5'1 - 5'2 ladies whats your goal weight :)



  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    Great, that's exactly me I just made my goal today. I am 5 one inch also. yea
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I am 5'2 (barely) and my goal weight is about 130. I have a long way to go, but I will get there. My biggest goal that I have is to fit into a pair of size 12 jeans I have in my closet from 6 years ago. The nicest part about keeping old, small clothes is that as I lose weight, I don't have to buy any new clothes! I am currently in a size 18 with some breathing room--probably could fit a 17 if I could find that size!
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 110-115. I would probably even be happy with 120 at this point. I have about 10-12 pounds to go, and yet, I seem to be having the hardest time losing it. I lost 20 lbs about 4 years ago. Not even sure how I did it. Just watching what I ate. I hit a plateau and now I am stuck at 130. I am tired of feeling "puffy" all the time, and am determind to lose 20 lbs by January...I think that's realistic...I hope.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    i agree with you 100 percent healthy should be the ultimate goal not a number on a scale....

    I'm 5' 2" and this is a complex issue for me. I initally set my goal weight as 135, but recently have changed it to 130 because of all the charts and online stuff I saw about it. I have a lot of muslce on my frame and I always look like I weight less than I actually do. The problem with the whole standard goal weight thing for women based on our heights is that we are all made differently. We have different body compositions. 130 pounds with a lot of lean muscle mass looks a lot different than 130 pounds with a lot of fat. I want to try to get down to 25% body fat and 130 pounds. I don't want to be "skinny"; I want to be healthy and fit. Right now, I'm at 139 and am fitting into 6 Petites. I tell people how much I weigh and they always say I don't look it. I think it ultimately depends on how you look and feel at a weight. There isn't a magic number that we short people should strive for.
  • steelmaggie228
    steelmaggie228 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal is 108lbs. I'm starting at 123lbs
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I'm 5' and aiming for 118lbs, but would be happy to be around 81/2 stone. I don't weigh myself and am on a strength building regime, so as long as my body has a nice shape and my inches have gone down, that's good enough for me.

    My choice in goal is also targeted to be above the minimum level to be able to donate blood (110lbs) as I am a Universal Donor and feel that important to me.
  • BabyJago
    BabyJago Posts: 15 Member
    I am 5'3 inches tall, 52 years old and my goal is to maintain my weight at 105 pounds. I would like to weigh less (I am very small boned), but with menopause it's hard to get to 102 or 103 and stay there. I have been in this weight range (102-105) for more than ten years.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I am 5'1", 48 years old and weigh 110. Id like to maintain or gain a few lbs of muscle. I eat 1700 calories a day when i dont exercise, 2000+ when i lift. Please dont fall in to the 1200 calorie trap, it may work short term but wrecks havoc on your long term results.
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5 to 5'1
    my goal weight is 120-130
    I have about 40-50 pounds to go ( :
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    5' 3" My goal weight is 115. If i could lose more I would be very happy.
  • I'm 5 2.5 , 22 years old.

    CW: 120 lbs
    GW - 100-105 lbs.

    I"m small framed & hate these extra 15-20 lbs i've packed on in the last couple years since i met my hubby, got married, had a dog baby, moved like 4 times....Life has been crazy. But i'm finally ready to commit to a NON crazy fad diet & just eat better, work out more, & have reasonable goals.

    Goal weight date is just by my B Day in may so that is under 1 lb a week loss I'm aiming for. Much better than the 2-5 lbs a week starving myself goals I used to have. :)
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I'm 5'2" and slightly pear shaped. My goal is to maintain at 120 but to get in better shape. If that means I drop a few pounds, that's cool but for the first time in my life I can honestly say I'm really happy about and proud of my body. Right now I'm a size 2 in Express work pants or 28x30 in Levi's jeans. I'm a small or extra small in shirts depending on the brand/cut.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I am 45 years old and 5'2. I am also a Weight Watcher. The high end of my Weight Watchers goal is 137. I am shooting for between 132-137. I have been down to that size before, and I was a size 4, some 2's. I am running and doing boot camps and Insanity, so I will be quite toned as I was last time. Most people thought I was 120. So, if you are toned, you can actually weight more. This goal has to do with my age, my BMI, height, and I am not sure what else Weight Watcher's calculates, but again, I reached this goal before and maintained it for some years. I was a size 4 which is small.
  • DeeOnAMission
    DeeOnAMission Posts: 36 Member
    Im 36, current weight is 161. I am 5'.25 I think I wear a size 10, but I can fit into my size 8 jeans. I just don't know my size anymore. I am trying to give myself small realistic goals. My first goal is from 167 to 157. Then 147, then 137. I would ultimately love to land myself around 135 lbs. I am hour glass type. I keep my weight pretty even around my body (When I gain, it all grows and when I loose, it all shrinks pretty evenly). I am so out of shape is not even funny and really need toning. Today I incorporated some exercise in my day for the first time in forever. My problem is motivation with exercise. Im here hoping to get support and accountability. Good luck y'all!

    36 yrs old
    5.'2 1/2
    161 lbs
    Size 8-10 and/or Large
    Goal: 135
  • I am 5'2 at 118lbs. My goal weight is 110lbs. Add me if you have similar stats!
  • I'm 5'0" on a good day, and my goal weight is 120 lbs. I'm just starting my weight loss journey, so I have a ways to go!
  • Heyman09
    Heyman09 Posts: 184
    I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 130 lbs!!! My starting weight (after the birth of my 2nd child in 2011) was 250 lbs. I'm currently 189 lbs. so slowly but surly getting there.
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    5'2" and felt and looked my best at 135. I had a very muscular build then, though. Now would like to be around (not a round) 120 or size 6/8. Whatever feels healthy and lets my chest stick out further than my belly :happy:
  • Hi everyone! I'm 19 and my current weight goal right now is to go back to being 105 lbs and eventually maintaining it at a 100! It's a little hard right now cause I can't go to the gym and just relying on video workouts and I've been really bad in controlling my sweet cravings which led me to weight at 108 right now! Do you have any suggestions for really good video workouts that I can do everyday that can substitute my gym workouts? I would really appreciate it! Hopefully I could go back to being 105 in one month! :))) We can do this girls!
  • Cupcakejen
    Cupcakejen Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 109, I am currently 123 and hate how I look.