You've just won $500mil! What are you gonna' do with it?!



  • SBragg11
    SBragg11 Posts: 4 Member
    Cut a check for family members and close friends then change my number!
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'd relish the ability to say f-you before hanging up the phone (or sending the email, or before they walk out of my office). That said, I'd probably either keep my job or go back to school and get a masters, or maybe even a second doctorate. I'd buy my mom a house. And I'd donate heavily to charities that help animals. Oh, and I'd pay off my student loans and bank a bunch for retirement.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    We have had a pretty solid plan for years.. close family and friends will be taken care of and we are going to POOF disappear for awhile..
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Pay off my bills
    Pay off my parents bills
    Buy 3 houses (1 for me and my hubby and kids, 1 for my mom and 1 for my dad)
    Buy my dad and my mom each a new car
    Purchase all the new high tech equipment for my husbands photography business
    Buy a building for a photo studio for hubby with a private gym attached to it that I would run
    Get my kids into private school
    Set up trust accounts for the family
    Set up retirement accounts for me and hubby

    Then when I was done with all that, I would buy up a bunch of land and open an animal rescue cuz I love them 4 legged creatures!

    Take a nice long vacation to NY, NC and TX to see my most dearest friends!
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