over the counter weight loss pills



  • jadeaudrey
    jadeaudrey Posts: 22 Member
    I can send you my bank account details and I will offer you all the promises with the same results, and thats a 100% guarantee!!!:laugh:
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    As a better alternative, you can send the money you would spend (read: waste) on weight loss pills to the Jenny L. Thomas scholarship fund.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    throwing good money down the toilet.
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    I was watching a tv show, and one of the speakers said taking diet pills makes no sense. Its like taking birth control that makes you not to want to have sex. Diet pills just make u feel like you have no appetite. This is not good. You want to eat and enjoy eating. Its just about moderation and being aware of what you eat. That being said, this speaker also talked about a pill in development that actually stops you from storing fat cells. A girl can only dream :flowerforyou:
  • Michellerawrrr
    Michellerawrrr Posts: 310 Member
    PURE JUNK - no such thing as a magic pill! Eat at a deficit and bust your butt in the gym, that`s where the magic happens!
  • fourdimples
    fourdimples Posts: 1 Member
    I take prescription weight loss pills and shots, OH YES, I AM, ON THIS SITE, I’M THE DEVIL!!! If you get it through groupon or living social it is probably the same cost, and more effective than the one in the crap in the stores. However, It is not a magic pill. You will lose the first 20 lbs fast. But stop and you will gain back.
    Yes, the first 20 lbs will come off fast if you eat the 1400 calories prescribed and work out. BUT, I have approached this as an assistant to help my mouth to a lifestyle change. And yes, I say mouth because it is the *kitten* that makes me want to eat doughnuts. The Pills help me not want them, In fact with them I feel perfectly fine not eating a thing, however Irealize that it FEELS way better, and actually tastes better to eat oatmeal or a smoothie. and it is something I could actually do everyday. So suck it.
    If you don’t put in the work THESE PILLS WILL NOT WORK. There is no magic pill. These pills just help you get started, I would say about 20% is the pills; the rest is up to you and your mindset. This is a life choice, you sucked at how you ate before, and now you have to change. The weight took years to put on and the expectation that it is going to peel off of you in a matter of weeks is ridiculous. Learn how to eat, and you give yourself a gift for the rest of your life.

    Here is what is up, you need to do what you need to do to break the cycle you are in.
  • I've been taking a diet supplement called KLB6 since I began eating healthier on here. They were £7 for 100 pills from Holland & Barrets, and I got another pot for a penny..it's got things like seaweed and cider vinegar in. I'm not seeing any amazing results in regard to weight loss, but I went from eating 3000+ calories a day to 1200 cal and 3 pills a day. I feel satisfied on 1200, I'm losing and I'm not starving all the time, so I wonder if the KLB6 helped to keep me feeling full.
  • No good u want results eat clean, train hard exercise daily . You will get results
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've lost 113 lbs this year and have stayed away from all of them. I really don't place much stock in those things; You have to be careful with them too because they sometimes affect your liver function.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    It doesn't matter what you do to try and lose weight, 99% of the time you will see some results in the beginning. Many will attribute this to pills, fad diets, or whatever "new and improved way" to lose weight. Do you want to stay on those pills or eat that restrictive diet for the rest of your life? Probably not.

    Just learn to eat at a deficit, do some exercise/weight lifting for body composition and then when you get where you want to be, eat at maintenance. You are allowed to eat food, and just like many many people, you can probably eat what ever you want with no adverse affects, just make sure you say within your calories.

    Food makes a great hunger suppressant.
  • Michellerawrrr
    Michellerawrrr Posts: 310 Member
    OP I would also like to point out that the majority of the people in this thread who believe that they are a good idea have not really had much success. Hard work and dedication is the only way to have lasting results!!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've been taking a diet supplement called KLB6 since I began eating healthier on here. They were £7 for 100 pills from Holland & Barrets, and I got another pot for a penny..it's got things like seaweed and cider vinegar in. I'm not seeing any amazing results in regard to weight loss, but I went from eating 3000+ calories a day to 1200 cal and 3 pills a day. I feel satisfied on 1200, I'm losing and I'm not starving all the time, so I wonder if the KLB6 helped to keep me feeling full.
    I took these in the seventies (yeah, I am old). They acted as a diuretic, I peed a lot. The kelp provides iodine. If you are defiecent in iodine it might give you a boost.