Anyone started at size 24...



  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    I just need to know that I"m not alone. What is your current size?
  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Roz. I started at size 24 in may and i am currently a size 14 almost a size 12. If i can do it anyone can. Just believe in yourself. You can do this if you want it badly enough x
  • Yep. Im a 24. just signed up for this fitness pal tonight.
  • mommycline
    mommycline Posts: 106 Member
    Was a 24/26. Currently 11/12.
  • skizzerbizkit
    skizzerbizkit Posts: 40 Member
    Currently at my highest weight of 290. Size 22/24 depending on brand. I figure if I can lose enough weight to fit into a comfortable 16, I'll be happy. It's nice to read comments about people who've lost "x" amount of weight and dropped to "this" pants size. Gives me something to look forward to. :)
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I started at a tight 22 and am now almost at 14 (16's are falling down, but 14s are still a bit too tight). I really just want to get down to a 12 -- so many more clothes available in a 12.
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi: Yes, I started at 265 lbs, and a size 24/26 *SNUG* fit.
    Started last Oct 1st. Been a year, have lost over 20 inches, just under 50 pounds (47?), and wear a 18-20, in most clothing, or a 2x on top and a 1x on bottom. Yeah, I guess I am upside
    I have made many wonderful friends.
    Learned a lot about myself on this trip.
    Friend me if you want, but I am very serious about actively being on the site..
    If you do not post on my wall at least every other day, or you just post "WTG" or "GFY" on my posts, I will drop you.
    I have a few super close friends, because we support each other.
    We are all Christians.
    No, offense, but would prefer, if you are not an Active Christian, please don't add me.
    Just a personal preference for m
    Nothing against non-Believers.
    It is just easier to communicate and uplift in Bible verses/stories,
    and is challenging when someone is not knowledgable about the WORD.

    Good Luck..
    Sis Nicolette
  • I just recently started with myfitnesspal. Starting at 22/24 tops and 22 bottoms. Always good to see potential in others who have started out the same and lost so much to get to their goals! :happy:
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    Started with tight 26's and now I'm between 24's and tight 22's. it's been about a month and a week. :)
  • Size 8/10. I am able to button a size 7, but they are very constricting.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I started at very tight 24 should of been a 26 really. Over the last year I have had a baby (currently four months old) and dropped to a loose 16 ...working towards 14's. All UK sizes.
  • girlybirdy
    girlybirdy Posts: 12 Member
    I started at 26+, I'd say a 32 possibly. I'm not sure to be honest. I'm still wearing my 'old' clothes, but I recently bought a size 24 blazer and it fits great, I was so surprised!
  • Not alone, and you can do it! I was a size 24 when I decided to get healthy, and went down to a size 3. Keep on doing it, it can be done!:happy:
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I started at a UK 24/26 and am currently UK18.

    I would love to get to a UK12 so a little while to go yet.
  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    I was a 22 in tops and 18 in skirts, and am now 12 top and bottom. You will get there.
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 995 Member
    I started at a size 20. I'm now a 14 :smile: Don't worry you'll get there too :smile:
  • pje71
    pje71 Posts: 1
    I started a week ago at UK size 24 hoping this works for me too :smile:
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    You are not alone. In January 2012 I was a size 32 and having lost close to 50kg I am now wearing a 22/24.
  • Bigger....32 to 4/6.
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Started at 24, currently a 22. Goal to be a 5/7