
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    My moment was when I was getting measured for my bridesmaid's dress for my friend's wedding a couple of years ago, I wound up having to buy a plus sized dress. That was a huge blow to my ego, not to mention it cost $50 bucks extra (and then it wound up costing $80 for all the alterations it needed... but that's a different story). I had been through a bad break up earlier that summer and things weren't in a good place. I was living off of about 4 lattes, a 500 ml bottle of coke, and an orange a day. It sucked, and I started to gain a ton of weight because at that time I had stopped doing everything except for getting up and going to work/school. I started to make small changes like eating better, etc, but I still wasn't exercising like I was pre-ex-boyfriend, so I was still gaining weight. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I went to Science Formal that year and looked at pictures afterwards and realized how bad I had gotten, I had a uniboob in my dress! After that I started back skating, and going to yoga again, one of the best decisions I ever have made.
  • pahouacarns
    pahouacarns Posts: 4 Member
    1. My biggest pair of pants were getting tight on me and I thought about buying new pants (bigger ones), but then I was like, NO, THE NEXT TIME I BUY CLOTHES, IT WILL BE SMALLER ONES, NOT BIGGER.

    2. I saw a picture of myself with my kids and I looked so chubby, it wasn't even cute. It was terrible cause the kids looked great, but I ruined the picture. :(

    3. And then I stepped on the scale, and I was as heavy as I was at the end of my pregnancies. :(

    The next morning (10/26/12) my hubby told me to add this app to my phone and we have been at it since then. 7.5 lbs in 4 weeks...My clothes are beggining to feel loose, and I feel so much better. Only another 30 lbs to go.
  • Realising that I weighed more than I did at 9 months pregnant. In fact I still do... but at least I'm doing something about it now
  • JoeSzup
    JoeSzup Posts: 51 Member
    When I couldn't sit on the floor longer than 20 minutes at a time to play with my daughter (who was at the time 2).
  • It was Dec 2011, I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted with myself and I felt like I was 100 years old. So I decided right then that I was going to lose weight and get into shape :-) it's been almost a year and I'm down 53 pounds, 3 to go for my goal!

    wow thats amazing!!
    cant wai tto get there
  • my moment was when my boyfriend told me he was going to cancel my gym membership...

    thats all he said to me, i could hear his dissappointment in me.
    i could tell he was tired of waiting for me to change

    and in turn, dissappointed myself.

    worst feeling ever :(
  • I have a beard. When I shaved my beard off for fun, I saw my actual face.

    I was scared.

    I was mortified.

    I had to get rid of that second chin!

    Also, I am getting married in September next year and I want to look hot.
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    My moment is when I went to the doctor for my yearly, she told me I was 20lbs over weight, it was a smack in the face I knew I had put on some weight, but 20 lbs sounded like sooo much weight. She told me that if I don't get it under control now it will be so much harder to deal with ten years down the road. Also I started cringing at pictures of myself, and refused to be in front on the camera.
  • yvonneseage
    yvonneseage Posts: 55 Member
    When a blood test showed me as border line diabetic. I sorted my diet out immediately as showed fine a week later, but that scare was enough.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I was just shy of my 40th birthday and had gained a lot of weight that year. The dr diagnosed me with an underactive thyroid and ordered me to lose the weight if and at all possible.

    But I was disgusted with myself. I was flabby. I had to avoid certain too-steep stairs. I didn't look or feel good.
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    One of my fellow RAs gave a presentation on nutrition and "How to Avoid the Freshman 15". Though I am senior, it hit home hard and I realized I wasn't eating right at all.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    When I was going pants shopping for work and picked out a pair of large sweatpants. I tried them on and felt the waist band squeezing me. I felt so uncomfortable and disgusting.
    Now I can wear medium sized leggings ;P
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    ..........My "moment" if you will was after Id been admitted to the hospital in July of 2012 with a raging infection that I wasnt even aware of. I was ready to be discharged and they did an O2 sat. Sitting still my O2 was dropping into the 70s...but I had a fantastic resting heart rate that the doctors loved. Next thing I know Respiratory Therapy is swarming over me with a sensor on my finger, a Co2 sensor on my lip, O2 cannula in my nose and they're telling me i have to walk up and down the hall and breathe normally. Here I am pushing an IV pole with all these damn wires and sensors and as I look behind me I see someone pushing a fu@king wheelchair. (WTF is up with that.........scared the bejeebers outta me .....but they seemed to be waiting for me to collapse or something. NOW I find out on exertion my damn O2 sats were dropping even worse than 70. Hard telling how long this had been going on.

    Id had all kinds of tests ....cardio, pulmo, neuro, gastro, anesth, sleep doc et al. Ive had 28 surgeries over the years and have tons of titanium pins plates and screws and lo and freakin behold the weight has taken its toll. I HAD TO DROP as much as possible as fast as possible or live on O2 stuck up my nose 24/7. How embarrassing that was........I shall never forget. I lost 35 lbs in the first 6 weeks and have continued on the journey. Ive already noticed a huge difference in breathing. I no longer use O2 during the day. I do have it bled into my BiPap at night but hope to be off that by June. YAYAYAYAYAYA me.!!! (Now if I could see as much success in my chronic pain issues that would allow me to do some awesome workouts like the rest of you do Id have it made!!!!!!!)

    ya......it sucks but the new lifestyle change is electrifying and Im not letting go of it now!!!

  • melnat0182
    melnat0182 Posts: 1 Member
    My moment was when I took my 2 boys to a go-cart track. They are too young to ride by themselves, so my husband and I had to drive the cart while they sat as passengers. I couldn't get my seat belt buckled even after I loosened it as far as it could be loosened. Very embarrassing for me to have the guy yanking and pulling on the seat belt while I was sucking in my gut as much as possible. I don't want to be that person that struggles to get the seat belt to click on go-carts, roller coasters, or rides at the fair. My boys deserve better than that, my husband deserves better than that, and most of all - I deserve better than that!
  • It came a few years ago. I was excited to finally see "Honk If You're Horny" at the local movie theater. You might remember it, starring Faye Dunaway and Pauly Shore.

    When I asked for my ticket, the kid at the window said that he had to check with the manager first. So, then, the manager comes over and tells me, "I'm terribly sorry, sir, but I'm afraid our facilities are not equipped to meet your needs."


    When I asked what he meant by that, he replied, "What I'm saying, sir, is that a man of your carriage couldn't possibly fit in our seats." I offered to sit in the aisle, but he said that it would violate the fire code.

    Then, some guy standing by the door yelled, "Hey, Fatty! I've got a movie for ya: A Fridge Too Far!" as everyone outside the theater began to laugh at me. The manager sensed my rising anger, and tried to placate me with a free garbage bag full of popcorn. Before leaving with what little dignity I had remaining, I told him, "This may surprise you, but you can't buy me off with food. I'm sick of all your stereotypes and cheap jokes! The overweight individuals in this country are just as smart and talented and hard working as everybody else. And they're going to make their voices heard!"

    Today, my voice is heard, here on MyFitnessPal.
  • i want to lose weight so bad i,m 24 and i weigh 210 and i,m only 5ft. i need motivation !
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I sat in denial about my weight for a long time. I could hide from scales (for the most part). I could hide from cameras or position pics from the chest up. BUT, when I TRULY had it and joined MFP was when I got tagged on FB in a full body photo of myself and I couldn't hide in the denial anymore. It was there for everyone to see, probably before I had time to remove it from my page. From that moment on, I became a devotee to this page and the logging and I'm down another 45 lbs roughly. And that was the straw that broke the camel's back!
  • I had enough when i looked down in the shower and couldn't see my junk.

  • When I started hiding from my friends b/c I was embarrassed about how I looked. I would constantly find excuses to stay home when the real reason was that I was just ashamed of how I looked. Still have a long way to go but working on it..

    Exact same way with me!!
  • fitat53
    fitat53 Posts: 33 Member
    WOW! I'm so proud of you, 106# lost??? That's amazing. Keep up the good work!