Did anyone get constipated when you started eating less?



  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    Eat a little ~ poop a little

    Eat two pizza's ~ poop two pizza's

    it's poop math :)

    Kind of. You generally only poop indigestable fiber and dead bacteria (and the rest is actually water). If your body can use it, it'll keep it. If we all pooped two pizzas after eating two pizzas, everyone would be thin.

    So anyway, people who eat a lot of insoluble fiber should actually poop a lot... More than people who just eat white bread, etc.
  • Glad it's not just me. :tongue:
  • terracotti
    terracotti Posts: 101 Member
    eating more means more junk food to me, so it's the other way around :b
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    You've had half the answer. Firstly look at what you have taken out of your diet - certain foods encourage regularity but not in a good way. For example caffeine and some sweeteners are gut stimulants, also some people find excess amounts of sugars or highly refined junk food makes their poops looser because their stressed out body is desperately trying to chuck all that rubbish out fast.

    Secondly adding bulk to the poop is not as simple as adding in fibre and water to your diet, If you don't eat sufficient carbohydrates your body cannot hold onto water (1g glycogen is stored with 3g water) so you will pee it right out again and be chronically dehydrated. If you are dehydrated your poops may be drier and toilet habits may be slower.

    Thirdly there are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. Both are healthy, both bulk up in the presence of water but soluble tends to slow your digestion down (upper half of the digestive system) and insoluble tends to speed the elimination up (lower half). So which you are eating more of is highly relevant. Soluble is particularly found in fruit, veggies, beans and lentils, whole barley and oats, insoluble more concentrated in whole rice and wheat, veggies, nuts and seeds.

    You should not be eating a smaller volume of food when dieting, you should be eating fewer calories and/ or smaller amounts of certain types of foods (low in nutrient,s high in calories). If you are eating a smaller volume of food you likely are not eating enough fruit and veggies. These are much richer in fibre per calorie than any wholegrain, nut or pulse.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    You've had half the answer. Firstly look at what you have taken out of your diet - certain foods encourage regularity but not in a good way. For example caffeine and some sweeteners are gut stimulants, also some people find excess amounts of sugars or highly refined junk food makes their poops looser because their stressed out body is desperately trying to chuck all that rubbish out fast.

    Secondly adding bulk to the poop is not as simple as adding in fibre and water to your diet, If you don't eat sufficient carbohydrates your body cannot hold onto water (1g glycogen is stored with 3g water) so you will pee it right out again and be chronically dehydrated. If you are dehydrated your poops may be drier and toilet habits may be slower.

    Thirdly there are two types of fibre, soluble and insoluble. Both are healthy, both bulk up in the presence of water but soluble tends to slow your digestion down (upper half of the digestive system) and insoluble tends to speed the elimination up (lower half). So which you are eating more of is highly relevant. Soluble is particularly found in fruit, veggies, beans and lentils, whole barley and oats, insoluble more concentrated in whole rice and wheat, veggies, nuts and seeds.

    You should not be eating a smaller volume of food when dieting, you should be eating fewer calories and/ or smaller amounts of certain types of foods (low in nutrient,s high in calories). If you are eating a smaller volume of food you likely are not eating enough fruit and veggies. These are much richer in fibre per calorie than any wholegrain, nut or pulse.

    I do eat smaller amounts because I actually stop when i am full now where as before I just kept eating. I am working on more fiber..my goal for Dec. :laugh:
  • I find the opposite. I am eating more fruits and veggies and things move more smoothly lol

    LOL me too...
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I do eat smaller amounts because I actually stop when i am full now where as before I just kept eating. I am working on more fiber..my goal for Dec. :laugh:

    If you base your day around nine fruit and veg a day in the full rainbow of colours plus lean protein little and often, and you won't have to worry about fibre nor eating too much of the higher calorie/ nutrient poor stuff. Then add in a little healthy fats in their whole form (most of which contain fibre, eg. avocado/ coconut/ olives/ nuts/ seeds) and healthy carbs in their whole form (most of which contain fibre! Nuts/ seeds/ beans/ lentils) if you are not full. Fibre should take care of itself unless you are have chosen a very low carb diet, it tends to need working on if you eat a lot of processed stuff instead of a wide range of different foods in their natural state.

    Sorry if that sounds preachy, healthcare is what I do for a living. :blushing:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    how many grams of fiber are you eating?
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    couldn't tell you how much fiber a day and I have to admit don't eat lot of fruit.. I try on the veggies but I know I am guilty of not eating a big enough variety...
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Start tracking your fiber on here. The average recommended amount is 25grams a day.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Didnt read replies. Take fiber supplements if you arent getting enough from food.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Just added fiber so I can monitor it...
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    Eat a little ~ poop a little

    Eat two pizza's ~ poop two pizza's

    it's poop math :)

    So true. As long as you have no ill effects, like bloating / pain/ excess gas etc, it just sounds like your body is taking time to adjust to the new food schedule. If you don't like taking fibre supplements, maybe just have a banana or an apple , or some of the musical fruit.