
  • ABCDE- pronounced ab-see-duh

    My middle school psychologist was named Richard Seamen. He went by **** for short. Every single day for three years his name was called over the intercom at least once. ha.
  • ppenton
    ppenton Posts: 27 Member
    Delicious Peters. Really funny when someone was looking for the file and stands up and yells, who has Delicious Peters.
  • I've also heard Chlamydia as a girl's name.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I dated a guy named Rod Long...seriously. :noway:
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    My friend has a daughter named Star, another one a little boy named Zen. But i like them.
    I have a friend named Rainbow! Luckily she's a punk with the hair to match haha.
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    Delicious Peters. Really funny when someone was looking for the file and stands up and yells, who has Delicious Peters.

    hahah i proper cackled at this!
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I once met a girl who's name was cheezaroka, pronounced cheese-a-ro-ka. It was bad.
    I've also heard of a girl names phillydelphia. Yes, that is how it was spelled.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    Albert Pujols (pronounced Poo-holes)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    Are you from CT? My friend is a teacher and had a girl in her class named la-a!
  • There's also the name ****head (pronounced Shi-theed)
  • BV1980
    BV1980 Posts: 272 Member
    My last name is 15 letters long. It is such a pain in the *kitten*. My first name is Brian. In college the first day they called out the roster in the smaller classes for whatever reason. It listed last name first and first name last. My last name would cause the n in my first name to get cut off, so the instrucotr would call for Bria. i figured it out and said here. Then people would ask me where I am from because Bria sounded like an exotic name. They were disappointed when I said Chicago.
  • lucyinthesky2007
    lucyinthesky2007 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a cake decorator in a tiny southern town. You can only imagine some of the names I've had to write on cake. We actually have a list of shame Lol! The worst by far though are---- Girl: Manaja (pronounced Menage....as in Menage a trios) and Boys: Philander and Shart' Avious (pronounced Shar-Tavious) I kid you not! Honestly nothing surprises me anymore.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    I knew a girl named Anita Hole ( i- need -a- hole ) she got divorced.

    Friends called two sons Forest and Hunter. ( Forest I can handle ) but Hunter threw me.

    Ex family : Adam Seldom and Gina Sick-um. Really that is why they are ex family. Parents were f**ked.
  • liltenji
    liltenji Posts: 69 Member
    I knew a girl named Anita Hole ( i- need -a- hole ) she got divorced.

    Friends called two sons Forest and Hunter. ( Forest I can handle ) but Hunter threw me.

    Ex family : Adam Seldom and Gina Sick-um. Really that is why they are ex family. Parents were f**ked.

    hunter is more common than forest. forest is a bit of an odd one!
  • My first name is Noé, grew up most my life with people not being able to pronounce my name, teachers would just call me "No". I wouldn't say it fits in the category of worst names, but did piss me off a few times.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Marijuana Pepsi. Her mothers 2 favorite things.
  • When I worked at the bank there was a lady and her name was Frozen cage. Of course I asked the first time waiting on her if that was her real name. Didn't go over well.
  • maz_z
    maz_z Posts: 55
    moon unit. enough said.

    also people that name their children are fruits is strange.
  • caseysexton5
    caseysexton5 Posts: 27 Member
    there was a Dusty Bleu Couch that went to my high school
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    I worked in a hospital and can't even think of all the funny names I've encountered. A few off the top of my head that I remember laughing over are :

    Richard Head ( yes , he went by **** Head. True story ! )
    Ima siecho ( she said she hated making phone calls )
    Mara juana cruise ( she was in her 80's )
    Robyn Batman ( hehe )