Boyfriend needs anger management, can someone relate?



  • _Bunnytown
    _Bunnytown Posts: 110 Member
    im in on the angryman issue. been there for three years now, i even use the "star crossed lovers" often. it truly is the best way to describe it. It really depends on his severty but how i cope and this may or may not be healthy but give him what you get. just play role reversal and when he says " woah babe chill out" you can tell him that how you are behaving is how you see him when he is like that. i find that mine gets very concerned over his beahvior and that the anger is so powerful they dont see their own actions and once they do they try harder to find restraint. its a tiring process and well for all we know we'll never truly beable to control it. but we can always try to help and they can always try to help themselves. but what you have got to figure out is if you personally can handle him without the change if you can handle the next 5, 10, 50 years of him exactly the way he is now. if you cant seem to make a solid yes its time to walk. for you and for him. now take time on it. nothing says you have to say " woah i cant make a solid yes i can deal, i got to go now" . nothing should ever be handled hastily. so just keep it in the back of your head. you'll know what is right and when the right time is. best of luck
  • aclarem
    aclarem Posts: 12
    I agree with the other people on here. No one should have to "put up" with someone else's anger management issues. My ex husband was OCD, and similar issues. I thought I could "put up with it" too, until he started hitting the walls next to my head, screaming and hitting the dog, shoving me. It's been three years, and there are still scars. Get out. Get out before it gets worse. He needs help, and honey, you don't need to be the person to help him.
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    What's going to happen if you have kids? Is he going to flip out every time there is a toy on the floor. He would have a total cow at my house. Get up...pack your things...leave and don't look back. You have the power!
  • Rob001
    Rob001 Posts: 6
    I say leave him as quickly as you can. Think of kids in the future + a dad with a temper = not good
    I had a step dad with a bad temper and it was not a good childhood.
    My moms life was not a happy one either.
    Life is too short to suffer through it
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    I agree with many of the posters above. In short....

    RUN, RUN, as fast as you can......

    It's not worth it, unless it's in HIS head to change, and he actually does so. You're seeing the signs, you're scared of what *could* happen, and it's not YOUR problem to fix.

    Take a look at what you wrote:
    I know he can't help his anger and that's why I give him so much slack

    Listen to THOSE warning bells. Anger is a FEELING. It's up to the person feeling it to control themselves and behave properly. It's when they allow anger to justify their violence (yelling, throwing things, breaking things, "snapping") that it becomes a dangerous situation. You (nor anyone else) do NOT deserve that for your life.
  • kas1021
    kas1021 Posts: 92
    dont make excuses for his behavior. just get out while you can. he may not be angry at you now but if the behavior continues eventually he will be. you dont want to be in that situation. you deserve better. you shouldnt have to tolerate the one youre with. it shouldnt feel like a struggle to get along. these are all things i recently learned from experience. please feel free to msg me if you want to talk about it further.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    Speaking from experience, if he doesn't get a handle on his anger it will only escalate. I'm sure you can look back to when you were first dating and see the progression of his anger. Maybe at first he wouldn't yell as much when awoken but now it seems like his fuse has gotten much shorter.

    You have to decide if you're willing to take that chance that one day, he's going to lose enough control to become violent with you. It may not be striking you, but throwing things and breaking your stuff is also abusive. Then there is the emotional abuse that goes along with it.

    I wouldn't stick around, but then again I promised myself I would never do that again.
  • CoachJ77
    CoachJ77 Posts: 80 Member
    No, I do not think you should put up with it. This is not normal behavior. I can't say I can relate, because I could never be with someone like that and therefore have not experienced it. I wish you the best and sincerely hope your boyfriend does get some help.

    I agree and if he doesn't get help leave immediately! I am personally not an angry guy (though video games do piss me off haha) but I have never broken or hit anyone or thing, so in that case I would never marry a person that I wouldn't want my children around. And I too dont have any kids, but I could only imagine. Please, encourage help and if he doesn't want to, then I think its best to leave. Too many of my female friends have been abused and I hate seeing it. Good luck!
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    I know he can't help his anger and that's why I give him so much slack but I'm beginning to wonder if maybe he belongs to someone more like him.

    That statement is a fallacy. We are all in control of our anger. If he's not, you need to get as far away as possible. Blowing up over little stuff as you've described is ridiculous and will only escalate. I've seen it in plenty of relationships and had it happen in my own.

    You should RUN RUN RUN. No one should have to live with that.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    One of two things is true.

    1-He can control himself, but chooses not to. Disrepects and endangers you.
    2-He can't control himself. Endangers you.

    Same solution for either. Dump him and move on. Life's too short for all that drama. You're young. There's someone out there that will treat you well.
  • Brooke1229
    The most important thing I want to know is have you had a serious, sit-down discussion with him, and NOT in the heat of the moment (i.e. right after a blow up)?

    If you have, and he's not willing to change, then I agree with everyone else and it's probably best for you to get out while it's still early.

    However, if you haven't (for any number of reasons), then do so immediately...have an intervention if you need to!

    You started dating him for a reason, and you're still in love with him for a reason. That person is there, he's just losing himself in his anger. The same thing happened to my dad, a VERY angry person because of a series of traumatic events in his childhood that he never worked through. After enough of us told him again and again how his anger was hurting his relationships with us, he finally realized what he was doing to us and started on medication. I can't even tell you what a different person he is now, it's amazing!

    All I'm saying is no one can blame you for wanting to make it work if you love him, but just leaving him without expressing all your feelings could make things much, much worse. Do what you feel is right!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ,,,,,,when he is losing in his video game, ,,,,,,,,,,he turns into this horrible monster that curses and breaks stuff. He's so uptight and judgemental,

    He breaks stuff when he loses at a video game? The anger issues are bad news, but what about perspective issues? No sense of what is or isn't important.

    If he smashes a lamp when his WOW character takes a hit from a level-5 wizard or whatever, what's going to happen if he's declined for a car loan? If a kid gets sick? If he loses a job?

    We can tell a lot about how somebody will handle big problems by how they handle little problems,,, and I get the feeling this guy never has little problems.

    Bad bad news,,, and life's short.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've been in your shoes. My ex-fiance had anger issues. When he was good... he was awesome... when something set him off... it was bad. I watched him beat one of my dogs because he got into the trash. And when I say BEAT... I mean BEAT. I loved him. I tried to take care of everything so that he didn't have a reason to "lose it". I tried not to make mistakes, I tried not to let the dogs get too loud. I would come home from work in the middle of the day to check and make sure that things were in order ... just to make sure it would be an ok night. I lived my life tip-toeing around... it was awful. But it's amazing what we can get used to.

    I had begun to think about leaving when he broke it off. Boy am I glad that he did. I was so emotionally dependent on him by that point that I don't know that I would have had the courage to leave. But when I look back now, I KNOW that he would have been abusive to our children. I KNOW that my life would not be anything like it is now.

    I'm not as easy going and laid back as I'd like to be.... I have a pretty tough temper now too. I have to guard myself all the time... because at any moment I could fly off the handle too. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect. But I am always on guard and when I yell or get angry - I am quick to back off and apologize. It doesn't take the words back... nor does it take away the hurt on the face of a loved one. The thing is, I blame no one else for my temper issues... my ex always found a way for it to be someone elses fault.

    Happiness... true happiness is out there. Don't stay with someone who doesn't make you happy ALL the time or at least 95% of the time. Being happy only part of the time is not good enough. I married a man with the patience of a saint, who treats me like a Princess. He's a neat freak, I'm not. He's organized, I'm not. He doesn't expect me to be perfect and I think he is.... it's a match made in Heaven!

    You have to do what's right for you... just remember, you leaving might be what it takes for him to get the help he needs.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    ,,,,,,when he is losing in his video game, ,,,,,,,,,,he turns into this horrible monster that curses and breaks stuff. He's so uptight and judgemental,

    He breaks stuff when he loses at a video game? The anger issues are bad news, but what about perspective issues? No sense of what is or isn't important.

    If he smashes a lamp when his WOW character takes a hit from a level-5 wizard or whatever, what's going to happen if he's declined for a car loan? If a kid gets sick? If he loses a job?

    We can tell a lot about how somebody will handle big problems by how they handle little problems,,, and I get the feeling this guy never has little problems.

    Bad bad news,,, and life's short.

    And life gets shorter in abusive relationships. Great post!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Don't make excuses for him..he is a bog boy and can (learn) to control himself
    Don't waste your time withe someone that needs to be fixed..plenty on non-functional fish in the sea

    Good're better than this

  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    IMO- you should look into getting him help before just calling it quits on him. :ohwell:
  • mamajoytimes2
    It's a tough situation for sure. I don't have any advice, but you have my full support - whatever you choose to do. And it sounds like a lot of others as well. Good luck!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I didn't even have to finish reading the explanation.........I'll keep it short and sweet.......for every man that acts as *kitten* like this....there is someone out there that is perfect for sounds corny I know...but take it from someone that has "settled" too many times!

    Life's too short...and I made up my mind....I'd rather live alone....I wasn't alone for long....and my bf actually posted to this thread above (LloydChristmas)...I'm treated like a princess....and that's what I deserve....we are equals.....Love E
  • paige2010
    paige2010 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't let the hand you hold, hold you down.

    You deserve better.
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    Just your topic title made me laugh out loud! I don't think my boyfriend is as bad as yours maybe. We've been together for 1.5 years and if he doesn't chill out it will probably get as bad as your situation! I love my boyfriend so so much. BUT, he gets angry at the drop of a hat. If I leave a light on, if people are going to slow and he's driving behind them. He lets little things ruin his whole day. If your boyfriend is breaking things... that's just not cool. I'm sure you have.... but maybe if you just tell him, you need to FIX your anger problem (i.e. go see a therapist) or we're over! Whenever my boyfriend and I have this conversation it ends with him saying he doesn't want to lose me. It makes me feel better til the next time around. My bf would definitely not go to group therapy or anything but I've suggested it to him. Good luck!!!!!!!

    I am in the similar situation. My boyfriend is 10 years younger than me and I just don't think he knows what he wants. Just like you though, when he says he doesn't want to lose me and starts crying, thats what gets me........we have got to come up with a way to be stronger!