200+ (Week 22) Fling into Spring!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I will try to post the chart after 8 or tomorrow to give the last few members a chance to weigh-in.

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful support. I have been with this group since it started in October and gone from 227 to 194 pounds, from 41.5% to 33.9% body fat, from 37.3 to 31.9 BMI and lost 24.35 inches from my body (neck, bust, chest, R thigh, L thigh, waist, hips, R arm and L arm) all in the last 5 months. Silly me didn't take measurements my first month with MFP but did lose 10 pounds before I found this group. I looked at things since this week is my 6 month anniversary with MFP. I guess since I've been at it a half year now that the changes will stick.

    My next goal is to get out of the obese BMI catagory (29.9 or less) which means that I need to get down to 182 pounds for my height. If you want to calculate your BMI http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- You've done so amazing! I'm 5 months in, and while the weight isn't melting away, it is coming off, and I'm making changes that i've been able to maintain, which is all the most important. It really is a lifestyle change.

    This group has been absolutely amazing and motivational to me. I seriously don't know what I'd do without y'all. I've been here since the beginning, and the oldies like me, and the newer peeps are all fabulous.

    So, anyone in the group who is starting to run or has been running, I just joined dailymile.com- anyone else heard of? It's sort of a mix of tracking your runs AND a social networking thing. It sort of reminds me of twitter. If anyone else joins, let me know, so we can be friends on it. I'm "afadingvoice" on there :wink: http://www.dailymile.com/people/afadingvoice
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - if your up for a trip up north now that you can run 5K+ :wink: ... April 17th and April 24th have 5K runs in Gaylord or if you really want a trip Sault Saint Marie has one April 24th. I could still come down and run the Yspi one on May 8th. Here is the link to the Ypsi race http://www.runmichigan.com/calendar/event_detail1.php?recordID=3281 and here's a link to all the races in Michigan http://www.runmichigan.com/calendar/

    I am getting really excited about running a 5K. After I run a few, I am thinking about training for a 10K. I have been reading that distance running is not good for weight loss... So I may wait until I am closer to my goal weight. I don't want to do anything to stop this progress. A friend on another board stopped losing weight as she was training for a half marathon and she is . I believe she has since she stopped training and is focusing on cardio - next week will tell if she starts to lose again...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I still can't believe I have been able to run that much. Super nervous about the idea of actually running it in a race. I don't know when I'll be ready! What is your first one going to be? Think I would actually be ready late next month/early May? *bites fingernails*

    I know that Ann Arbor has a running/track group that I might investigate when I'm starting to feel more comfortable.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Either the Gaylord or Sault Saint Marie race... I may run both weekends Gaylord is only an hour away and the Soo is 2 hours. I practiced today trying to pick my pace up but the hills were causing me to trot slower. I really want to complete the race in under 40 min. I'm not there yet but it's close. I hear race day gets your adrenaline pumping and you go faster. We'll see...

    I have faith in you. There are no speed limits in the race - you can go slow and almost walk it if you need to. The goal would be to finish!!!! I'm proud of how far you've comesuperman.gif GO SUPERHEROES!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here's the chart:


    Noted edited for chart error - which I think is now fixed!!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Happy end of the weekend ladies!!

    I read over the posts and realize that for many of us, this has become a way of life. I am so much more concious of the caloric intake I have each day, and if I have had veggies, and fruit throughout the day. so many foods that i used to love, I can "do without". they don't call to me quite as much anymore. It is a great feeling to be in control of my food, versus my food controlling me.

    Think I am going to curl up in a hot bath tonight and relax my poor mind. It's on overdrive with the moving looming. Thanks to all you ladies supporting me with that.

    and, I need to take my measurements once I do move (and can find the tape measurer again....lol).

    Love the superhero smiley!!!!

    AKA..im going to look into that running facebook site....I can use all the motivation I can get.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    darn i missed the chart...
    well i weighed 212lb untill today and now im 214 uhh.. hopefully its just water weight... i had my tooth pulled on Thursday so i havent been able to exercise or anthing.. so hopefully it will come off this week.. so dropping 22lbs in less that 6weeks was totally a far fetched goal.. lol but if i get to 210 ill call it even and go from there.. im just happy to have lost any.. lol and my reward for losing 10lbs is tanning!!! woo hoo not sure of what my next reward will be.. any suggestions?

    hope everyone has reached or gotten very close to their goal weight!! good luck this week and kick some butt out there!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    darn i missed the chart...

    If the other 2 post in the next few days, I will repost the chart.
    reward for losing 10lbs is tanning!!! woo hoo not sure of what my next reward will be.. any suggestions?

    How about a massage, some work out equipment/video, nice perfume, mini-vacation, pay for cooking lesson, hire someone to clean the house, etc. Enjoy and let us know what you pick.

    edited for PS: I went out on a limb in early Dec and bought a nice leather jacket that was a tad too small and hung it in the closet as a reminder of my goal. It now fits and I can't wait to wear it :)
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    darn i missed the chart...

    If the other 2 post in the next few days, I will repost the chart.
    reward for losing 10lbs is tanning!!! woo hoo not sure of what my next reward will be.. any suggestions?

    How about a massage, some work out equipment/video, nice perfume, mini-vacation, pay for cooking lesson, hire someone to clean the house, etc. Enjoy and let us know what you pick.

    edited for PS: I went out on a limb in early Dec and bought a nice leather jacket that was a tad too small and hung it in the closet as a reminder of my goal. It now fits and I can't wait to wear it :)

    Fantastic VIctoria!!!!!!, I remember when you bought that jacket....I am so happy for you!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I wish we lived closer...I'd take you out to my favorite Mexican place:tongue::flowerforyou:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Wow, I missed so much this weekend! I was busy living the single, sexy, happy & free life!! I went to a bar\lounge Friday night &* had the time of my life!:heart: I've already got my lil flirt friend.. Just doing me & weighing in at 211.8. Last night I ate chinese, so I'm bloated today.. and TOM ended yesterday..blahh
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    Think I am going to curl up in a hot bath tonight and relax my poor mind. It's on overdrive with the moving looming. Thanks to all you ladies supporting me with that.

    You so deserve a hot bath, you've been doing so great with all the stress you've been under with the move coming up. Hugs and hope you enjoyed your long soak!!:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    AKA, You could so do a 5K...I was scared out of my pants my first race too....but the excitment of the day is awesome and you will feel so fantastic when you cross over that finish line, it's like nothing I have ever felt before. The people at the race are all very supportive.....I think it's because everyone feels so great when they run:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I encourage you do do it...you'll love it!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Fantastic VIctoria!!!!!!, I remember when you bought that jacket....I am so happy for you!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I wish we lived closer...I'd take you out to my favorite Mexican place:tongue::flowerforyou:

    I may take you up on that if our plans work out:wink: When I go to the Nashville course the first weekend in June, we will probably stay at my aunt's home in Fort Wayne (about 1/2 way for the trip) when coming and going. How close are you to Fort Wayne? Weather, my caseload, and who knows what else will be deciding factors. We will probably get to Fort Wayne at midnight on Thurs the 4th and head to Nashville on the 5th after "brunch" and return to Fort Wayne on Mon the 8th and head home early on the 9th.

    Nikki - glad you had a nice weekend.

    cd - hope you enjoyed the bath!!
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    if i let this revelation defeat me and i give up just because i got a little off track, then i have let my weight win
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    I hit enter before I was finished SORREEEEEE. Dixiegal, I realy like the way you worded this : "if i let this revelation defeat me and i give up just because i got a little off track, then i have let my weight win"
    It is exactly what has tripped me up in the past and my weight has indeed won. Thanks so much!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I think I probably could be ready for the Ypsi run if I keep running consistently at that distance. Also, in June, there's the Ann Arbor-Dexter Run, which I think is a pretty big 5K/10K in town, which I might try and sign up for as well (eee!).

    I hope everyone's week goes well! I feel good about this one. Last week was a bit discombobulating, as, while I was at work, my mind was really focused on the housing situation. Now that I at least have a reservation somewhere, I'm not as worried. This other charming condo might still fall into my hands, but I'm not super worried about it now. Weight off my shoulders. Today should go by relatively quickly- I'm observing a group in the middle of the day, which should break it up nicely.

    So Thursday, I probably won't be able to last chance workout it (doh!) because I have a group which runs till 7:30, and I don't know how hip I will be to going to the rec center after that. This means I need to do well these next three days in terms of cardio. Plan is to get at least an hour in at the gym today after work.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    So this weekend was extremely hectic..I have family coming in for a huge business sale that my dad and grandpa put on every spring...and trying to get things ready for that and working on wedding invitations, and the 6+ inches of snow that fell I haven't had a chance to do much of anything. I feel more exhausted today than I did after a long work week last week. I wasn't able to hit the gym this weekend at all, BUT I did completely rearrange everything in my room and move a ton from one room to the other. I hate having to figure out what is going to go with me when I move in with my fiance and what is going to stay at my dad's or go in the trash. The mood I was in this weekend about 75% of it went in trash bags or burn boxes. I didn't care. Eating was okay for me this weekend....I think that Saturday night was my worst with the mac and cheese, but I did eat a grilled bbq chicken breast with it. I am going to Zumba tonight and then on to walk///run for about 30 minutes or so!!! I plan on being in the gym every night this week, if I can keep life from interferring!

    Have a good Monday!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I overslept this morning and can hardly hold my head up right now. I ate HORRIBLY last night. (seriously, I ate an entire Tony's pizza :embarassed: ) I don't know why I sabatoge myself on important weigh ins. I'll have to make up for it during the week but theres another problem. Well, its not really a problem as much as a scheduling conflict. Zumba is on Tuesday this week and I am going on a date instead. And I think he's taking me to Olive Garden. :ohwell: Guess I need to hit the gym and water hard this week.

    oh! but I did win a hrm on ebay for less than $16! yay!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I overslept this morning and can hardly hold my head up right now. I ate HORRIBLY last night. (seriously, I ate an entire Tony's pizza :embarassed: ) I don't know why I sabotage myself on important weigh ins. I'll have to make up for it during the week but theres another problem. Well, its not really a problem as much as a scheduling conflict. Zumba is on Tuesday this week and I am going on a date instead. And I think he's taking me to Olive Garden. :ohwell: Guess I need to hit the gym and water hard this week.

    oh! but I did win a hrm on ebay for less than $16! yay!

    Congrats on the HRM!!! sixteen bucks is great!

    And, your going to have to let us know how your date turns out :)

    AKA--hang in there with the housing, you'll find something. I have a good feeling about the condo!!!

    EMJ--yeah, moving and deciding where everything goes stinks!! But I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end. For you, it will all be worth it in the end too!!

    Well, today hubby is giving his two weeks notice at work, he's a little nervous about it. He was going to do it Friday, but the big boss wasn't in, so ....today's the day. And, he had a hit on another job up in Washington, but we haven't heard anything back. It would DEFINITELY take some stress off my mind if he got that job, but the guy doing the hiring seems a little flakey, so we are just waiting it out. Still, any good vibes for him to get the job would help greatly!!

    Can't believe it is our last week for this 6 week challenge. I know we are all going to do great!!!
    Have a great day ladies!!