Need brutally honest opinions please

Can anyone tell a difference between these two pictures? None of my friends have said anything, so maybe I look just the same? I dont see much difference either.



i dont think the pictures are working


  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Are you for real? o.o
    There's a big difference...
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    theres a difference its not small its just not huge because you dont have all that much to change
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    I can absolutely tell a difference!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Yes....big difference. Well done!!!! *high five*
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I notice a serious difference! Maybe your friends don't see it yet cause they see you often so it's harder to notice the change.

    Anyways, you look great!
  • JulieB_MN
    JulieB_MN Posts: 223 Member
    Yes I see a difference! Way to go!
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    There is a major difference. Your friends may just not know what to say or if you want them to say anything. My friends don't really comment much on my weight loss, but I think it's because they know I would feel uncomfortable about it if they did.
  • Are you for real? o.o
    There's a big difference...

    Agreed! Nice job!
  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    Even if no one has mentioned seeing a change, they HAVE to see it. If they don't see it, they are blind. Good job.
  • Dense113
    Dense113 Posts: 14 Member
    Holy, huge difference! Like someone said before you weren't very large before, but now your firmer, much more toned, definitely smaller in the waist, arms, thighs...pretty much all around. Way to go! You must be so proud!!! :)
  • ShiraDarling
    ShiraDarling Posts: 232 Member
    Are you kidding me? There is a HUGE difference! Can you not see it for yourself? You look like you have lost about 25-30lbs. If your friends haven't said anything or noticed, maybe it's time to find some new friends who are supportive- or at the very least friends who pay attention to what goes on around them.
  • Toninz
    Toninz Posts: 29
    I see a big change and I think you look fabulous now, congrats!
  • kaypat09
    kaypat09 Posts: 130 Member
    I definitely see the difference. I've lost a significant amount and some days I feel the same... It's hard to look at yourself every day and notice, because you see the changes take place so slowly!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Can anyone tell a difference between these two pictures? None of my friends have said anything, so maybe I look just the same? I dont see much difference either.



    i dont think the pictures are working

    Absolutely. You look great. Good job.
  • Seriously? are your friends blind? either that or they're jealous and don't want to congratulate you, in which I'd be happy to do so. You look amazing and your had work def pays off.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Anyone who doesn't see a BIG difference is crazy! Like pp said, if your around them all the time they might not notice a change because they see you often and change is gradual. Either way, you look great!
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    holy beep haha. Yeah sometimes people look at you and go ".... idk, did you change your hair?" It's because it wasn't something rapid and you know what? That's healthier =)
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Wow! You look great. I can't believe nobody has said anything. Don't let it get you down.
  • bump
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow thank you all of you for the lovely comments :) I know i shouldn't pay attention if other people don't notice, its just a bit disheartening when you loose 47lbs and go from obese to healthy and no one says a word. I know I still have quite a bit further to go but your comments mean a lot that all this work isn't just for nothing :)