if you juice, please try and get organic produce, if you cannot, then it is important to peel your veggies, and of course wash everything really good. Ginger is amazing and sooooo good for you!
  • Hi Caramel 1920....you can just take a chunk and throw it in your juicer....one thing I did want to mention is if you juice, please try and get organic produce, if you cannot, then it is important to peel your veggies, and of course wash everything really good. Ginger is amazing and sooooo good for you!

    Cool, thanks!:happy:
  • Hi Courtney! Good for you and your quest to develop healthier habits!! I think maybe the negativity is coming from the word "fast." I prefer not to refer to juicing as fasting, because TRULY, it is not!! I do 1-3 day bouts of consuming nothing but juice. On those days, I usually drink 1200-1400 calories of pure, raw, organic fruits and vegetables, plus a homemade nut milk for protein. I NEVER feel hungry or deprived. In fact, I feel amazing and so FULL OF ENERGY. It's amazing how 1200-1400 calories of pure nutrition feels so different than 1200-1400 calories of empty calories and crap "diet" foods that too many people believe to be healthy. My very first cleanse was three days and I really dedicated myself to it. I felt so darn amazing, I literally cannot even describe it. I am a marathon runner and run 20-40 miles a week. Before I did my first cleanse I didn't plan on running during the cleanse because I was worried I would feel shaky, but I felt so amazing and had such a strong urge to run. Right now, I'm in the middle of a three day cleanse and yesterday, I ran a 5 mile run at race pace. I just feel light and ENERGETIC. Of course, to each their own, but I believe juicing is extremely healthy and my body feels it's best when I am consuming raw, organic fruits and vegetables. I would also like to point out that I consider myself an extremely healthy person. I'm at a very healthy weight, have been my whole life, and work out regularly 4-6 days a week, including running, lifting weights and group fitness classes. I am a vegetarian, though I eat vegan 75% of the time and am really conscious about what I put in my body. A lot of people think I'm crazy for not eating meat, but I do what feels good and right for me.

    If juicing makes you feel good, I say GO FOR IT!! Listen to your body!!! :)

    I LOVE the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead!! Great inspiration. I don't see how anyone could say that consuming raw veggies and fruits is NOT healthy!!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm not sure I believe a juice fast is healthy due to lack of fat and protein, but a cleanse that incorporates both along with lots of vegetables and fruit is the four day O2 cleanse. Whether it is psychological, physiological, or both, I usually have very reduced cravings after following that program.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Another one of these.
  • tried it...couldnt get past the greens in the juice ..kale spinach etc..if i could have done all fruit maybe, but i still like my food. can get expensive also
  • I've had success in the past with juicing, but never to the point of an actual "juice fast" per say. I do a smoothie every morning for breakfast (usually kale/spinach/strawberries, half a banana). I find it holds me over pretty well until lunch and once you get past the color it's actually really good! I also find juicing/smoothies a really good was to get additional serving of veggies in!
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Hi Courtney, how is / did the juice fast go? I believe this would be day 3?

    I am not a doctor or nutritionist, but I can detail my personal experience:
    I did a 6-day juice fast last month to also kickstart healthier eating and remove cravings. It was a fun challenge, I felt full of energy, clear-headed, focused, and vibrant, although slightly light-headed because my calories were fairly low.
    I experienced no cravings while I was juicing, not even for food, but when I returned to my regular diet, they returned much the same.
    According to the scales, I lost 6lb, but obviously it came back, however I've maintained a steady loss of 1lb/week average over the two months I've been here, and the 6lb loss/gain didn't make a difference overall.
    The most valuable thing I learned however, was how to acknowledge real hunger. Before I did this, I just ate what the site told me I could, but after, I can interpret hunger signals more accurately (although not perfectly.) E.g. loss of concentration, tiredness, grumpiness, irritability are some things I notice. Which is a big step from "see and want".

    I believe the key is to approach with caution and an open-mind, while knowing exactly what to do if things go belly-up (i.e. how to gently break a fast)

    In health
  • Hi Stacyzoe,

    It is good to soak in Hydrogen Peroxide.....if you can not buy organic, peel the skin off - that is where most of the chemicals are. When you juice you are drinking a very concentrated fruit and veggie juice and unfortunately, chemicals if you cannot get organic. I recently joined a buying club and purchasing fruit and veggies cheaper than I could at my Health Food Store. In the summer months I have my own garden and grow as much as my own produce as possible, just can't do that in Northern Wisconsin in winter ;)

    Take care!
    Mary Ann
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Okay I am not trying to be negative here; I really want to be helpful. I bought an expensive juicer a couple of years ago and used it for a couple if days and now it sits in my pantry.... Oh well.

    But seriously, I do still get it out when I have a hangover... or just want this version of orange juice: One grapefruit, 3 oranges, and 1 lemon. Peel them with a knife to get the bitter outer skin off, but don't try to get off all the middle white stuff. That part is really healthy. I love this juice.... you should try it!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    Hi! I am starting a juice fast today in order to jump start a new healthier lifestyle. I plan on doing this for at least 3 days but I would like for it to last longer. Has anyone juiced before? I would love some helpful tips!

    My sister did one and she loved it. She was averaging 1500 calories a day on it and she went to a juice place every day, I have no idea what the terms are because I live in a small town and we have nothing like that. It cost her quite a bit of money but she really liked it. To me it sounds like a pain but to each his own.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member