When Dogs poop!



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Your dog is courteous? Does she shake paws when meeting strangers?

    Does she stand when humans enter the room?

    Does she hold doors open for the person behind her?

    My dog will sit at the top of the stairs, waving when people come in and out. He's so kind.

    Now THAT is a courteous (if not somewhat creepy) dog!

    My old dog used to smile at people. It scared everyone. Haha!
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    this is why I have two dogs...When the bigger dog poops the smaller dog eats it coz he likes hot meals...The smaller dog then poops and becuse he's a Dachsund they are small...I only have to deal with the small ones

    That's really disgusting lol
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Dog pee kills the grass and creates yellow spots of death.

    I have two dogs and a backyard full of lush green grass. In fact, when dogs are properly hydrated their urine act as a fertilizer. it is when people restrict their dogs' water intake that it kills grass.
  • LMick1986
    My dog will sit at the top of the stairs, waving when people come in and out. He's so kind.

    Now THAT is a courteous (if not somewhat creepy) dog!

    My old dog used to smile at people. It scared everyone. Haha!

    He doesn't really. I've always dreamed that he would though. Hahah! He DOES wave bye though!
    My dog smiles too....and my old roommate's dog did too. Her nickname was Smiley Cyrus. :)
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Dog pee kills the grass and creates yellow spots of death.

    I have two dogs and a backyard full of lush green grass. In fact, when dogs are properly hydrated their urine act as a fertilizer. it is when people restrict their dogs' water intake that it kills grass.

    Gotcha....hose dog down while it is peeing to hydrate dog.............that actually sounds fun.
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    I know right! I was working in my garden one day, and the next door neighbor was out with her dogs, and the little one came over to me, about a foot in front of where I was working and peed! I shouted the dogs name, and the neighbor just shrugged!!

    That seems rude to me, mainly because unless they're on a walk, the neighbor's own yard should be the primary location for peeing and pooping. Why would I want dog pee all over the grass I squat in and am digging in. I didn't buy a dog.
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    I am blessed that my dog is curtious enough to only poop in the woods and never in a neighbors yard( or her own). But I do have anal neighbors that complain of pee. GMAB, what do they want people to do dab it up with paper towel. Their ***** is that certain dogs urine kills grass. This I know well enough mine did that, but I got a supplement that nuetralizes it. Some people need to know what battle to pick and enjoy life more.

    Your dog is courteous? Does she shake paws when meeting strangers?

    Does she stand when humans enter the room? Does she hold doors open for the person behind her?
    Not to that extreme but she is a lady
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    My dog will sit at the top of the stairs, waving when people come in and out. He's so kind.

    Now THAT is a courteous (if not somewhat creepy) dog!

    My old dog used to smile at people. It scared everyone. Haha!

    He doesn't really. I've always dreamed that he would though. Hahah! He DOES wave bye though!
    My dog smiles too....and my old roommate's dog did too. Her nickname was Smiley Cyrus. :)

    Best name for a dog ever.
  • duganed
    duganed Posts: 10 Member
    Dog pee kills the grass and creates yellow spots of death.

    I have two dogs and a backyard full of lush green grass. In fact, when dogs are properly hydrated their urine act as a fertilizer. it is when people restrict their dogs' water intake that it kills grass.

    Yeah, my dog pees in the yard all the time and it has no negative effect.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I get yelled at every day about my 4 dogs and their poop. Im not joking. Heaven forbid you run out of poop bags or you forget them inside- oh my! all Hell breaks loose. Its the AREA I live in because ive never had this issue anywhere else weve lived. Im talking about my dogs in the apartment lawn i live in - NOT a walk around the block. Its not the landlord complaining, its only certain tenants (2 have dogs and i dont see them picking up poop).

    Just over the weekend, I did my normal take 2 dogs out a time routine and i didnt have an extra poop bag and the one lady seriously stopped outside and stared at me and then said " wheres your poop bags?" and i told her how i ran out and she should mind her own business and she tells me shes going to call the landlord and i told her to go ahead.

    so I HATE taking my dogs outside because im tired of hearing about poop. I pick it up. i bag those bags. If i run out, i run out. Dont be a baby about it though.

  • ToniTime2012
    ToniTime2012 Posts: 15 Member
    The Fake Poop Scoop! Works every time. Although, my dog is modest and only goes in the woods when nobody is around.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Not picking up dog poo is fair enough but yelling cause of dog pee?!

    I don't care if dogs pee in my yard...its when its right where I'm trying to do stuff in the garden. Would you want to be digging in to plant something, right where a dog had JUST peed seconds before?

    try not to lick it and you shouldn't have a problem... it really isn't going to cause you harm.

    Except when I have to replace dead, yellow shrubs every year. That chit gets expensive.
  • RobfromLakewood
    I have two dogs who are out for nightly walks/runs with me. I always carry bags, one for each, another for each just in case. It annoys me when people don't clean up after their dogs, it makes responsible dog owners like myself look bad. I don't like people who let their dogs off-leash in the neighborhood (dog parks, regular parks, places like that, I don't care) because my big dog is perfect except for his issues with other dogs. I keep my restrained and I don't care if your dog is friendly, mine isn't (loves people though). I'm following the local law and having my dog restrained, he lives for our nightly ritual, so those people who aren't being responsible dog owners annoy me to no end.

    On issues of peeing. It is hard for me to fathom a regular problem with dogs peeing on people. A one time thing is a horrible experience, but difficult to believe is a regular problem you have with dogs, so get over it. As for yellowing of lawns? A well-hydrated dog well not have an acidic pee that does this and again, I am seriously bothered by irresponsible dog owners. My two boys pee primarily in our backyard and I have as green as lawn as you'll find anywhere, so I have to think something else is going on as well.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    IF anyone ever yelled at me I'd put it in a paper bag...take it to their doorstep, light the bag, ring their doorbell and walk away....

    OK Billy Madison.. Lol
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Dog pee kills the grass and creates yellow spots of death.

    I have two dogs and a backyard full of lush green grass. In fact, when dogs are properly hydrated their urine act as a fertilizer. it is when people restrict their dogs' water intake that it kills grass.

    Yeah, my dog pees in the yard all the time and it has no negative effect.

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    bugaha1 wrote: »
    I pick up my dogs whem I'm on a walk if I think someone saw her poop. If it's nasty and I think someone is watching I pretend to pick it up =)

    I had to pretend to pick up poop when it was dark out and I couldn't find it. Shined a light all over the area and couldn't see it, so I just put a bag on my hand and pretended I found it. I tried!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Is today poop day or something? First our poop, now dogs,,
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Every day is poop day! If it's not, you're doing it wrong.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    How can u just leave me standing?
    Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)
    Maybe I'm just 2 demanding
    Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold
    Maybe you're just like my mother
    She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied)
    Why do we scream at each other
    This is what it sounds like
    When dogs poop