I only like fatty foods how can I still lose weight?



  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Sounds like youre in the same boat I am.. except I've having trouble maintaining calories now that I've started back up :(... I LOVE fast food, french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers.. all that stuff. When I eat all the healthy stuff I get tired of it pretty quick and feel like I'm eating the same thing week after week...
    I've discovered the best thing is to start small, like with 'Snacks'.. have some fruit. Add a salad into your lunch habit (eg get the fast food you want with a *SMALL* side of fries and a salad to munch on before you are allowed to touch the junk.. also get water instead of soda a few days a week. Slowly cycle the good in and the bad out.. but realize when you *NEED* your junk, you can have it, just make up for it next meal or do better the next day. Good luck!

    __EDIT below__

    Also, some people will tell you Calories in <Calories out.. overall this is true.. but your body functions better with the right food. If you're eating junk you will lose the energy to keep working out or feel hungrier because you aren't getting the nutrition you need. Over all, yes you will lose, but it won't be plesant. From personal experience I was so tired I couldn't work out... and my nutritionist said that's probably a big part of the reason. Plus the sugar and fats make your body crave more of that type of food, which does tend to be higher calorie density..
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    Like others have said, as long as your calories are in check you will lose weight. I also love fattening food, so I work on ways to replicate some of those creamy or crispy foods in healthier forms. I bake chicken nuggets and fish rather than fry, I use low fat cheese wedges to give my pasta and soups a creamy flavor, and I try to only eat fried foods rarely.

    So far I have been happy, and I am happy to share recipes and ideas with you if you want. Just let me know.
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    What is it about fatty foods that you like? There is almost always a healthier choice .

    Also what are your goals.

    ^^THIS, ALWAYS a healthier option. I really had to learn this.(changing up the things i love into a healthier option) I still struggle with some things and i dont deprive myself of the stuff i love but i have it in moderation!
  • isabellecmiranda
    isabellecmiranda Posts: 56 Member
    I used to be a fast food girl too.. STOP. dont eat any more fast food at ALL you will see how much weight you will drop!
    Subway is a healthier choice, and panera could be too if you check the websites, and plan your meals you should be fine.

    you are what you eat so if you drink soda's start sipping on water, that also helps.

    Buy food from your grocery store, get things you like, bake them... small changes add up to big results!

    :) hope this helps!

    good luck, feel free to add me if you'd like...Im no where near having this down to a science but we can try together!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    You wont lose weight if all your eating is junkfood. Plain and simple.
    WHAT YOU EAT has everything to do with losing weight, not exercising.

    this is not true. if affects composition but not overall weight.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    For the next couple of weeks, just keep logging and noticing which foods gobble up your calories without leaving you very satisfied.

    You will lose weight while in a calorie deficit, regardless of the "quality" of the foods you're eating. (Twinkie diet? Guy lost 27 lbs and his bad cholesterol went down while his good colesterol went up)

    As you continue to log and hit your calorie goals, keep trying new foods and recipes.

    Just be patient. Small changes will occur over time and you *will* overhaul your eating habits. Mainly because at some point, you'll notice stuff, like: a huge plate of seasoned steamed veggies and a piece of grilled protein gives a whole lot of eating satisfaction for a very modest number of calories. An order of french fries may use up the same number of calories, but will not leave you as satisfied/full.

    ^-- THIS! i used to love fried foods! but... lol a big salad (3cups romaine = 15 cals.) vs. 1 fried oreo (232 cals) .. wasn't hard to choose. I can make almost an entire meal with those 232 calories! and there is no after guilt. you'll get it just hang in there!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I LOVE fat. I could never have lost weight by eating all those low fat "diet foods", salads with low-fat dressings, raw or steamed veggies, etc. Most days my fat % is about twice what is should be according the recommendations, but it's mostly healthy plant fat so I don't stress about it. I buy olive oil by the gallon and cook just about everything in it. I buy lean meats and then cook them in olive oil. I eat some raw veggies, but most are tossed in olive oil and roasted, sauteed or fried in olive oil. Sometimes I use other vegetables oils, but it's mostly olive oil. And nuts. I love nuts so they are big contributor to my fat.

    And it didn't hurt my weight loss at all, In fact, I think I helped because I was eating yummy foods with fat. You can lose eating less of the same foods you ate when you gained weight, but if that included a lot of processed fat or animal fat, I'd suggest switching some of that to vegetable fat for your health.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    After looking at my diary I realize that although I am for the most part staying within my 1200 cal/day limit, most of the food I am consuming is deemed bad for you. How will this hinder my weight loss process? So far I've lost 7.4 lbs in the last 20 days but I figure thats just because I'm so big (217 lbs) Will eating this food slow me down? Help!!!

    You'll lose weight at first just because you're eating less...but yes, all the chips, French fries, bread, and pasta will slow you down after a while. Replace most of that with vegetables and salads, and eat meat/fish/fowl that you cook yourself instead of so much fast food and processed, frozen stuff. Much more nutritious, less salt, and better for your energy levels.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Try tracking things like sodium and fiber.
    If you are breaking a fast food habit one of the easiest ways in my opinion is to see the mega ton of salt you are consuming with the choices you are making. If you make a conscious effort to stay under your sodium and fat goal and try to get your recommended fiber intake, you will force yourself to make healthier choices and exchanges.
    Best of luck to you! :):):)

    ^^this^^ really helped me. I did not eat too badly, but Iknew I could be eating better. Now, when I do have fast food or a bunch of chips I feel terrible, not emotionally, physically.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Well even on a 1200 cal limit you can still plan meals carefully. When I was on that restricted of a limit I literally planned like two to three days in advance so I knew exactly what I could eat and when. I'm no longer on the 1200 but I had a grilled cheese today because I was craving it like no one's business so I had it and it was HEAVEN. I might have partaken in an additional half sandwich but it still only came out to 495 calories for all of it. If you measure and monitor and restrict, you don't need to eliminate all the things you love.

    cheese. cheese. bread.. nom nom
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Fat isn't the problem. I eat a high fat diet which has improved my health in so many ways that I won't bore you with the details. The quality of your food is the problem. Fix it or don't, entirely up to you.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Sounds like youre in the same boat I am.. except I've having trouble maintaining calories now that I've started back up :(... I LOVE fast food, french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers.. all that stuff. When I eat all the healthy stuff I get tired of it pretty quick and feel like I'm eating the same thing week after week...
    I've discovered the best thing is to start small, like with 'Snacks'.. have some fruit. Add a salad into your lunch habit (eg get the fast food you want with a *SMALL* side of fries and a salad to munch on before you are allowed to touch the junk.. also get water instead of soda a few days a week. Slowly cycle the good in and the bad out.. but realize when you *NEED* your junk, you can have it, just make up for it next meal or do better the next day. Good luck!

    __EDIT below__

    Also, some people will tell you Calories in <Calories out.. overall this is true.. but your body functions better with the right food. If you're eating junk you will lose the energy to keep working out or feel hungrier because you aren't getting the nutrition you need. Over all, yes you will lose, but it won't be plesant. From personal experience I was so tired I couldn't work out... and my nutritionist said that's probably a big part of the reason. Plus the sugar and fats make your body crave more of that type of food, which does tend to be higher calorie density..

    Wrong about the fats. You can blame the craving on the sugar all by itself. Fat will actually increase satiety and decrease cravings and make one's body very healthy, speaking from experience and research. However, the QUALITY of the fat is important. Foods deep fried in canola oil, death on a plate, imo.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    If you are eating below your calorie goal then yes you will loose weight but you won't be healthy and by eating higher calorie foods you won't be able to eat as much in your day. You can either have 1 fast food meal and eat 1000 calories or you can make better choices and eat all day long. Fat will not keep you full throughout the day.

    I'm from WI, I know cheese, lol. I refuse to eat low fat cheese so that means I have to cut back on how much I eat. If you really want to be healthier you are going to have to cut down on the fried foods and the other high fat foods like cheese, butter and mayo. I still eat cheese and everything else but in smaller amounts and not as often. For example, at this moment I'm eating some turkey chili w/cheeese and sour cream. But, only a tablespoon of sour cream and about 1/8 of a cup of cheese. I used to drown my chili in cheese and this has been my lunch all week and it is so delicious I can't believe it. Friend me if you'd like.
  • jhall585
    I noticed your breakfasts are small and low calorie. If you love fried foods so much, have you thought about having a larger breakfast, getting in some fat (bacon) and protein (eggs) and carbs (roasted potatoes) in the morning? Then maybe you'd be able to crush cravings for later because you're already full/satisfied?
  • jhall585
    I also lost a majority of my weight through frozen meals for calorie control, and eating whatever I wanted and burning it off. But on the whole, when I made a switch to 75% whole foods I just feel a thousand times better! On so many levels!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I think it has been said, but I'll say it again.

    It isn't just a matter of operating in a calorie deficit to lose weight, at least it shouldn't be. It should be about being healthy and fit. Weight is just one factor in the "healthy / fit" equation.

    Even though it has been proven that you can pretty much eat anything you want and lose weight, you should still be thinking in terms of "garbage in, garbage out".

    Oh, and by the way, .. Of course you struggle with that stuff. I think most of us do. It's effin good stuff.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love fried foods and fattening foods. After looking at my diary I realize that most of the food I am consuming is deemed bad for you. How will this hinder my weight loss process? Will eating this food slow me down?

    Yes. It will be the biggest hindrance to you ever reaching your goals. Stop it.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I eat pasta almost every day, love ice cream, etc. and have still lost weight :) 33 pounds in the last 7 months. Maybe I could lose more if I ate healthier all of the time - but I'm really picky and love to eat so what can I say? haha :) It can be done but you got to get up and moving! Feel free to add me for encouragement :)
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    If you're at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. However, try working healthier foods in. Fruits and veggies have a lot more nutrients so your body feel better, not to mention they give you a lot more volume for fewer calories.

    Potatoes are fine for you. And if you eat the skin, you get nutrients from it. Start working in a few healthy foods and you may end up liking them, or finding delicious ways to prepare them. Baby steps...

    Great advice :)
  • kmccormick42
    kmccormick42 Posts: 78 Member
    Skinnytaste.com has some great recipes. I've made quite a few things that were very flavorful and my whole family enjoyed.