to everyone who "fears" fast food

if you saw super size me and are afraid to eat fast food or any food for that matter dont wanna know why? watch the movie fathead its on netflix he ate only fast food and lost weight


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    I know this might sound crazy but, it's a deficit, not the type of food that facilitates weight loss.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Meh. I couldn't care less. I'm still not eating much of that crap. cheers!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    fast food like any other kind of food should be taken in moderation... i personally try not to eat much of it anymore but it i am out and really hungry i know what foods i can get from which fast food joints that are better options than the other stuff on the menu.

    just plan ahead and you will be fine
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    A professor had done a weight loss study with twinkies. All he ate were hostess cakes and he lost a lot of weight and apparently his sugar levels and such were all good...something like that

    I know the link is around here somewhere...-rummages through google-

    Found it!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    if you saw super size me and are afraid to eat fast food or any food for that matter dont wanna know why? watch the movie fathead its on netflix he ate only fast food and lost weight

    The answer is to watch another crappy documentary?
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    if you saw super size me and are afraid to eat fast food or any food for that matter dont wanna know why? watch the movie fathead its on netflix he ate only fast food and lost weight

    The answer is to watch another crappy documentary?
    its all about how supersize me is a lie bro
  • shan899
    Its funny because when I was in college I was busy with school and work and was constantly on the go. I worked out probably twice a week even though I would shoot for more, however I was constantly on my feet. All I ate was fast food....but I would eat it once a day and it would be the only thing I ate besides a granola bar for breakfast. I actually lost weight......

    Sure I was smaller, but it was because I was only eating one meal a day at 1,000 calories or even less.....

    But I felt so ****ty and so gross. It also slowed down my metabolism.

    Fast food isnt horrible in moderation. I probably have it once every two weeks now.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    if you saw super size me and are afraid to eat fast food or any food for that matter dont wanna know why? watch the movie fathead its on netflix he ate only fast food and lost weight

    The answer is to watch another crappy documentary?
    its all about how supersize me is a lie bro

    Supersize me isn't a lie. Most people don't go to McDics and eat small careful portions with water (never seen the documentary you are talking about). They go to McDics and supersize their meals and eat every last bit and maybe go back for seconds, or thirds. You WILL gain weight AND feel CRAPPY doing that.
    Can you eat some fast food in moderation and have no ill effects? Sure can. But it certainly isn't healthy the way a lot of people eat it.
  • drylandfish
    drylandfish Posts: 3 Member
    I think it boils down to what is sustainable in the long-term. Occasionally some yahoo will seek fame by going on an all McDonald's or snack cake diet. You could certainly lose weight eating a restricted amount of anything at all. The real question is whether you would be happy doing so forever.

    Fast food doesn't really fit in with my plan. It seems like trigger-food and is a generally poor nutritional choice. If I have any choice at all, I will avoid it.

    That's my preference. I realize everyone is different and there are likely people who can eat it regularly and stay on track.

    While I feel that both the documentaries mentioned give an incomplete picture. Defending McDonald's at all is a difficult proposition. They are hardly blameless in the obesity epidemic. I believe they and tobacco companies hold to a similar ethical standard.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    if you saw super size me and are afraid to eat fast food or any food for that matter dont wanna know why? watch the movie fathead its on netflix he ate only fast food and lost weight

    The answer is to watch another crappy documentary?
    its all about how supersize me is a lie bro

    How is it a lie, eat in a surplus and gain weight, seems legit. Same for FatHead, eat in a deficit, lose weight. It really has nothing to do with McD's
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    okay its hard to explain its not all about fast food youd have to watch the movie to get it
  • MisFitMom219
    MisFitMom219 Posts: 50 Member
    I watched both.....

    Agreed that there wasn't enough factual information to back up Supersize me....however anyone dumb enough to waste money on fast food as an actual 'weight loss' diet is an idiot...

    granted some people find ways to justify it in their lives & that's ok...but no way am I putting that crap in my body over good clean food :)
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I feel like I've been saying this a lot in the forums today, but if the shoe fits: *facepalm*

    And yes, I eat my fair share of fast food because I'm a poor planner and my job keeps me on the road a lot. But I don't pretend for one second that it's healthy, and try to make healthier choices when I am forced to eat it.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    I watched both.....

    Agreed that there wasn't enough factual information to back up Supersize me....however anyone dumb enough to waste money on fast food as an actual 'weight loss' diet is an idiot...

    granted some people find ways to justify it in their lives & that's ok...but no way am I putting that crap in my body over good clean food :)
    agreed i just like that it shows that you can eat fast food and not get fat. which is my point
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I eat a burger now and then, when on the go, hungry, in a hurry, and wanting protein and/or iron (from White Spot usually). Other than that, I just don't really like it. Unless it's good quality Mexican food, yummy!!! I also like egg and cheese sandwiches (if it's a real egg), but not the McD ones, not yummy (but maybe I just feel really sickened every time I picture those men abusing those chickens on the farm, I know they switched farms after it was exposed, but probably no better). And just to be clear, I certainly do not care what other people eat (I don't always make the best choices regardless of how I feel about something).

    Fathead probably relates to his starting point. If you are already fit and healthy, could be a different outcome in the blood testing, although not necessarily (it depends on various factors and elements obviously).
  • NathanielArca
    I eat fast food at least once a week, but I always count the calories and macros or estimate them (if no nutritional info is provided). It's all about staying at a caloric deficit that triggers weight loss.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I'm afraid of fast food and it has nothing to do with the calories. Nasty. Eat all you want, I'll stay fast food free, and we'll all be happy.
  • cwettstain
    cwettstain Posts: 58 Member
    My favorite meal = THREE McDonald's Griled Chicken Classics with no Mayo. 300 calories per sandwich and perfectly in line with my calorie requirements, plus it fills me up.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Fast food tends to give me the it's great when I want to flush my system, but not for much else.
  • jjh1024
    I think the point of Super size was not that it was fast food, it was the amount and how often. I think you are missing the point.