Society's view on food



  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I love how the thoughts inside my head that I just decided to write down yesterday, are just so offensive to some people. It's comical.

    God forbid someone else can have an OPINION of YOU. :noway:
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    I may be old but I got to see all the cool bands (joking but I really did!) including Alanis back when she was angry. I agree the song is about coincidence, good luck followed by bad luck, and maybe Murphy's law but no real irony. My situation was a bit ironic so the catchy part of the song fit.

    The original poster made an observation. My wake up call was the day I saw Grade II Obese noted in my medical chart. If someone called me "severely obese" the label would be correct. I may not like being called severely obese but it is the truth and I have to face it. The OP worked hard to get the weight off. When you wean yourself off of junk, you start to notice it everywhere.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    So I go to the bathroom about a half hour later. The bathroom is outside our office, so I have to walk by it on my way out. This HUGELY OBESE woman walked by me with this massive plate of sugar crap, talking about how much she loved chocolate.

    At that point, I felt soooooo validated in my decision to not partake.

    That statement was mean....And speaks volumes about your character, or lack there of

    I agree wholeheartedly! Just because you see someone making bad choices on a given day doesn't make you "better" than them. As if you haven't indulged in a bunch of sugary crap yourself! Really, who passes up free food 100% of the time? You're having a good, craving-free day and that's great for you. But we come to this community seeking positivity, not judgement and cruelty from strangers.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I love how the thoughts inside my head that I just decided to write down yesterday, are just so offensive to some people. It's comical.

    God forbid someone else can have an OPINION of YOU. :noway:

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If you're obese and you don't think people are judging you then you're delusional. They may not say it to your face or let it be known but from being on the other side I can tell you that you are being judged. May or may not be right but it's happening. Just the same as obese people are looking at thin people and judging their eating habits. It's the way life works!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I may be old but I got to see all the cool bands (joking but I really did!) including Alanis back when she was angry. I agree the song is about coincidence, good luck followed by bad luck, and maybe Murphy's law but no real irony. My situation was a bit ironic so the catchy part of the song fit.

    The original poster made an observation. My wake up call was the day I saw Grade II Obese noted in my medical chart. If someone called me "severely obese" the label would be correct. I may not like being called severely obese but it is the truth and I have to face it. The OP worked hard to get the weight off. When you wean yourself off of junk, you start to notice it everywhere.

    Yep! I mentioned the ex-smoker analogy earlier - that's me in a nut shell, good or bad. My wake up call was similar to yours. I was just outside the "obese" label when I went for a routine check up. Honestly, I had no idea how much I weighed. My doctor of course did nothing for me advice-wise, but it was enough for me to go find a way to do it on my own. I'm glad I did.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Lololol you can't fit a breakfast pastry into your cals once in a while? Gonna get diabeetus overnight?

    LOLOL how about you eat what you want to and I eat what I want to? LOLOLOL

    Exactly, so why don't you follow your own advice and not sit here and vent your frustrations about people making bad choices? :o) Let the fatties enjoy their binges, and you enjoy your fitness. The world will sort itself out without you judging everyone :)
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Maybe that's why this is true:

    Rank Countries Amount
    # 1 United States: 30.6%
    # 2 Mexico: 24.2%
    # 3 United Kingdom: 23%
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    And this post was not supposed to be about this specific woman, although I realize many people see it this way. This nameless woman is similar to people I see day in and day out at the grocery store/work/mall/vacation/pretty much every where. I see hundreds just like her each week.

    If this were a one time thing, I would not have thought to even vent - but obesity is every where and you can't tell me that 99% of these cases are due to a bad thyroid or PCOS.

    I was already annoyed due to bad food being pushed on me yesterday, and this topped it off.

    Although I myself sometimes do wonder how overweight people can be happy, stuffing food so desperately into their mouths, I leave it as that, because thinking about it too much can lead to a) really unnecessary negative thoughts towards people b)my ego getting too big and thinking I'm superior to everyone else. So I think instead of thinking these people are "pushing" bad food on you, just take a step back and see they are sharing out what they have. Would you prefer to be around people who kept themselves to themselves, and excluded you because of your healthiness ?

    Thank you for saying this! Food is a way for people to reach out to others. It's why we're all so fat in the first place! :P But people who get frustrated just haven't got the willpower to firmly (and GRACEFULLY!) say no!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I know G_Bell, it's so sad.

    Walk into any convenience store, and you will find highly preserved calorie bombs every where in bright colored packaging. Stuff that shouldn't even be edible.

    And unfortunately that's what most people live on these days. That's what this thread is about.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you're obese and you don't think people are judging you then you're delusional. They may not say it to your face or let it be known but from being on the other side I can tell you that you are being judged. May or may not be right but it's happening. Just the same as obese people are looking at thin people and judging their eating habits. It's the way life works!

    That doesn't make it okay! :) War happens, crime happens, and hatred of one another exists in humanity, but does that make it okay? Should we teach our children to behave and think negatively? I think not! Stop thinking about everyone else and focus on yourself and your loved ones!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    We should teach our children good eating habits.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    That statement was mean....And speaks volumes about your character, or lack there of

    I disagree with this. It isn't mean. It's a true statement.
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I'm not going to judge either way, but it's possible that the 'hugely obese' woman was bringing a plate of goodies back to share with a number of coworkers who didn't have a chance to go down for the treat. She might also be on a weight loss journey herself, and she's just going to enjoy a single treat from the plate.

    I study food an culture as a career- so this question has always interested me.

    I think most of the folks here are offended, not necessarily by what you said, but how you said it?
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    The people who are reacting strongly to this post are the ones, like me, who have a very hard time saying no to food. We are tired of feeling guilty for being different, we are tired of fighting, and we are tired of having to be strong in the face of people we know, love, and care about making us feel like we are HORRIBLE for making choices about our diet that MIGHT upset our friends and family, because of the way THEY eat.

    Amen to this right here. ^
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No, really... I don't get it. I've been the skinny person, the fit person, the moderately chubby person, in social and professional environments were food was offered.

    If I wanted some, I took it. If I didn't want it, I didn't. I never felt any pressure to eat or not eat any certain foods. I never felt any pressure to justify my actions.

    Then again, I also didn't have any urge to smoke or drink as a kid. Maybe my mama just taught me right when it comes to peer pressure. :laugh:
  • 57bargur
    I have just joined this web site, and thought I would look at the forums. The replies and the initial post make me not want to join any more of these discussions. Very unsupportive and unhelpful in my opinion.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    We should teach our children good eating habits.

    Darn right we should! I wish I would have been taught them by my own parents. Unfortunately my mother was always overweight and there was always too much junk food in the house to get our hands on as kids. But simply because I am obese now (and yes, I can admit that, and calling someone as such in and of itself is not insulting if it's true), doesn't mean that I should never be allowed to have a day of trashy eating or never eat another doughnut, in the office or otherwise. You say society's view on food is skewed, but isn't it ****ed-up that skinny people with high metabolisms can eat whatever they like, but obese people who have had physical or mental medical conditions, life tragedies or many children get treated like dirt whenever they reach for the sugar, salt or fat? Like an earlier commenter said, for all you know that woman could have only eaten one thing off that entire plate and shared some with everyone else. Then where are you with your negative judgements?
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I have just joined this web site, and thought I would look at the forums. The replies and the initial post make me not want to join any more of these discussions. Very unsupportive and unhelpful in my opinion.

    Just in case anyone missed it -

    this is why we are supposed to be nice to other people who have weight problems.

    57 - I've found these forums to be really supportive, actually. Really supportive. It's why a thread like this got my ire so much - it's shocking to me.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    How about we just focus on our own stuff instead of worrying about everyone else?
    Your argument is invalid.