Straw that broke the camel's back



  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    Gettng on the scale and seeing my altime high of 334......Saw my life flash before my eyes. I didnt want it to get anyworse and knew i needed to stop making excuses. Also I am ttc and know my weight is not helping the situation.
  • xnikkixsikkix
    The fact that I went from a size 4/6 pre-pregnancy to a size 20 post. Gross.
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    I ate a McDonalds hash brown.
  • AnthonysChange
    I stepped on the scale out of curiosity and nearly died when I saw the number.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I've always known I needed to do something, I have been overweight since I was a young adult, but nothing ever clicked until my cousin's daughter (thanks Brittany!!) convinced me to give this a still took me two times at this, too...I took a break for about a year after I signed up, then got back on it seriously this past August.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I had gained a lot of weight after having some health issues that led to 5 open abdominal surgeries in 6 months. My abdominal muscles were so ravaged I developed multiple abdominal hernias and a diastasis (separation of the abdominal muscles) I was in constant pain and the hernias were so large that they never reduced, so my intestines were always outside of my abdomen...let me tell you, painful! I stopped doing all the things I loved...hiking, kayaking, walking my dogs...everything. All of my energy went to trying to get through each day at work and getting home to lay down. The only thing I could do without pain was eat....and so I ate. I gained more and more weight, I looked like I was 8 months pregnant all the time, and my belly was hard as a rock. Finally a co-worker whose dad is a surgeon basically pressured me to see him. She convinced me that he would be able to fix it. And, in March of this year I had hopefully my last surgery. He placed a 10"x14" mesh in my abdomen, stapled it to my pelvic bone and then extended it up to my ribs to cover the defects and keep my insides on the inside...and it's working!!! I'm able to do everything I want to again...and so I do! I'm slowly shedding the weight I gained, I've lost 30 lbs so far and have a lot more to go. So, I guess the catalyst for losing the weight was the surgery. I feel like I have been given a great gift in my health and I'm celebrating!
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    Messing about at work with a few lads and decided to weigh ourselves using the massive industrial scales used for weighing bundles of steel, I thought I was around 20 stones and I was 1lb off 25 stones. I **** myself and vowed to get it sorted. I'm now almost at the 20 stones I thought I was on that day lol
  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    I had my 25th college reunion coming up and wanted to look a lot better. I was told by a friend that counting calories could help and found this site by accident why trying to research how many calories were in something I was eating. Once I got here, I realized that I could make this a lifestyle not just a diet, so it stuck and I stayed, and I am much healthier for it. Now trying to lose those last stubborn 10 lbs that have been on me for a decade.
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Mainly for my health, and want to see my grandaughters grow up, and needed to get my self-esteem back......
  • LPJackson76
    LPJackson76 Posts: 67 Member
    A surgeon with a HORRIBLE bedside manner, but who actually cared. I was diagnosed with a condition that required me to have surgery in March. During the pre-op consultation, the conversation went like this:

    Surgeon: "Look, there's no cure but it also didn't have to require surgery. The only reason it's causing you issues is you need to lose weight and you know it."
    Me: "I know I need to...I've lost 16 pounds in the last 6 months."
    Surgeon: "What are you doing to lose weight?"
    Me: "I do an elliptical every morning and watch what I eat."
    Surgeon: "The only thing you're watching is the food go from your plate to your mouth."

    Ouch. Ok, he was an *kitten*, but he went on to say I needed a full on life-style change or he'd just be seeing me back in another 6 - 9 months for more surgery, which was fine by him because it's what pays for his vacations.

    The thing is he was right. I needed to commit to FULL changes, not half-a$$ing it. And he was the first person to be so blunt with me, and I think I needed it badly. That and the fact that it was my first surgery ever and recovery was incredibly painful. I have *no* desire to do it again, and the fact that my condition can stay dormant if I'm healthy is all the encouragement I need!!

    Edit: PS, joining MFP was an accident! I had a friend (THANKS TERESA!!) who suggested we do food diaries just to check in and support each other. Being a total techno-geek I needed an app for that and I found MFP by accident. Boy am I glad I did! I've met some really incredible people and just found the most supportive community EVER. LOVE YOU ALL!!! :happy:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    cuz i was tired of feeling fat and gross..i mentioned it to a friend, and she actually recommended this site..i feel better than i did almost 2 years ago when i started, but i have had A LOT of setbacks, and honestly thought i would have been done with my journey to lose the weight i wanted, and by this point only be toning up and stuff..i never knew how bad i was until i started looking at old pics of myself..i only wish i had done something sooner (i think i babbled on tho) :wink:
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    A surgeon with a HORRIBLE bedside manner, but who actually cared. I was diagnosed with a condition that required me to have surgery in March. During the pre-op consultation, the conversation went like this:

    Surgeon: "Look, there's no cure but it also didn't have to require surgery. The only reason it's causing you issues is you need to lose weight and you know it."
    Me: "I know I need to...I've lost 16 pounds in the last 6 months."
    Surgeon: "What are you doing to lose weight?"
    Me: "I do an elliptical every morning and watch what I eat."
    Surgeon: "The only thing you're watching is the food go from your plate to your mouth."
    uhm..yeah..i dont think i would have gone back to that guy..probably because i would first be in jail for assault :laugh: what an *kitten*
  • Pandy1962
    Pandy1962 Posts: 105 Member
    mine was easy, my sister came for dinner in Jan this year and took a picture of me and hubby and posted on facebook the picture thanking us for the dinner with the caption 'the cooks'.
    I was absolutely horrified by the picture as it was a sideways one of me which I have never looked at myself that way. I looked smaller when I was pregnant.
    The following day I started watching what I ate, this went until end of Feb then a forum member on a different forum mentioned the MFP app so I downloaded it and have been using it ever since.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    My wife bought me a 2xl shirt and there is no way I was going to be a 2xl. 30 lbs down, now I'm wearing a medium and I've dropped a couple pant sizes. I'm headed for my goal weight at which point I want to concentrate more on building muscle.
    I've been struggling with losing weight for the last four years. I just had a beautiful baby girl in July and I want to be a great role model for her and keep moving and stay active with her. I want to look as good as feel!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I could not zip up my size 14s jeans. Started two years ago and got down to a 6.

    I went through a stressful time this summer and went back to my old habits.

    This week I could not zip up my 6s, so I am back.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    A good look in a full length mirror lol. Looking back now I didn't think I was THAT big but I was. I also saw success pics and that motivated me too.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    My 35th birthday party. Loads of pics taken...what an eye opener. I knew I was big, but DANG. The following month a co-worker friend stated that she was giving away her treadmill. I picked it up the next day.
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    My other half told me I was unattractive - it broke my heart

  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I had yo-yo dieted back and forth prior to this. What made me decide to really turn things around was a visit with my extended family. The family got to meet their grandfather for the very first time. My grandfather-in-law is SO DEDICATED to being an operatic voice technician that he practices/studies for 10 hours a day. He puts his career above ALL things. His philosophy is that if you truly think you are the best and have the willpower to be the best, then you must be the best.

    I thought that if he can spend 30 years doing what he does, I can spend 1 year losing weight, and dedicating myself thereafter to a healthy lifestyle. :)