What do you guys think?



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Sounds like you need some encouragement. Send a PM to drmerc, he always motivates me.

    I love this idea.

    so do I actually....so do I.....

    drmerc is SO motivational

    Great job everyone!! I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals :flowerforyou:
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    Have you considered a cleanse, as a "jump start"?
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I think stop making excuses, get on with it.
    If youre fat, make a change.
    If you want to get fitter, make a change.
    Don't start 'dieting' eat meals and snacks or however you prefer to eat just LESS and HEALTHY food.
  • Under_Construction13
    Thanks for all the advise and posts and Ill check out the motivation guy LoL
    I REALLY DO CARE if I look good on my wedding day, for some reason I just never really thought I had to lose all this weight now that I do its crzy to me cause I went from being 125 after my 1st child to now, its a shock to me.

    I will check out all the links too thanks for that.

    Ima start the videos today and the veggie diet, yeah I know to eat right and good for your health but Im thinking veggies, shakes, fruit, string cheese, salads, an okay lunch and dinner shld be okay, right? I mean trust me right now Im eating a whole lot better than what I usually eat.

    And yes I will stop lying to myself and start at it...

    Thanks a bunch, any more advise is greatly welcomed...
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    You don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight, a calorie deficit will accomplish this. However no advice or suggestions that anyone can give you will make you want to eat right or exercise, that comes from you and when you want it enough you'll be able to do it.
  • Under_Construction13
    Have you considered a cleanse, as a "jump start"?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough protein. Don't go on 'just' a veggie diet and slimfast plan. Protein and healthy fats are going to keep you feeling fuller, longer, and are much more satisfying. I'd probably hurt somebody if I were restricted to just veggies and slimfast. In fact, I'm positive someone would perish.

    Er, what I mean to say is... it's not necessary if you want to lose weight to cut out all your favourite foods or just eat one specific food. Dramatic changes usually don't last long, then you'll break down and eat an entire pizza, feel guilty, and give up. Lots of veggies is great, but it shouldn't only be veggies. Ya dig?
  • Under_Construction13
    You don't HAVE to exercise to lose weight, a calorie deficit will accomplish this. However no advice or suggestions that anyone can give you will make you want to eat right or exercise, that comes from you and when you want it enough you'll be able to do it.

    I have noticed that, I have changed how I eat for maybe the last week. No chocolate, no soda and fast food has been cut down a bit now, I make more dinner at home and my portions are way less... Since I am on a time crunch I need to jam pack my weight los plan.
    Thanks :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Good way to get off the couch, if you have a wii, that the kids will enjoy as well is wii dance or wii fit... the kids enjoy it and its easier for the newly peeled from the lazy boy. Pick up the remote, put down the beverage and try to follow along. As you become more fit and motivated try a fitness program.
  • Under_Construction13
    Make sure you're getting enough protein. Don't go on 'just' a veggie diet and slimfast plan. Protein and healthy fats are going to keep you feeling fuller, longer, and are much more satisfying. I'd probably hurt somebody if I were restricted to just veggies and slimfast. In fact, I'm positive someone would perish.

    Er, what I mean to say is... it's not necessary if you want to lose weight to cut out all your favourite foods or just eat one specific food. Dramatic changes usually don't last long, then you'll break down and eat an entire pizza, feel guilty, and give up. Lots of veggies is great, but it shouldn't only be veggies. Ya dig?

    Yeah i dig, thanks Ill look around and see what else, but im thinking veggie diet for at least a wk just to get me started. yeah I will be adding some stuff whatever I think that will be okay I will eat too... ;)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you gained weight, and did not have an exercise routine, that means you were eating too many calories. Log carefully everything you eat, and measure things, don't just guess how much you ate.

    Add some exercise. It doesn't have to be extreme, even 30 minutes walking will help you.
  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 129 Member
    I thought girls waited until at least after the wedding to put on weight
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I doubt you'll want to hear what I have to think, but here it is, since you asked. GET OFF THE COUCH!! What kind of example are setting for your children when you sit all day?

    Don't look for hard core exercise to take weight off for a quick fix. Look for activity you enjoy that you will continue so that you'll get to a healthy weight and remain there. Be the cool, hot mom! Be the healthy mom with healthy children who won't be on MFP in 20 years asking for quick fixes.
  • ManEnMotion
    ManEnMotion Posts: 73 Member
    So I have been a memeber for a bit now havent lost any weight ( I dont work out really) Im not to motiviated, really Im just lazy and if I have the option to work out or stay on the couch, Ima stay on the couch.
    But today I weighed my self I went from 165.3 to 171 in like 2 wks!!!

    I have my wedding coming up in April so I NEED to lose it now!
    I was thinking doing the 30DS video and maybe P90X once a day.
    To eat, be on the veggie and slim fast diet and one good meal a day.

    I would like to know what you all think?

    ~ all this working out stuff is kinda of a shock to me, I use to be the type where I would workout once or twice and the weight would come off, but after having 2 kids I have just gotten lazy now... Any help would be great, I would like to look like myself on my wedding day and on :)

    You can lose 40 - 60 lbs by April but you'll need to sort your lifestyle, eating and learn to burn calories.


    Take a look at my diet and exercise and you'll see the extreme. You don't need to do that. You'll need change something to burn cals. Either learn to like some sort of fitness or look at long parking your car a couple miles from work and walking the last 2 miles and work your way from there.

    Other things you need to do:

    Find someone in your area who has the same goals
    Go see your doctor to ensure there is no underlying issue like thyroid
    Join a walk/running group
    Join a gym or chat with a fitness instructor and ask for advise
    Cut down on sugar treats. Coke and chocolate are bad.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I thought girls waited until at least after the wedding to put on weight

  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    (oops - double posted)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    here is all the motivation you need:

    Seriously, though, based on what you have said, it sounds like you are wanting to lose weight for other people. Until you really want to lose it for yourself, you won't. When you say that "I dont really have to lose it ( my husband keeps telling me I look good) so then I lie to my self and tell my self that Im okay" it is telling me that it doesn't matter what you think, but what your husband thinks is more important.

    It is hard to stick to things that are difficult for anyone besides yourself.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    I think you should start small-- go for walks instead of sitting on the couch. Start at 10 minutes a day, then increase to 20, then 30, etc. You will probably drop the weight relatively quickly, since you're starting at basically zero.

    I agree with this. Start small, walking. Walk for 20 minutes 3 times a week, and walk as fast as you can. Up it to 30 minutes the next week, and try to walk faster... I was told to make several SMALL changes, to get big results. Here are some (biggest one first- CHANGING YOUR EATING HABITS)
    Basically- losing weight is about taking in LESS calories than you put out. If you start doing some exercise, you're burning cals. Combine this with eating differently (dont know how you eat now, but we didnt all get here eating tons of fruits and veggies!). Cut out the chips, cookies, soda, CRAP. There's so many threads on here about good food ideas for all meals - check them out for some healthy ideas.
    Drink a TON of water every day. It is so good for your body in so many ways, plus it helps you feel full.
    PORTION SIZE: Eat smaller meals. 4-5 times a day. Keeps your metabolism at the right spot and again, keeps you full and satisfied. Dont ever let yourself get famished. When we're 'starving', we make bad food choices.
    Eat on a smaller plate - tricks you into thinking you're getting more food. And make those portions smaller. You dont need a whole PLATE of spaghetti - just a small handful is more appropriate
    Small changes: park further away when you go somewhere- look at it as a chance to get a few more steps in each day. Take the stairs when you can, more steps! You need something from another room... get up and get it yourself! Go up the stairs twice even! Walk where you can-- take the kids to school- walk! Stand up in front of the TV and 'march' as you watch, instead of sinking into the couch. These are all SMALL changes that can have a big impact.

    Yuu just need to WANT it... I finally got to where I wanted it, and now I'm doing it. I do all of these ^^ things and it's had a huge impact on my life. And I'm on here every day, tracking my food and logging exercise. People who track food lose TWICE as much weight.... so do it! April will be here before you know it!

    Good luck!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Sounds like you need some encouragement. Send a PM to drmerc, he always motivates me.

    I love this idea.

    so do I actually....so do I.....

    drmerc is SO motivational

    Great job everyone!! I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals :flowerforyou:

  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    veggies, shakes, fruit, string cheese, salads, an okay lunch and dinner shld be okay, right? I mean trust me right now Im eating a whole lot better than what I usually eat.

    It depends on what an "Okay lunch and dinner" are, if you are planning for success. Eat less, exercise more. There are no secrets or quick fixes.