Anyone else afraid of the SCALE??



  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    Here's what you need to do. Just before you step on the scale, look at yourself in the mirror in your underclothes and compliment your body. Take note of all the things you like and take notice are areas that have clear improvement. Remember that your body is the key to good and health and good looks. Then step on the scale. No matter what the number says, don't forget that just 5 minutes ago, you had a lot of positive things to say about your body.

    In this way, you are defining improvement as more than just a number on the scale, but also by the way you feel towards your body. That number is only one part of the many things that define your progress.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Here's what you need to do. Just before you step on the scale, look at yourself in the mirror in your underclothes and compliment your body. Take note of all the things you like and take notice are areas that have clear improvement. Remember that your body is the key to good and health and good looks. Then step on the scale. No matter what the number says, don't forget that just 5 minutes ago, you had a lot of positive things to say about your body.

    In this way, you are defining improvement as more than just a number on the scale, but also by the way you feel towards your body. That number is only one part of the many things that define your progress.

    I love this. Absolutely love this.
  • emarty29
    emarty29 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow, lots of feedback and thank you. I'm a goal oriented person too, so I'm pretty much going to wait until April. I can feel that I've lost more than 12 lbs too, I just want to wait to be surprised. Plus, for me staying on a healthy eating plan for 6 months is huge and by then my mind and my body will be retrained. Thanks for the feedback, you are all awesome!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    the scale is only one indication of good health. measure yourself & post it here!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I joined on September 14th and I'm coming up on my 90th day...which is awesome. After many years of crash diets, fads and letting my emotions get the best of me I've come to MFP to do it right. I've been following a plan that will allow me to lose 2lbs per week.
    I still haven't weighed myself yet because I don't want to be disappointed if I haven't lost 2lbs a week, silly I know by I'm afraid if I weigh myself and I don't have the expected result it might cause me to fail. I've told my self not to weigh myself until April which would be 6 months. I figure that after 6 months that I would be at my goal weight of 185 and be satisfied. I started at 230.
    All my clothes fit way better now and people are noticing, which is good, but as you can tell, I'm affected by what the scale says, so I'm just going to put it away until April.
    The weight loss I've recorded on my badge are based on losing 1 lb per week, which is at 12.

    if you dont want to weigh yourself - JUST do MEASUREMENTS!!! That will really show you the truth to your success. I mean whats the scale mean anyway? That youre dropping pounds? okay well you can find that out on your own but just measuring your waist, hips, legs, blah blah blah.......
    I think its kind of cool that you havent stepped on the scale. I envy that. I'm always looking fwd to my weigh in day. i want to know if i am screwing up or not. I would hate to waste three weeks and not lose a pound! I have ten more pounds to lose and i am done! By ten more pounds, im giving myself 3 pound buffer room to play in case theres a holiday etc that arrives.
    Good luck man!
  • EuripidesII


    Hey cutie, how YOU doin?
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    I've grown afraid in the last week since I lost 9 lbs in one day, and I absolutely believe it.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes. I haven't weighed since June. I know I lost a few lbs in the summer and early fall when I exercising a lot and watching my diet. But recently I've put a few back on with lax diet and exercise. Now I'm back on track. I didn't weigh when I knew I was skinner, and I'm certainly not going to weigh now!! It's probably good to weigh from time-to-time so that you know your progress. But you know based on how your clothes fit.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm not afraid of it, but I am disappointed by it :(

    It took me 3 months to lose my first 7 lbs...I did really good for 4 months, and looked forward to stepping on the scale...the last 3 months it has been disappointing me again. I have only lost like 3 pounds in the last 3 months despite the numbers saying I should have lost at LEAST a pound a week :( The measuring tape is a ***** too...

    That being said, I started lifting 1-2 months ago. I can now leg press about 20 pounds more than I weigh, I have dropped my assist on pull ups/dips from 165 to 105, and I am barbell squatting 70lbs. By Christmas I WILL do at least ONE 100lb barbell squat!
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    You just have to face your fear. I had the same fear, and I regret it, because I put on crazy weight and wasn't realizing it. It's just a necessary tool, and you don't even have to weigh yourself that often, just once a week or less.
    Here's another thing: just think, the higher your starting weight is, the more bragging rights you have when you tell people you lost 30, 50, 100+ pounds!!!
  • EvetteMarquez
    EvetteMarquez Posts: 24 Member
    I'm terrified of weighing myself because I'm afraid of gaining weight but I want to step on that scale because if I lose weight it just motivates me more. I kind of have that love hate relationship with the scale.