Weight gain this week :(

Well, disappointing. I actually had a weight gain of 0.6 kg (1.3 lb) this week putting me exactly back where I was two weeks ago. :(

Total weight loss so far is 58.5 lb.

I have no explanation for it. I've been sticking with my diet and exercise every day.

I'll try not to be depressed and carry on.


  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Could it be that you're keeping your calories too low for the amount of activity that you do? If you are then your body is trying to do some conserving. You can try upping your calories 300-400 and see if that'll get you anywhere?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well, disappointing. I actually had a weight gain of 0.6 kg (1.3 lb) this week putting me exactly back where I was two weeks ago. :(

    Total weight loss so far is 58.5 lb.

    I have no explanation for it. I've been sticking with my diet and exercise every day.

    I'll try not to be depressed and carry on.

    Do this. Weight loss isn't linear. Sometimes, even when you're doing everything right, the scale can be volatile and unpredictable. Now if you go four or six weeks without any progress, then you may want to reconsider your approach...but until then, assuming you're doing most of the "right" things, keep calm and carry on.

    (Of course, you may want to consider other metrics besides scale weight, like measurements. These tend to be a little less volatile.)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    How long have you gone without a diet break? If it's been straight through since the beginning, might be time for a full diet break. I wrote a blog about it when I did it, including some links to articles written by more knowledgeable people than myself. :)

  • Peazwithin
    Peazwithin Posts: 41 Member
    I am so glad you have decided not to be depressed. That means both the scale and the numbers no longer hold you and your happiness hostage! You have lost so much weight! That accomplishment did not happen over night! I don't know how much exercise you are getting in, but if you are working out and on plan, then it could be a number of factors. Like: muscle weights more than fat (so that could explain a "weight gain"! Or it could be just plain old fashioned water gain (at least that is what happens to us girly-girls!). I guess the biggest think I would want for you is to not be discouraged and fall off the wagon face first! You have come so far! I would give myself a week. Continue to chart my food, eat on plan and continue with whatever exercise you are doing and chart it on MFP.. After that week if you feel like it, weigh then. If not, keep it moving and stay encouraged knowing you are doing all the things it takes to make you healthy and happy. Take your measurements. Sometimes that is more telling than that mean scale you seem to own. And um, if it keeps talking mean to you, I might go shopping for a new high-end model that tells you weight, hydration, fat. bmi and that you are doing a great job! (Okay, I am still looking for the scale that says the last part....) :wink:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Could it be that you're keeping your calories too low for the amount of activity that you do? If you are then your body is trying to do some conserving. You can try upping your calories 300-400 and see if that'll get you anywhere?

    How can you offer this suggestion when you have no idea as to his current calorie intake?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What is your current calorie intake and how long have you been eating at a deficit?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What is your current calorie intake and how long have you been eating at a deficit?

    What I was going to ask!
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks for your replies, people.

    My theoretical calorie limit is supposed to be 1800/day, but I rarely go above 1300. It's just the way it works out. And with about 300 calories of exercise, net calories tend to be about 1000 - 1100.

    Still for the "starvation mode" believers amongst us... I just don't believe it. If there is a starvation/conservation mode researchers say it doesn't occur until you hit a low of about 1000 calories per day. Mostly I believe starvation/conservation is a dieter's wishful thinking. :)

    Of course I COULD try increasing my calories by 300 a day without any risk at all of getting near my limit. Another bowl of rice maybe?

    This is my 28th week of being at a calorie deficit - without even going off my diet one time!

    About diet breaks - to be honest, in my case, it would be like telling an alcoholic who has been sober for 6 months, "It's ok to have just one drink." I can't imagine in any way taking a diet break and then not finding an excuse to hold off on getting back on the diet. I never make any exceptions - not for birthdays, not for weddings, not for holidays, not for trips. Never.

    I guess I'm not in a particular rush. It's just that I got so close to getting under 100 kg - my weight was 101.8 kg last week - that I was REALLY hoping to get into two-digits before the end of the year, for the first time in ages. But with this 0.6 kg weight gain I'm back to 102.4 kg making it look really really close.

    And then MyFitnessPal predicts "If you eat like today you'll be at 97 kg in 5 weeks" and I roll my eyes and say, "Riiight."

    I'll see what happens over the next few days...

    Thanks, people!

  • maz_z
    maz_z Posts: 55
    dont stress.

    .6 kg is absolutely nothing! just work hard this week and you will be rewarded :)

    i agree with the guys above, maybe you need to eat a few more calories, sometimes this actually increases weight loss!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You are eating way too little. Food is good for you, don't be scared of it. You'll still lose if you up it a few hundred.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    1000 calories is way too little for a dude. Eat!!!
  • RysLifeTake2
    well said :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Try this and see if it helps.
    Friend request if you decide to give it a go.
    Basically it sets you up with a static number youll eat daily regardless of exercise.
  • CasablancasTX
    You're definitely not eating enough. Add more protein, not carbs.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Me too :(
  • ctryfan28
    I love your quote on your ticker that is hilarious!
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    HelloItsDan - thanks for your reply. I'm afraid I don't understand the long and detailed post you linked to though!

    About calories - if I'm not in starvation mode, I don't see how adding MORE calories can help. I'm willing to try the experiment though and will add about 300 calories a day for a while and see if that makes a difference. If you're not in starvation mode though - and believe me I'm not - I don't see how it can help. It has to hurt. But we'll see. As long as I don't exceed my 1800 calorie/day limit I'm willing to try.

    About protein - I'm eating on the low end of the WHO acceptable standard of protein. I'm on an Ornish/Essystyn-like diet for heart health: vegan, no added oils, no nuts/seeds. So eating carbohydrates is fundamental to the diet. I do get protein though, from tofu, and other things I eat. Even brown rice has protein in it.


  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Grown men who eat less that little freak me the hell out.
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    I don't eat THAT little. :)

    About 1300 calories of food a day isn't exactly starving. I eat quite a lot actually. I'm always snacking on something, like pumpkin slices or fruits.

  • KieranRodden

    I had to cut weight last week to get to 12st 12lbs I was taking in about 1300 Calories of my recommended 1800, after making weight and eating and drinking alchol from late Saturday to all day Sunday I weighed on Monday and was back up to 13st 12lbs thats 14lbs in 1 and a half days.

    Basiclly sounds like your taking in too little calories and the weight your losing is water weight, this will come back onas soon as you eat/drink a little more than you have been, dont be depressed its just your bodys way of saying feed me :)